post Hull pics

To be honest my statement is hypocritical, since I’ve reached 40, if a board is under 9’ long I wear a leash so I can enjoy more rides and less swims.

(it also cuts back on having to mothball my favorite ride so it dries out before I repair it)

Arf-arf!!! There’s sharks in these here waters. Long swims make me nervous… It’s all I can do not to think about them when I’m “high and dry”. Heh-heh-heh-ULP!!!

Not to mention Turds from Malibu Creek…

Hey Kooch,

I’ll be at BOJO on the 12th. I’m sure some other Swaylockers will be there too.

I’ll introduce myself if I know who you are. I finally met Sean (McMalibu) surfing Malibu a few months back.

I’m very stoked on my 7’6" Liddle. It’s starting to come alive with better fin placement. Can’t wait to get it in some good waves again!


Everyone here should try and see Steves show at Mollusk Venice sat. the 12th 7 to 10 pm. I have to go to up north for a surf trip I planned and cant make it, but I will be watching from the boat picture high up on the north wall ( you will see).

"I will be watching from the boat picture high up on the north wall ( you will see). "

You and me both, Kirk. Wish i could be there, got a planned trip of my own. Really bummed I’m missing yet another chance to get acquainted with the hull tribe. Or maybe not, you guys are all pretty weird with your resin bead banter and fanatical flex-fin fixations…ha! Have fun guys.


i’ll be looking down at both of ya from high up on the ridgeline…

Hey Kirk,

How far up north are you going? I used to live in Humboldt for about 6 years. Surf is pretty serious up there. But it should be pretty big everywhere north of Pt. Conception this weekend.

Hope you get good waves wherever you go!



you can find me easily, i’m the 6’ skinny white guy - i’ll be wearing Vera Wang, it IS after all Emmy weekend regardless of the writer’s strike!

sigh - short brown hair blue eyes long nose with the Carl Molden double balled scrotum on the end, that’d be me! you’ll know me by my noises

surfed microscopic malibu today on my 9’6 and i’m proud to say - NO LEASH! it was so small and shitty there was no way to have anything BUT fun! ugly water but worth splashing in for an hour or so

are any of your gentlemen planning on attending the BOJO exhibit in LA @ Mollusk on 1-15?

What’s a BOJO? Or is that pronounced BoHo?

Alan , short for Bojorquez, Steves last name.

ok, i admit i broke down and bought my first pair of booties(i guess blood circulation ain’t what it use to be, plus i won’t have as much tape on my feet from the rocks as i usually do) and after seeing the gaggle of people out( close to 200) during the big, sloppy swell, i though it might be prudent i get a leash in case i lose my board and it nailed some poor soul. as of yet i have not unpacked the leash(thank god)…

i got that article on the hulls bookmarked, and i’m forever watching those D Lloyd clips… but today after a lengthy chow discussion with some friends about hulls - what they iz ( hi-speed razor blades) and what they izn’t (longboards and funboards), i went in to forward them the site to see the quicktime clips of these guys ‘just cruising down the line’… and i reread the article.

this last paragraph is kinda lumping hulls in with eggs and funboards…


Flash Forward to Today…

Where does this all fit into the scheme of things? Well, what came from the tiny shop and shaping bay in Reseda, California, and, from the countless days out at 3rd point from 69-73, was a widely popular design theory that literally hundreds of thousands of today’s surfers ride as their primary boards, the mid-size hotdog model. Those boards were precursors to today’s hugely popular mid length styles. Affectionately dubbed Spuds, Hulls, Eggs, Tongue Depressors, Platters, Potato Chips, Stubbies, and Round boards, It’s these models that are so forgiving and have allowed many surfers to once again enjoy riding waves after having given up short boards as being too competitive and hard to paddle.


why bother discussing with others, i often ask myself.

some shops i go into and pull boards off the rack and just marvel in wonder at what people might be listening to when they shape a board, who designed the logo, and how long it’ll be until the shop dives out of the market. i am without doubt in the next year going to shape a board for myself - F it!

upon initial inspection hulls are weird unless you have no eyes or fingers. spoons and knives the same yes no

Great, great article and those short clips are bitchin’. I love this quote myself:

"Liddle flies under the surf world's radar preferring to let his shaping, his friends, and his surfing speak for itself. Not concerned with being show-ponies paraded up and down the boardwalk at Huntington and Hermosa, the boys do their thing quietly on land and with a huge scream in the water. They were the quintessential art-noveau surf cats painting themselves unwittingly into this renaissance movement in the pre-trunk/leash/wetsuit days. Avant-garde to a fault, the surfing style of the Liddle League exuded attitude before it was fashionable. They were the shit!"

motif- that’s my favorite segment of story too…

test rode a new 8’7" liddle hull is kp’s board so i had to wear the leash.board is sweet, but the leash thing does suck…

Matt with that bump and those sneeker sets , you gotta leashup, also when I went out it was still up to the rocks. The board works good , ride some more! Oh yeah Wetsand is having a Andrew Kidman book party , Ether, tonight at there new store also showing some new stuff from Hydrodynamica and some music from Kidman.

i dunno - i like to ride waves more than swim… and hull’s ain’t too forgiving to the newbie, so it only makes sense for me to use a leash. That, and i need to have my hull last, cuz i live outside the US. I’ve done it – just a coupla weeks ago my leash snapped – and i wasn’t gonna paddle in… so leashless i wuz. not too mention regard for others - i know if a guy looses his board and nearly slams into my head – i can come up seein red, at least for an instant b4 i cool down. but i guess this subj is for another thread.

shots showing this move seem to be peculiar to hulls – out in front and carving a high-speed swathe – the quintessential hull turn … man i love it:


don’t worry dad, i’ll be riding it today, tomorrow, the next day, and the next…it’s mine now!