post Hull pics

looks like a guy riding a razor blade…cool pic

7’2" Andreini Epoxy Owl Vaquero in the UK. I have saked Marc for a 6’10 epoxy pescado, will post pics soon, when it comes…

pics went missing…

some pics at last…

Those turned out biggish, didn’t they?

Looking at that rocker shot now, I could see how the volume in the middle could drive a submerged one bladewise into your rib.


that’s a beaut, JDO. in UK, wheaUiz?

I already posted it elsewhere, but I think my 1969 Diffenderfer belongs in here…

So here’s a few of the Spencer Kellogg ishapes hull I got couple weeks ago. Started getting sunstroke so maybe later for profile shot. It’s 6’10" X very wide

Sorry site won’t let me post them inline for some reason

Here’s a couple more, the bottom shot forward is at leading edge of decal.

Have only ridden it once. Surf here has been fla-a-a-a-a-a-t and windy. But the ride was sublime. Have only ridden stand-up 3 or 4 times in the last 15 years. Most recent on tiny fish I made that is really too small for me to catch waves as my arms are noodles. Anyhoo, point break in Ventura, 3-4 foot faces maybe a few 5. Not too weak but not hollow at all. Within a couple waves I was getting some of that zoom-zoom feeling out of turns and cutbacks. Asked Spencer to eyeball fin placement to start and was pretty much riding it from one spot out of the box so to speak. 1/2 step back for cutbacks. Got one high line trim thru 3 long sections I never thought I’d make and was pretty shocked by the speed. Felt a bit off balance as the board really asserted itself picking its own line and I was more or less along for the ride. A few rail to rail rockings getting bursts of acceleration on each one. Can’t wait to get some more surf. Felt plenty loose to be able to work in reasonable beach break (from the vee) but very very drivey and fast.

Here’s a couple friend just sent pics;

Paul Steele in Honolulu shaped this one. 6’4" X 16 X 20 X 14.5 1.5 tail rocker/5 nose rocker. Rails thick as your fist almost. Kinda slow but excellent feel. Built for South Shore small surf.

Wilderness shaped by Richie West copy of what he was riding at the time, approx 1971 or 72. Very low, thin round rails, not much roll except a bit in nose. Shallow belly. Big central concave 6’4" X 16 X 20 X 14.75 rocker: nose=3.5 tail=0

Hard to ride. Nose catches easily especially in hollow sections for good face plants. VERY fast. Richie ripped on the one he rode. Human cannonball.

ripped he did! stoked to see that board.looks to be in good shape to.thanks for posting those up…

The Wilderness has pretty good pressure dents in the deck from driving it around but no dings. Was ridden here and there but I think mostly Jalama back when you could often get it uncrowded.

Oh, and the yellow one (Paul Steele) is an early McTavish design. When he was there in 69? or 70? Paul sort of got mentored by him. Had this whole geometrical program for fin placement; fin template was based somehow on board template and placement of fin was based on relation of fin size/shape to board planshape. Wish I could remember how it went in detail.

Hey…it’s mini-me!

Nice board D.S.

Quote:'s mini-me!

Nice board D.S.

It is that! Or maybe your’s is maxi-me!.

Spencer has in his machine the scanned in specs for an old board he’s had that he knows works well. Marc’s is that board blown in to a 7’2" (?) Mine is the same board at its original length of 6’10" with the addition of vee in front of the fin.

jusr dropped one of at the moonbase, will post pic when board is done,


McMalibu: some time ago you asked matt about laying a bead off the tail of one of yr hulls – how’d it work out?

i’m still not sure i understand why this is done – adding 1/16th to 1/4" to the tail? why not just have the board built that much longer? Unless it is that you want more of an edge. (however i note my Liddle smoothie already has an extremely thin tail with hard edges)

There are two reasons from what I gather, one to reinforce the nose and tail, of course this will add length. The sencond reason is there is supposed to be some more “release” from what I was told. Almost all of my boards end up with these “beads” because of my insistance to surf without a leash as much as possible, I repair these the same way.

McM: think you could post a before and after pic?

I will if I do the tail. I did the nose but no before shots avail. It was a repair but it definitely was re-enforced.
