post Hull pics

Well almost ready to ride… Long time finishing as I seem to be getting increasingly mat addicted as I get more skill with it. Here’s a few shots of the board sanded to 60 grit. Discolored bottom is from capping fin box w/ cheap poly resin as I ran out of epoxy. Rocker somehow looked like a bit more before glassing, HAH! Suicide flat and a bit of knuckle in tail that is from not fully fixing a hiccup from the hotwire but should go well in small surf. Kind of lost much of the belly up front but got the roll so what the heck, might even be better that way in smaller mushier waves. Really only my 3rd shape and done free hand w/ surform only, no planer so I’m pretty stoked. Have a 9 inch TrueAmes l-flex in volan to put in. Just sanded to 220 and am putting on a few coats of UV resistant polyurethane varnish then 320 and done.

Here’s all the dims:

6’-6" x 16-1/2"N x 21"(@+4) x 15"T

Rocker N=4 T=1 (no vee)

2 ¾ thick 1 foot from N&T 1 5/8

couple more shots

hey drstrange - it looks smoke bro. i gotta hand it to ya – the rails don’t look as thin as the full-time shaper guys… but it’s pretty cool all the same.



OK kids boy did I have a kick butt day today on 2 of my hulls.

First I went out at the original breeding ground of hulls on my this 7’6" and it really turned on. It was shoulder high and the off shores were making the waves perfect:

Then I got talked into paddling out at a Los Angeles mini point that has a famous surfer’s resturant and this 7’ was the perfect ticket. My buddy and I were the only hulls, everybody else had those thin thrusters. It was coverup city and I was amazed we could hull at this spot:

that’d be pretty cool to be able to surf with another hull type… to be able to appreciate the lines of another hull out there… watch the technique… i don’t think i’ll ever see another hull down here besides mine.

hey drstrange - it looks smoke bro. i gotta hand it to ya -- the rails don't look as thin as the full-time shaper guys... but it's pretty cool all the same.



Thanks Jason, the rails are deliberately thicker to hopefully get more “forgiveness” in the ride…



i wanted a flush quality to this patch with regard to the water’s flow off of the tail so i sanded it right into the bottom. i may do another coat and some more finessing but there is no doubt that this is just the first of many patches to be added to this very thin tail, i love this board!!! thanks for all of the guidance fellow hullers!

Hey, that leash cup is “new school”! The drill through the finbox and deck w/ nylon cord loop is “old school” (though newer than the suction cup attachment method!).

DR. the reason for the cups ( I dont like um ) is to get the leash further back on the tail. With the boxes so far up the drill thru method can make the board tomstone or worse come wizzing back with that nice thin tail at yer noggin!

Kirk, no quarrel there! Just that the drill thru is the real “old school”. Heck, I just got lazy and stuck one of those EZ thingies on the deck! Those can go as far back as you want…just keep it out of the water flow/


Aren’t hullers purists…straight outta Leviticus? You know, natural fibers, beards, no spilling of the seed…and definitely no leashes?

i have one of those leash stickem things on my fish - it was there when i got it and MAN it’s crazy how hard it would be to get that thing completely off of the board. i guess it is meant to be an anchor for a lifeline but wizzers it’s a bummer because it’s totally superfluous … more important things than this to focus on

so glad i fixed up my tail because i may be getting it wet again tomorrow!

the pic attached is a Fineline hull available at Mollusk SF - this thing looks tasty! i can’t believe that thing isn’t claimed waxed and ridden yet!

6’4" (18 1/8 x 22 x 15 1/8 x 2 11/16)

Allan , you are correct sir!!!

leashes are for walkin’ the dog, right???

I have two dogs both just over a year old ,

Koa ,my Pyr/Berner is just at or over 100lbs. …

…Maddi ,my Nova Scottia Duck Tolling Retriever is 45lbs…

I get a better workout walking my dogs, than surfing overhead for hours at a time.



thank you allangibbons kirk & matt, those are refreshing words.

guess i’m not a hullman after all is said and done…sometimes a body has just got to do what a healthy body does all on it’s own, and by that i mean it can do WHATEVER it wants to do. no leash? that’s a log deal with cross stepping in mind isn’t it? beards? i could out beard any man here, some of my pores birth 5+ hairs disguised as a single piece of tape resembling a hair growing from my face, i’m not bragging when i say i can’t grow a beard because it would KILL me. my facial hair is THAT deadly to myself and can be equally so to others…yeah - i’ll stick with my leash thank you very much. why not tie your beard to your board? form follows function

i have 2 dogs

1 three pound chihuahua - Chach

1 seven pound chihuahua/IG (LEZBIAN for Italian Greyhound) - Grace

are any of your gentlemen planning on attending the BOJO exhibit in LA @ Mollusk on 1-15?

now for some Zen & Zero inbetween my stinky piss robot dog friends

Of course, if at all possible just go sans leash, that’s really “old school”.

Ooops late reply!

Hello “hullers”! Firstly, thank you all for these great posts; I’ve read 'em all with hulla joy (sorry)

Thought I’d toss in mine,since I just learned how to post pics.

It’s a 6’4" jobber by John Mel - he calls it “hull revisited” - in one incarnation it worked great with a slimmed down rusty flex fin and futures vectors, but lately it likes the TK flex fin and small side-bites.

Anyone have any suggestions on other side bites?


maybe when i can yield successfully a bit of a rail skiddy on my 6’8 i’ll drop the chalupa on my toe rope, but until said time i’m strictly TNG

Solly no Solly

no can doobie