post Hull pics

for those interested, i just dropped off 3 new liddles at wavefront in ventura. 6’8", 7’2" and 7’4" all single fins…of course price includes hand foiled volan flex fin…

off an aussie forum – Dick Van Straalen hull 7’0 x 22" x 3"

cool board.

Anybody remember the trailer from “One California Day” with Jimmy G. riding that hull? I was hoping to hear about a release date by now, but nothing yet. Any word floating around out there? Thanks!



I recall it was supposed to be released oct 2006, and now i just checked and saw on — looks like it’s been pushed back to 2007.

i’ve seen the trailer, but don’t recall seeing Gamboa riding a hull – can you steer me to the clip you saw?



heres one i cobbled together yesterday after having a insane session on a hull dennis ryder made for me, thing rode unreal in head high ventura beach break.

I have personal VHS footage of Jimmy surfing a Mexico Point on a hull. The waves were kinda small…but he was surfing it really well…IMP, better than the Sprout footage. If someone wants to copy and post, PM me.


Is a “hull” any surface in contact with water?

Does it have to be the largest part of the object?

Here is a V-bottom I finished a couple of weeks ago. Dome V starts about a foot and a half infront of the fin then goes dead flat behind the fin. Put your front foot in the middle and your back foot just in front of the fin and roll it around the dome and fin. Drives really well and gets up on a rail too. More in resources tomorrow.

Why can’t this guy ever smile?

LeeV, do you know Tracey Richmond? Shaped for Channin in 70’s and went to law school? Used to make “eggs” like that. Belly in nose w/ rolled edge to wide point, Vee under front foot to flat in tail. Progressive rocker w/ last 6 inches or so totally flat. Had several and really liked them. Esp my short stubbiest one…

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Since this is a surfboard design forum, can someone please elaboratewhy these boards work (especially turn)?

I can see that because of the rolled bottom and the rails they would ride high in the wave where they gather energy and with some length and widths unheard of in shortboard they should have plenty of down the line speed. What I don’t get is how (or rather why) they turn. Looking at the profile photos of this thread, the rocker is straight, the rail line is even straighter. The fin is wayup from the tail, but that does not make it turn, it just restricts it less. Only thing besides the template would be that the roll up front creates drag while the flater tail doesn’t so the tail wants to overtake the front… But that can’t be it, can it?

An intriguing design to say the least. Wonder when they will show up in the local surfshops for me to pickup. hah!



I don’t know Tracy nor have I seen his boards…


These boards make large radius turns (think downhill not GS or Slalom) that are related to the rail line rocker. The Liddle boards also flex in the tail to increase the rail rocker. The roll/belly/“hull” along with the thin pinched rail helps keep the board on a rail longer and is what gives them the drive they are famous for. You vary the turn radius by pushing the turn harder (flexes the board more) or by reducing the length of rail in the water during the turn. You are right in your assessment of the design though…the board defines how you surf, not the other way around. That’s why so many are turned off by the whole thing and why a few of us like them so much.

I moved the roll/belly/“hull” back from the front third of the board back to the rear third. It lets me paddle better and puts the sweet spot back for shorter radius turns. Although I’ve never seen one, it is probably a lot like McCoy’s “loaded dome”. By moving the “hull” back it also eleviates that nasty spin you get on a Liddle if you don’t get the rail engaged.

By the way Haavard…good to have you back. Hope all is well.

nice job lee! sounds a lot like the v-bottom PG made for me years ago.super fun and easy to surf and very versatile, especiall for choppy conditions.

Go through the archives there are many articles and threads about this. Subjects to search include Hull, Stubbie etc.


Research George Greenough.

Find the Surfers Journal article on the “Liddle Hull Tribe”

I find trying to explain this is like trying to explain to PC users why Macs are better.

Good Luck


Brilliant! That’s the first thought that came to mind when I read your post about moving the roll back to rear of the board. I was wondering myself, how it would affect these boards. Then I find out that you’ve already done it. Thanks for posting your observations on it. Bet you can’t guess what I’ll be doing this weekend?


lee- what are dims/ is it a copy of kp’s? which is a copy of mine??iuse the true ames greenough 4a 9.75 fin in may seem like a lot of fin but with the hull and v, along with wide tail it realyy gels it all together.can stll get that thing up on rail no and i built mine for those less than perfect days.turned out it just loves those windy, choppy days.feels like you’re on a 7 foot stub.

There’s more pictures of it on the Home Page. 7’x16 3/4x21 (up 8")x15. I don’t remember KP’s. It’s my own template. Shaped it using a Walker blank with Liddle rocker that was meant for Klaus. I took some rocker out of the nose and added about 1/4 inch to the tail. I’m using a 9" TruAmes Liddle flex with the wider base. Killer fin! I’m loving it so far…Next one will have another 1/4 to 3/8 kick in the tail as it’s a bit tricky on really steep take-offs.



Next one will have another 1/4 to 3/8 kick in the tail as it’s a bit tricky on really steep take-offs.

I saw you in the water over the weekend. On a couple of waves you road out on your belly on the take-off. I wasnt sure if that was your preferred method of travel. Great looking board. How many times have you had it in the water?

Prone take-offs are the preferred method of “dialing-in” a new board, as all real surfers know… :wink: Dammit, I thought no one was looking!


Still looks like it was fun. That crew of people had a good vibe goin’ in the water. Those take-offs were way better than some of my kookie ones.