post Hull pics

I can’t think of any disadvantages (maybe it could slice you if you make it too sharp…). The good thing is that you could always sand it off if you decide you didn’t like it.


today the windslop at huntington pier was a blast, regardless of the fact that there is no hull riding to speak of which might’ve taken place there. if i had taken my dirt into the poo my sum total of hull sessions would equal 5, but i failed. failure to complete my 5 session commitment to the hull and no repaired tail yet neither. CURSES! - kinda glad i lagged actually after seeing all the other posts with regard to “tail beads” (sounds questionable )… it has helped so much already, thanks again y’all arounders

@ HB pier i rode a quad whose tail i smashed with my back foot. my disdain for the sinkability of the tiny board in comparison to my Liddle outmatched my affection for the fish’s ruddering …that thing is micro. yes more waves in 08!!!

Here’s some mold shots, I’m a bit sloppy and this is the nose (a repair and reinforce)

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3


BTW thanks to all about PhotoBucket, helps to post pix.

cool to see this thread keep is a rather smal community that ride these boards but yet approaching 90,000 hits on swaylocks-unreal! liddle :40 years of surfing, building and refining the ride-some make their own interpretations, some copy, but the hull vibe lives on…

Scored today…get my favorite SB county wave for a few hours on a board that i pulled from a shop 'casue “i thought it looked fun”…the thing is MAGIC.

fun chest high waves turned overhead + in the last hour I was there…veeeeery very fast walls, couldnt have asked for more!

just cruisin :slight_smile:

heres the board:

6’5 x 23 x 3…some pudgy dimensions that really move!

thanks for adding these up for us all to view! i’m looking at these posts on nose and tail (esp tail because i have a repair to do) and liking what i see, it’s functional! i’m into the tail bead, i’ll post before and after pics. these images have made me realize how much of a pour i have to get flowing to really do the job i want to on my new Liddle

sunset cliffs 6am?

i put on the bead yesterday…


i actually poured twice ( more like squeezed, as i was using a tube of solarez). i didn’t build up enough the first time. so i used a sanding block to kind of shape and smooth, then i used masking tape to make a form, and then filled again, and this is how it came out

i’m trying to show here how thin and square/sharp the edge is – gonna have to take my word for it. the bead goes around the tail more than it looks. all around the tail it’s pretty much squared off. i tried to stay as close to the original tail shape as i could.

used masking tape - cutting board ( for fairing), solarez, sanding block. sand paper 100/400/1200. done in about 45 min- 1hr.

i’ve always loved WWII nose art…

What in god’s name are 2 leash loops for?

leash loop snaps ( as happened last week) - gotta another one right there.

Very nice. Mine always look messier but come out perfect.

Fineline MP 6’6’’ 16.75 21.25 15 2.75

Plus some custom flex fins, oh and I reset the pin on the fin of the fineline so I could move it further up in the box.

I love it! It’s traditional, yet new, great looking, a really nice blend of design elements… super-nice!

Oh, nice surfboard too.

; )

DUUUUDE! what a great board you have! 6’6" and can jam like Smuckers no doubt, thanks for sharing - killer!

did yous see this in the Latest Resource Additions? MOMMA! (muffled sobs)

here i share what has already most likely been discussed, i just can’t help myself

Al’s surfing at the end of this is trailer is like the friggin’ scarecrow in the wiz - easin’ on down the road. that kid can poplockuprocksteadylike all over the damn water on any damn stick afloat - there is no other way to see it

enjoy again and again as i already have and thank you to mr nathan oldfield


This is one of my favorite threads. Thanks to all who have posted their pics- I’ve been reading it off and on. I have not seen any true hulls here in Hawaii. Granted, I know the waves are reefy and add an element of challenge, but I’m convinced you can do it!

So if any Oahu Swaylockers have any hulls and want to get together for a trade-off session, PM me!

Here’s the only pic of I have of my first Hull (7’2 Andreini shaped under the Owl label) that I rode when I was going to school in Southern California and surfing the LA and Ventura/SB points back in the day. Sorry for the gay posing nostalgic- my buddy J. Porfilio and I took the Andreini and this Tyler quiver to Baja that year- it was perfect for the waves. You can ride almost any board set-up on a clean right point and have fun!

Here’s the top and bottom of the Anderson Pescado I’m riding currently at the playful reefs here: Diamond Head, Concessions, Courts, Haleiwa, Chuns, etc. Figuring the inner workings of this board has been so much fun. The thruster set up works nicely, is forgiving, and I can actually surf comfortably with my foot on the tail when doing cutties. I just bought McMalibu’s 6’0 Pescado (2nd board below), so my girlfriend and I don’t have to fight over the other one. I gotta say she rides the pescado quite stylishly, it’s a beauty to watch. Thanks, McMalibu! This modified hull design, IMO, works great out here in the reefs. I’d like to try to get my hands on a Liddle M3P, and see how far it takes me here.

Keep the photos coming. I love this thread.


Glad you love the board man.

Take a look at a Liddle Hawaiikine…


Thanks, glad you like it. You made some points with the lady…

It was raining the whole animal kingdom up here, so we stayed indoors for the photo sesh…