post Hull pics

See if you can get some bonzer sidefins to fit in the sidebiter boxes you find on one of greg’s Hawaiian or inbetweeners. If you can modify the fins we could try it in a Hawaiian I have.

Of course this could fail miserably, and we’d look like kooks, hee hee.


I was thinking more along the lines of a custom shape designed to be a bonzer (especially with the concave between the fins) but also pinched rails and slight tri-plane hull in the front half. Would still be surfed from the middle of the board with a lot of rail in the water.


Hey Jim for your info Marc makes a sweet Vaquero bonzer , his brother Pete has ridin them for years. Malcom also has some nice stubbie bonzers.

3 clips back to back on that link if you wait for them to load. On one of them Dan does some fairly nice turns and at least one raildriving cutback. You can tell from his stance how much intense and sensitive control it takes, esp if you compare to his other riding. Looks like he is doing high speed brain surgery.

Stringerless 9’4" Spoon. EPS.

Beautiful shape Spence. What are the width dims (N, WP, T)? And where is the wide point? It looks pulled back a bit.



9’4" x 17" x 22 3/4" @ 1" ac x 15 3/4"

1 3/8" x 3 3/16" x 1 3/4"

I thought the nose was about 17" or less. Very nice proportions. Would you say the wide point is pulled back a bit? I assume 50/50 egg rails?


i’ve seen dan, who is a gifted surfer, ou tsurf anybody else , be it a tri-fin or longboard, on a hull-finless. i mean rail turns off the bottom and full on-rail cutbacks, and making it…we just hoot and laugh at the ridiculous rides he pulls of sans fin…

Have you or anybody else tried it, Matt?

not yet. think i’ll give it a go on my new board(when it gets here)

Is there film of DM doing it up anywhere ?

Hey Matt,

What’s your new board?



8 foot roundtail liddle…

Good for you Matt! Hope it works out for you.


Is your 9’4" stringerless EPS that you posted a Nat Young Magic Sam inspired board?


Here’s some pix of a carbon fiber Velo Spoon copy made from caarbon fiber.

My father and I found it in a used rack in SB for a reasonable price.

Some more angles

and some more…

BTW does anybody know who might have built this baby?

you needa have the guys at have a look, or email George at