post Hull pics

I’m sure by now you’ve all checked in and seen the article on the Hull guys:

So i’d assume those clips were filmed around 71-75, and i’m wonderin how the hulls being made by today differ from those in the clips. I keep going back to that site to watch the vids - i find it real please to watch those guys carve den trim. ( i think the music they edited in was most appropriate too)

So stylish.

those boards were a bit more extreme-thin, pinched rails and some stringerless.liddle has been building some lately that are pretty darn close to those(if you order them that way).

proneman-good luck on getting your board back!!

person of prone,

which board does JG have? i’m going to let him borrow a board of mine, (the 6’8" dirt from oz) i can grab your board in october when i’m down there. i’m in europe for a bit now. other wise,

“good luck”.


tell KP i took his mat to holland, after arriving i filled it with green bud smoke, rode two foot wind slop in water that tasted like giving the tail pipe of my five cylinder diesel mercedes a blow job, with roughly forty other people in the water also “surfing”… it was the most fun i’ve had in ages.

take care.

oh yea, i when to portugal it was two to three times overhead and i made many small brown treats in my suit for the you guys while i was dancing around close outs and navigating lava rock boulders the size of sam george’s hair. aaaaaawww.


It is an old Liddle that he was drolling over about 10 years ago…but did not like my price…so I gave it to a friend who is now smiling down from heaven’s point breaks. I would have preferred not to get it back and …in a moment of weakness, I handed it to Gamboa to try. Now(if I can recover)it is going to my grandson who will appreciate it more than the gunslinging Gamboa.


That sounds like the board Jim sold to me for $200.00. It was something about him needing to fix his car.

just kidding, couldn’t resist

i’ll get the board lateral man.

big bay-

i’ll pass the message along to kp.he had us in in stitches last night-absolutely hilarious stuff spewing from his oral the way, do you even work anymore or is your girlfriend funding your world exploits??

You guys that ride hulls - what else do you ride? I’m interested in seeing the ‘type’ that’s attracted to hull-style surfing.

Me: started on 70s style single fin – then thruster - then Twinfin - back to thruster (cuz i couldn’t find another twin) from 86-05 i rode exclusively thrusters – now days mostly mat, or Fish … ( 40 y/o)

Although i can appreciate the skill for ‘fins-free’ slater type surfing - it’s the more smooth carving style i love to see and try to emulate.


i do nothing now. i haven’t even moved in the last 18 hours, i’m in a over stuffed chair pointed at the corner of the living room. my hope is that someone will come along and turn me towards a window, that’s my favorite… watching the humming birds. oh, how they dance…

it’s bath time, got to go.

bath time? how is that going to be accomplished-having someone pour a bucket of water over you as you lounge in the chair?? i wonder what the gothic dolphins think of all this stagnant behaviour???btw-no surf here perhaps in a day or two…

I ride everything from thrusters and quads to 10’ singlefins depending on the day and break. I appreciate the flow of the hull but there are certainly days where I want to ride something off the tail or nose.



You guys that ride hulls - what else do you ride? I’m interested in seeing the ‘type’ that’s attracted to hull-style surfing.

Me: started on 70s style single fin – then thruster - then Twinfin - back to thruster (cuz i couldn’t find another twin) from 86-05 i rode exclusively thrusters – now days mostly mat, or Fish … ( 40 y/o)

Although i can appreciate the skill for ‘fins-free’ slater type surfing - it’s the more smooth carving style i love to see and try to emulate.

Here’s what I ride most often:

6’ traditional fish

6’6" Wilderness Stubbie

6’10" Yancy Spencer III fish…soooooo much fun!

7’2" Spence Hull

7’4" Becker speedshape…for mo’ bigga’ daze!

…and a bevy of longboards ranging from 9’ Mobley to 11’ Micky Munoz SoftTop

I have other stuff that I use for collecting dust.

Just had Fedex drop off my new 8’1" Liddle Hawaiikine (adapted for CA) and I am stoked! I’ll get off some shots later today after I finishing sanding it down or over the weekend.


Is this Al from ‘The Town’? This is Michael, friend of the Mission Surf Riders. Nice to see you on here.

Hey?! good to see this post is coming alive again!

Andersonfan: e’splain why “Hawaiikine”. what’s ‘modified for California?’

excellent. (don’t fget pichas )

Here’s what Greg says:

To adapt to Hawaiian wave conditions and still ride conceptually the same kind of boards with the same kind of feeling I had to make some design adjustments. By Hawaiian waves I don’t mean large Hawaiian waves but rather small Hawaiian waves. Waves from knee high to 3-5 feet overhead. I attempted to ride my previous 7’ x 22" California board on a moderate day of overhead Hawaiian surf and the board hydroplaned out of control.

To accommodate the increased wave power I had to make the California designs less efficient. I made the outlines narrower and added more curve. I added length for paddling ability, nose rocker for wind and later takeoffs and added volume for more buoyancy and paddling ability.

The designs changes adapted the “modifired hull” concept to the waves I now ride and have been for the past fourteen years. I found by adding an inch or inch and a half of width to the overall width throughout the outline that this design worked fine in similar waves height in California.


I just got a 7’9’’ and a 6’10’’ LIDDLES if anybodys lookin, both single fins.