Planer Porn

Hey Gene,  that Mall is rare.  Is it a chain-drive? 

Yeah Pete, chain drive.  I always heard they were noisy but it actually runs pretty quiet and smooth.

5.5amp model 676 type 1, 5.5amp model 190 no type #, 7.5amp type 4 long bed , Two 7.5amp type 4 Modified Heavy Dutie’s with the Super Charger dust chute & Casica Shoe. Accurate JN2 #00022, 7.5amp type 5 Super Duty with Pete Casica shoe & Accurate dust chute.

Planer shots

oh the planer porn thread

sigh … so much for fuel for 

a swoon…


oh for a week of wire wheeling

and polishing aluminum …

is that what they do in 

shapers heaven?

Wayne Rich going after what is inside the eps

Styro-balls a flying.

Messy shit.

Hay rdj I have # 22 put the skil knob on it, I like it better.

Hay artz:Wow that’s the find of a lifetime. Here’s a story for you. I was driving down the street and saw a sign on the side of the road that said, estate sale today and had an arrow pointing out the direction to go. I’ve seen these before and have always ignored them. But this time I got curious. I wanted to look fore a digital camera and I thought I might find one there. Long story short, I didn’t find the camera. But my eyes popped out when I saw a Skil planer carrying case. I asked if it was for sale and if I could look inside. The woman said sure. When I picked it up, it was heavy, and my hart started racing. I opened it and I really had to hold my emotions back and play it really cool. There it was, it looked like new, a Skil 100 Super Duty 7.5 amp type 5 planer. I played it cool and asked, how much do you want for this old planer. She replied I realy don’t know any thing about tools, but it looks really nice, make me an offer. I siad, it does look really nice, but it’s really old to, and hard to find parts for. So I said, hmmm I’d give you a hundred dollars for it though. Her eyes lit up, and she replied, sold. I played it really cool again, and told her that I have to run to the bank and I’ll be back in ten minutes, can you put it away for me. She put it under a table were no one could see it and I raced to the bank for the money. When I got back in five because I was speeding. She took it out from under, and placed it on the table. I gave her the money, grabbed it and ran to my truck. She yelled hay I have to give you a recipt. I yelled back I don’t need one, and spead off pretty quickly. Here it is with the accurate chute and the Pete Casica Modified shoe I put on it.

Gave the old Rockwell a make-over.

Oregano matte paint.

Gene made me jealous with his.

Barry where did you get that matte paint?  

These are great

Any rumors about when the Bosch mod kits will become available and will it be announced on here?  Just picked up a new Bosch for $135 in prepartion for the release of the kits.


The Bosch is my Porsche in my car collection.

Been using mine a lot.

Light, powerful, cuts like a hot knife through butter.

Pete has a nice tool here.

He says this month.


the bosh or should I say

THE BOSH ,is not suffering.

from all the vitals it seems

that in the presence of foam

it will nave to be directed carefully.

not only is it an erectile,it is an erectile

at both ends.Somebody call dr. Freud

tell him to go to his saftey security box

and send me some money…


what is the bosh model

takes the kit? Time to

turn the dream over

on the griddle.

dear tool santa

an who is the

patron saint of tools?




I’m a little confused.  If someone wants one of Pete’s do you send him the money and he sends you the completed planer when ready?  Do you buy the planer and send it to Pete? Do you  buy the planer and Pete sends the kit and you install?  The reason I ask is after 10 years a kid finally came over to the house to start shaping. He has the bug and is talking about buying a modified Hitachi.  I’m telling him wait, wait, there’s something better coming… Mike

Good on ya Mike for taking someone who really wants to learn under your wing.  I think you have to buy the planer and send it to Pete    or     buy the modification kit from Pete and do it yourself.  Those are the only two options I have heard Pete mention.  I guess he has a selling point web page coming soon.  Drop him a PM.  I’ve got his info as well and can PM it to you if need be.  Lowel 

Mike, email Pete, drop ship a planner to him and send a check.  you’ll have it back in a few weeks.

you are a good man for teaching him.  Although, I’d start with a 40 grit sanding block.  And keep the planner for yourself.  ha.

Hope you are well out there.  What is your water temp now?  I still remember that freezing ass surf you took me on.  good times.

all the best

**Noticed the B&M shifter, that's cool. Barry, is it a 4 speed? **

Home Depot.

Next to the wave Storms.