post Hull pics

Geez Spence, you didn’t waste anytime getting a pic up of that board. What was it like, 2p.m. when you came by today? Who’s the masked man standing the shoes?

Sorry I was preoccupied when you came. I wanted to talk to you about the lams of the stringerless boards. Remind me when you came by next week. The board is a nice one BTW.


The 7’9" is great. I rode it twice and had a lot of fun at decent shaped Torrance Beach. It went fast and smooth. Thanks Matt!

“Who’s the masked man standing the shoes?” -DR

He’s a brilliant man, of great taste and discernment. Incredibly handsome as well. Modest too.


ps- I nag him about putting pictures up all the time. He’s getting tired of listening to it.

Hey Spence,

That board looks really nice and clean. How do the stringerless boards hold up? Do they break easily?

Is that the Kevorkian rocker?



Good one…. definitely modest. I see that now.


hope the size of the pics are okay. my camera crapped out on me the day of the pics, in between the last one and the profile shot. board is now at the moonbase, awaiting peters dagger art. will try to get image soon. this one is for the movement. Thanks to lee v, for allowing me to use his liddle for 4 months. nothing like a 6-8 for ab session with the skipper to get you stoked on a project!

Road Test Results: 8’ stringerless Spencer Kellogg stubbie

  • To quote Dr. Frankenstein; “It’s ALIVE!!!” The flex provides a pop even in lifeless waves.

  • Large “sweet spot” makes it very easy to ride compared to other hulls I own or have owned. The board cuts back!

  • Paddles like a 9’ log.

  • Achingly beautiful.

hey that’s a sweet-lookin flying saucer. eps?

any diffs MrPato and yours? ( besides stringerless)

Blank is a 10’4" SurfBlanks USA “black” (tow) density poly.

Glassed with 7.5 Volon bottom X 7.5 Volon + 4 oz sty. deck, wet sanded gloss,

by Dennis Ryder.

I have no idea what Sr Pato’s Spence is like.

Oh … didn’t know DR worked with Spence…

MrPatos is an eps/epoxy i believe.

Yep, mine is EPS/Epoxy and still going strong. Starting to get a little yellowing in the resin but not nearly as bad as other boards I’ve had.

Here is an 8’1" Hawaiikine I have that Greg shaped for me last August.

It’s for sale ($550) here is SoCal as I have 2 other Hulls that I ride a lot more.

More shots are here:


i’ll try to get some pics-at least of the bopard- but Danny boy was ripping this a.m. on the board known as “the bottom half”-finless no less! just locked in and flying…!

Turns?! Cutbacks?! Video?! Stoked to hear that–want to see it!

I saw Dan get a good one , just burned it full speed for 200 yrds full rail turns with NO FIN!! man that boy can surf. That board is only about 1.5 ‘’ thick.

Some of you guys have probably already found this or know the guys…but I’m excited:

I apologize for the size of those photos. I thought “Tiny Pics” would size them.

Tech Kook.

Is this movie being made by Greg Liddle’s son? So now we’re waiting for this movie AND Alex Kopps’ Gothic Dolphins? That’s great. I can’t wait.

Regarding the interviews, I can totally relate to what they’re talking about but it sounds so funny to hear them try to explain it. So profound (especially with the flute in the background). It sounds like they’re trying to explain an acid trip or something…


Bound to. Stoked about these movie pictures too, but it really would be radical to have some Extra footage of DMalloy surfing one w/o the fin.

wow! surprised dove put this out there so soon. stoked nonetheless!..don’t expect videos of dan anytime soon…we don’t film or photo where we surf…the brothers have done a great job of keeping it low key-per my request…