post Hull pics


Thank you Sensei.

Kp- didn’t you have a hand in designing this board with hilbers??

Yes, I prefer the Liddle M3P to the Fineline. I’m used to GL’s curves a bit more, but the main reason I’m selling it is because I can’t afford to have both boards. The M3P is really fun, and I can tell that it will be a bit more versatile than the pointbreaker. Although, I’m not sure which one I prefer between those two.

Thanks for the chronology of my old board. For years I thought it was from at least the late 70s.

I am curious how we know this MP is like the original or is this Sensei marketing?


a few surfersjournal articles back, there was an article on bob simmons and people riding them in sick waves. were those displacemtn hull boards? because one of the shots clearly shows belly in the snout, looking like it went all the way through.

so, if this is the case, then the whoel article isn’t really that good, right? i mean it relates the boards to modern tow in quads, and doesnt even mention a liddle, or ol georgie.

Correct me if I’m wrong but Simmons’ Spoons were a hull of sorts given they had a fair amount of belly where it was needed. Search the archives for Simmons and that might help answer your question.

Simmons boards are around and available to see and measure etc. I have seen em. Is the board MP rode in M.of the E. still around? I doubt it and many of the boards MP made for others… many times in a manic quest to stay high, were of dubious quality(accoriding to the biography on him) I even wonder if the Kirra board was a hull(round bottom)

My Simmons inspired replicas(mine are single fin) were made by Paul Gross and have lots of belly as did the originals. I know Paul has seen Simmons originals…not sure if he measured em…I’ll ask him. My 9-8 Simmons will be at Malibu in the early AM if anyone wants to give it a go.

BTW…PG lived with MP for a while on the Gold Coast…he might know of that board.



for sure simmons is ahull-he caleed then displacement hulls.neutral rails,s-deck, the works.of all boards a liddle is like a modern version of a simmons as well as those by pg. pg has ridden an old simmons and had access to it for perusing all it’s subtleties. i’ve ridden pronemans and flo’s pg simmons replicas and the are a balst! catch waves soo easy and haul ass!he also has some interesting stories of the time when he was living with mp and his brother tom. i believe the mp board had some roll in the nose but was flat with down rails rest of the way and a huge fin stuck on very near the tail.

matt i like your buns

this is the gothic dolphins, i like buns too!

roger, i’ll see your buns in the morning…


since this is the most current and active hull thread, ill post this here.

i was just veggin out watching the extras of sprout. in the part titled the californias there are a few clips of jimmy G riding his hull. it shows him turning it, even does a to turn, and keeps crusin. gets a few real nice tubes. then the next few clips are of him riding traditional longboards, and apart from the noserides, his movement is pretty mucy identical, especially the way he turns the board. his stance is identical, and the way he uses his rail is identical.

i think displacement hulls and traditional longboards have a lot in common, a very very lot.

guys… ive heard hulls dont work too well at beach breaks but i love the template shape… what shaping changes could you do to make a basic hull design more beach break/reef friendly; and has anyone had a lot of success with traditional hulls at beach breaks?

Mr. Kopps just kidnapped my computer now is in my shop with my bondo, last posts are his not mine , Roger , Al will be there am.

for sure they do.some will even tell ya that the hulled stubbie is the longboard taken to it’s ultimate end, especially if you look at longboards from '67 or so…

they work fine.when i was dating a gal that lived in southbay i would surf mu hulls there every weekend i went down there.from a more pulled mp3 shape to a full on baseball bat shaped point break type model. a friend recently picked up a new hull which is pulled more in tail and nose-a more typical “egg” shape.he rides a lot of beah and reef breaks and some spots offshore. he loves the thing said it has changed his surfing experience in a positive way big time…

thanks for the reassurance guys… im thinking about a Liddle MP3… on the website it said it was more suited to beach and reefier areas… would his pointbreak model not work as well?

hey fellas – i’m away in england on business – seeing dis makes me wanna cry … wanna go home.



it would but i would personally get the mp3 if that is the type of surf you are going to be in on a daily basis.for me it’s opposite. daily points and reefs and beachbreak a few times a year, so a pointbreak type template works fine in that scenario… if you are coming off of riding thrusters and never been on a hull or longboard then i suggest the mp3 for sure.

heres a pic of me on the 6’8 i finished last april…i hadnt been able to get it into any real good point waves for tests, but i had felt the potential, and the cutbacks…but FINALLY, rincon lit up a bit last week and i got out there w/her.

this was about the most fun wave in…FOREVER!

sorry its a link…cant get the image small enough to put up here!