post Hull pics

Greg doesn’t really elaborate. I asked him how you’d know if you went too far forward. Here is his response in full:

“the nose will pull too deeply into the wave face and the tail will try or will slide out…there is a sweet spot…different for everyone because of stature, style, center of gravity etc…too far back a pivot turn with no acceleration…somewhere inbetween the board should go over on its rail and accelerate the board out of the turn…trial and error…aloha…greg”


i use 'em all the time. hadn’t noticed any waterflow issues, although once you figured it’s set where you want it, replace wonderbolt with regular on, or bondo it in(done that a few times as well). i suggest dropping down in fin size like a 7" or so and try that…TA makes a 7" l-flex…

Matt, curious on why smaller fin? I think my buddy has one…

Check this out:;post=110460;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25;

Matt Miller to the rescue!

As soon as the tail starts wagging while you paddle, you know the fin is too far up.


That’s a great thread. Thanks for posting the link. I’ve never read that one.


6’2 x 22 x 2 7/8".

Itll be a carbon rail-er, this time with much less carbon on the rails:

i really dig the stringerlessness and every other aspect ratio of this shape - very very very niiice

thanks for posting such cool images

Very sweet!


That’s one elegant-looking soapbar, there, Ryan. Good work!


That’s one elegant-looking soapbar, there, Ryan. Good work!

your soap has been looking pretty nice lately too…im loving your quads from moonlight!

…still havent gotten around to finishing off that rounded pin experiment you gave me forever ago though…

Any particular masking tape to make the dam?

Any really. I use the 3M blue stuff from Home Depot, but in the past bought my tape from Fiberglass Hawaii.

deanbo- your quote about your missing x cracks me up-good one !!

Ryan I dont know if its the pic or what but if thats a mark for the fin box it looks to far up , HOW far is it?

Please pardon the following off-topic post by a relative lurker (but wholehearted disciple) of this thread:

My name is Ross and I am currently hunting for a place to live in the Ventura/Carp/SB area. I’m an employed young (24) professional who is low-key and has a great sense of humor. If any of you out there have a room to fill or wanna find a place with me, I’m all-ears.

*I figured that by broadcasting to hullville I’d find people that have at least one interest in common with me. :]

Thanks fellas.

ive got a room in a 3bd house for rent in Goleta…shoot me a pm if youre intersted :slight_smile:

back to hulls…

theyre fast :smiley:

…very good looking lines in that shape, fella

the dims and outlines have flow

My guess it that it’s about 7 or 8 inches from the tail.



My guess it that it’s about 7 or 8 inches from the tail.


that pic is pretty deceptive…its at 8.5 I think, MAYBE a little more, i cant remember at this point…ive got too many boards floating around in my head and my shop.

heres a round stub i did a day or two after that one :slight_smile:

this one is a 5’10…it had my head spinning after trying to cram all those curves in there (its the shortest hull ive done to date); although I did another today and it felt much more natural after the first :slight_smile: