post Hull pics

srPato: lets see a pic of the Wilderness stubbie - is it a hull?

got some vids to watch now.

yeah - that’s the Siglo21 board that Dale posted of pic of on this thread earlier - sequence of Alex Cops. The board has these small sidebites. I liked the one clip that had some LA 'hood battle action – the rides were nice. Good to see it in Motion. Ideally, at the end of the wave on the beach there’d be yr gal, waiting with either mat&UDts or hull in hand so you could trade on an off on that wave. One fo de wave mat - one wave fo de hull. ( a fish would be cool too - could a blonde handle that?)

I’ve wondered about the Gothic Dolphins too, but i’m pretty sure we’re never gonna get a straight answer on that one. It’s just meant to be.

Ask and you shall receive. Sorry about the quality of the pics. These were taken before I knew how to use the camera.

It has pinched rails and is rolled under the nose then fades into a concave that runs the length of the board then flat off the tail. Very fun board and YES it does go vertical…often! The cool thing is that you can step forward and trim out high and tight on a wave which gives a similar feeling to the hulls.

Fun Fun Fun…

Beautiful board! Bob Duncan is super innovative, Greenough inspiration. Low-key hardcore R & D. Bob certainly deserves more credit. A solid longtime underground rep.

hey! interesting-looking board you got dere. jayzus, pato! what other goodies you got hidden away?

man we’ve covered some range of hull-related subjects on this thread today, uh? great.

Here’s my version of a hull design. It’s called the Duck Egg. Unfortunately it met with an untimely death on Sunday when my vac bag popped a leak before it reached full vaccum. The balsa lifted and tore another hole in the bag and then the epoxy decided to set. Let’s say I’m slightly less than pleased with the outcome. Sorry, no pics of the damage yet. Maybe tomorrow. I’ll start over this weekend.

Maybe balsa rails next time?

Hey Norm. I had a whole story about the Wilderness crew and how much they in fluenced the Liddle guys( we surfed alot together back in the day), but the TSJ didnt use my story? This part will not be left out for part 2. I got great boards from Mike, Richie and Bob over the years.

KP: there’s gonna be a TSJ stubbie article part II? Well if they don’t use yr story again, would be great if you could post here.

regular hull riders: do you regularly switch fins in and out of yr boards? (for particular waves and conditions?) After i’ve logged more time and get to know my board as i have it, i’d like to get somemore fins to experiment. I curious like about the greenough stage 6, among others.

If you try a paddle fin, start at the very back of the box. That was the only place I found that remotely worked. While the paddle was interesting in other boards, it just never meshed with the rail/drive feel of flex fins in my Liddles.


Thanks for the post. You’ve just answered my question before I could ask it.

agree with what lee said about paddle thinks the area is in all the wrong places for the rail-turning stub. i found it to work pretty good whenzipping along the whitwhater fall line but other than that, no good for that particular type of board.if i recall correctly, some of greenoughs friends wanted soemething for longboards and nose rideing, thus the paddle fin, which does work great on particular longboards…

Greenough’s Paddle fin came from his windsurfing experiments- he was traveling at such a high rate of speed that he needed something with a great deal of mass at the tip to combat cavitation but also needed a thin base to enhance maneuverability. His original paddle fins were made out of metal due to the high stress loads they had to carry.

They work great on single fin longboards over 9’ and as the middle fin in a 2+1 set up if you use the smallest version (7.25") with either sidebites or thruster-style side fins. It’s the fastest single fin I have ever ridden in my volan 10’ singles.


I only had one board I liked the paddle in and it had really late hips - like imagine a 10’4" with the widepoint at 3’4" up from the tail. It was a fast board already, and with that fin - watchout! But it didn’t hold my interest over time…so I sold it to…wait for it… Andersonfan :slight_smile: He’s got better boards for it than I do. :slight_smile: Glad to hear he likes 'em…

They work great on single fin longboards over 9' and as the middle fin in a 2+1 set up if you use the smallest version (7.25") with either sidebites or thruster-style side fins. It's the fastest single fin I have ever ridden in my volan 10' singles.


I have the 2 + 1 setup on my Wilderness Stub and it works perfectly. Although it did take a quite a few sessions of adjusting the fin to find the right location for each type of wave. I’ve since marked the box for beachbreak, point and hollow point surf. It’s like having three different types of boards in one.

Sorry, I don’t mean to hijack this thread. Just remembered that I had this pic. I’ll stop now. :slight_smile:

I’ve seen a lot of Bob Duncan’s Goleta riders w/ all sorts of paddle fin configuations. I tried to take a picture once and had my index finger cut off. man that hurt.

Bob has a lot of custom designs he’s produced and is riding.

Hi all,

a little while ago you guys were talking about Sprout and the shots of Gamboa on a hull. Well I was just watching the Seedling by Campbell, and it also has a couple of waves with Gamboa on a hull, there is one in the main movie when they are in Mexico, and another in the extras of Mexico. Just thought I’d share that with you guys in case you were interested.

look at the rails, thats why it works…


Hi all,

a little while ago you guys were talking about Sprout and the shots of Gamboa on a hull. Well I was just watching the Seedling by Campbell, and it also has a couple of waves with Gamboa on a hull, there is one in the main movie when they are in Mexico, and another in the extras of Mexico. Just thought I’d share that with you guys in case you were interested.

i know the shots your talking about,

i’m pretty sure hes just on a mini disc, not a hull. the way that board rides and carves it looks like a flat bottomed board. in fact, i’m almost possitive it’s not a hull. its just a 6 foot disc.

I have had my hands on that board and it is more like a Liddle than any thing else. In fact I have some decent footage(taken by me) of Jimmy riding it at the little point in Baja Sur in May last year. If anyone talks to JG, tell him I want my board back!!
