post Hull pics

tell me your joking pleeeease.

Malloy is a professional surfer for gods sake it’s his job to…

Ask the Irish about their efforts to keep it “low key”… the hypocrisy is breathtaking

acid trip? seemingly… it’s the “hull” story as it should be…

So, what’s the secret? Hulls, how good the Malloys are, or the break?

EDIT: I re-read your post-- I totally understand keeping a good point on the DL


well, as e-pac said-yes, meaning all of the above…meanwhile, back to the tri-tip…

YUP!------ yepee yo cayeah!! ----Dang all I got are Burgers!

Andreini Vaquero de las Olas, epoxy stubs ‘pescados’, 6’10" and 6’6".

William Dennis Hull- dig the wonderbolt fin- I can’t remember seeing a fiberglass one before. about 8’


Andreini Vaquero de las Olas, epoxy stubs ‘pescados’, 6’10" and 6’6".

Those are nice! Got a rocker shot?

On a Liddle version that was on ebay last June it appeared that the fins had less Toe-In. Is this correct and do the new versions work better with more toe-in or would the old fin placement be better?

Yes I read the old Pescado link from a year or more ago about 2+1 and having custom fins made (thanks Lee V.).

I’m just really curious…

ALso are the Vaqueros versions a custom order item?

I remember LeeV’s post replying that the pescado lit up when used with halcyon’s fins. and i think those fins are twisted so that the toe-in ‘snowplow’ effect is reduced. y/n?

Yes that’s what he mentioned in a pm.

Here a rocker shot…

These are custom boards.

Less toe-in, more drive, stays up on a rail, trims better, feels more “hullish”.

My Anderson Pescado is under the feet of a friend who hated the Halcyon fins (“Too stiff, dude”). Loves it with the standard thruster template/foil fins. I don’t think he’s ever ridden a single fin in his life…That’s why the boxes are such a good deal. Collect a quiver of fins instead of boards!

I myslef would want to try keels, quad, tri, Spitfire, Star Fin…

mmmmmm, starfin, ohhgggggggg…


is that good?

what’s good is if we got some surf…hope the rest of you are…

it’s good to experiment with fins, but one thing to remember is that on a hull the board is the fin. that is why low area fins are used-they are thy basically to keep the tail from sliding out and to give a little twang out of turns. d. malloys finless riding perfectly demonstrates this, though not springing out of turns, his rail holds the line and he is surfing a hull, keeping it locked in the pocket, and flying down the line sans fin…now we got a whole new perspective to work with…

I just thought adding a thruster cluster to a hullish design and having it work begs the question of what other fins and configurations would do. If the flex fin is just a brake against spinout of the tail, it naturally follows to wonder what drivier fins could do for the rail-ride and turning maneuvers. If it all turns out to be negatives, that’s that. But it’s not saying you have to tune the fins for thruster-like back-foot riding

That’s just in the spirit (for the moment) of not being married to “hull” as a monolithic thing that has to stay the same no matter what–kinda looking at the convex and rail and rocker as parts of a surfboard. But by the same token I’m frankly more interested in the finless thing(s). For me it goes toward evolving a alaia/hull.

So will there ever be pics of the board and video of DM’s finless surfing?