post Hull pics

here are a couple from my second to last clark blank

a friend cut the outline then left it at my house as he moved back to the city

i think its a hull?

and i dont know how to get the picture to show up right on the page?

i also know no dimentions…always a mystery to me

well never mind 34.2 kb i cant get um that small

I give the 7’ 9’’ to Matt to give to Wavefront forsale he picks it up and ( i knew this was gonna happen) and he goes this thing Frickin Sweet, it never makes it to the shop, in the water and in Millers quiver, good eye Matt that one was a KEEPER!

I ride a mix of the following (I change boards like moods)

7’6" Liddle Hull from the late 70’s

7’2" Smoothie single I bought at KP’s this past Feb.

8’ Bojorquez

9’4" Liddle (cool board, really pinched rails)

9’8" Vintage Yater Spoon

6’9" Tri-fin (I made)

10’ Lance Carson

You can always tell it’s me coming down the road 'cause I always bring too many boards, and when I paddle out I always choose the wrong one first.

chris and i rode that thing yesterday in some glassy, waist to chest high weak beachbreak and had a could see that thing take off whenever the wave got a little curve to it.later i took it at in glassy, but marginal point really takes off when you get on the sweet spot towards the quote austin powers-“yeah baby!!”


whatsit that caught yr eye on that hull you ‘aquired’?

i’m kinda bumming – swells in the gulf here have been weak lately (inside the gulf -only SSW and S swells – outside picks up way more West like CR) – so i haven’t really had much oppo to ride my hull. I’ve been using my mat, cuz i already had a shit sesh on my hull in weak bbreak.

I’m surprised to hear you’ll go out on them in weak stuff – mebs i should give it a lash in that stuff more often?

the foil and rails.the length makes it a good every day board but the foils is oh so awesome!!!

just got my new TSJ - up front there’s an article written by Reno Abellira about some guy in the late 50s/early 60s called Valentine Ching Jr, who used to ride a paipo standup at some spot in honolulu area. most excellent article. in it on page 6, is a pic of i guess Reno A himself, sporting a sub-6 hull-looking thing – knifey rails - and what looks to be like a 11" Greenough-looking fin - hulled fwd and flat off the tail.

This TSJ ed ( Vol 15, #5 ) is full of good articles and pics… one of the best to my thinking.

KP: In the TSJ article an somewhere else I heard mention of a glass bead being added to the tails of a hull, what’s this for?

read the liner notes at back of that journal-where hulet talks about kp’s garage. it explains it there.hope this helps…

I guess I’m kind of thick… is this is basically just another layer of glass for the tail?

I’m curious, I picked up a 7’2" from KP in Feb and was wondering if I was able to do this myself.

I’m decent with my own glassing skills and wanted to add this to my board.

basically-yes. it is built /added so it extends 1/16 to a 1/4"(even1/2") past the tail and is shaped to tail shape.can do it to nose of the benefits is it acts as a nose and tail will effect how the board releases out of turns. i don’t like 'em built out too far, but it’s easier to do so then fine tune by sanding them down to where you like it… perhaps think of it like this: you want to add length to your board by 1/2" or so but instaed of adding more foam and shaping it in you are using glass and resin instead…

another thing you can do-to test the waters, so to speak, is add the “bead” on but use bondo instead of glass/ dries fast and sand easy thus you can add up to an 1" of tail if you want, go out and test it.then, if it seems it needs it, take it to beach for a quick sanding(a little at a time) go back out and repeat until you get it where you want could simply glass over that when tuned in, or make some measurements?templates, sand it all off and use glass/resin only .actually, you can just all resin …

Thanks, I’ll try it.

cool.keep in mind your fin placement too-it can be affected by addition…

oh yeah- build it from both the deck and bottom…

OK, that makes sense…


Hey hull fans,

I got this puppy for sale in Swaybay. Check her out and gimme a shout if you’re interested.…y/Detailed/1108.html

more photos on my ad:

-Ross Bushnell

I guess I’ll post my other hulls while I’m at it. Here are a couple Liddles:

The board on the top is a 6’10 M3P single-fin. Brand new(shaped 8/17/06), thanks to Kirk Putnam for helping a brotha out.

-Interesting to note is the 1/4 inch stringer. 3 years ago, after I buckled my previous Smoothie, I emailed Greg to see if he’d shape me a board under 7’ with a 1/4 inch stringer (for durability’s sake). Not suprisingly, he was disinclined to acquiesce to my request (read: no way Jose). He refused to sacrifice the flex of his boards–in a way, I respect the hell out of that kind of craftsman-integrity. So I opted for the beefier Anderson Bojorquez and have been riding that for the past couple of years. A fully functional hull in itself, but inferior to a Liddle in my opinon. NO offense to bojorquez-onados.

The other board is a 7’6" single fin, serial #3127 (does anybody know the possible vintage of this board?).

This was actually my first board ever, bought it at a garage sale in Newbury Park for $70 when I was 10 (13 years ago). I had no idea what it was when I bought it. Like most kids, I was looking for a “funboard.” The guy selling it said, “sure, this board will be ‘fun’.” Boy, was that an understatement. It was my only surfboard until I turned 16. How many people are lucky enough to say that they learned how to surf on a Liddle? Needless to say, it forced me to develop strange tendencies in my surfing style. On the flip side, when I hopped on one of Greg’s “new” boards several years later, it came extremely naturally to me.

Big-ups to other hull riders out there, I’ve met a few of you surfing in and around Malibu.

-Ross Bushnell

Cool hulls

Question: Do you like the GL M3P better than the Fineline your MP? Is that why you’re selling it?

On your #3127 I have #3351 shaped in mid '86. so your board might be from the 80’s.

The difference on the Fineline is it turns better from the tail and has more rocker, it can turn in a shorter arc. Guys that ride thrusters like them better, you have to drive them with your leg power a bit more.