post Hull pics

9N78W , that should be just right for a start.

the arc tail is a good choice to start with. it allows you to surf a little further back towards the tail which is a more "traditional " way, but will also allow you to surf center-forward as well in the hull “tradition”

as a kid my first few years surfing were on singles, which i think instilled in me a more ‘forward’ style. in my thruster years my pals would often tell me to get back more - right on the tail. I think that’s why i liked twins so much, i went back to them in the height of the thruster craze mid-80s, and again recently to a fish. That’s a big reason for my interest in hulls - i love scooting up and trimming, and like a more carvey, less pivotal/snappy turn.

Ev’s advice much appreciated.

EastPac: Hey that bull pic, well it almost looks like a statue. What’s the deal on that? If it is a live bull, that’s one lucky shot.

OK now – What about Andreini hulls - any pics? does Krajewski shape? (if so, any pics out there?)


WOW! scary what shows up your computer now days I was hookin horns for the Vaqueros boys up in Olympia,

That is a great shot of you two! Club membership has no boundaries. Yes, we’ve been chasing waves, by car, boat, and by plane. Life is good!! Could you lend me $50.00? Haha. I love this thread. These boards have a certain appeal that make me think of the old days when I was young. The lines on the Liddles are eternal.

I surf it at 3rd Point Malibu, Pt. Dume and north of Goleta. I went with the Inbetweener on Kirk’s recommendation for a good transition board from thrusters and longboards. It took me a while to get it wired but the last few sessions have been a blast!


AF: just curious to know why you went with an Liddle Inbetweener and not the Pointbreaker shape? what kinda waves you surf mostly?

everyone else: someone was gonna post a pic of a Klaus Jones hull – que que paso?

I was checking another thread earlier with clips from Innermost Limits of Pure Fun. The way those guys ride in that clip, well it looks like the style associated with hull – anyone agree with that. (wish they had that flick on dvd) Since greenoughs involved with that flick, could it be hull they’re riding? i can’t tell from the clips.

they are hulls and that gives a feel of hull riding style…

these are the hulls that are going to be in mollusk in SF

Interesting, the deck plugs so far forward - almost like it keeps you from stepping to far back on the tail. I went in and saw the album – the logo only says “Hulls” - who shapes? … pretty sweet looking boards whoever makes them.

Are most hulls made with Volan cloth?

well the fin boxes are 9 inches off the tail and that is the back of the box. those are Klaus Jones Hulls

Man oh man are those beautiful! They look like they are only for the truely committed though…

As far as Volan goes; among other reasons, volan tends to dent rather than fracture and delaminate (a plus when you have to shape deep into the old fashioned Clark’s) and the flex characteristics seem to work better. You have to get as dry a lam as you can to get it to work right.

hey Lee, waz up?! i recently got my new Liddle made w/walker does it feel good!! so far, i like it way better than clark foam.we’ll see how she holds up over time…


I’ve got a little bitty m3p (probably one of the last Clark’s) that I’ve only had one session on…not enough surf to get it going. I’m DYING for some surf. I’m starting to think I used up my year’s wave allotment in Indo. I watched Keith Melville shape a Walker a few months ago. Really neat foam! Way more uniform density. I got to try a few this fall.

In all your hulling, did anyone ever try one with just two keel fins. Kinda like an updated Simmons? I remember Spence making one a few years ago but he put those parallel rails on it. I think he said it worked ok backside but was unpredictable.

I’m thinking a sub-7 footer 17X22 (up 6")X17 with a trash tail. Double foil keels with no toe and just a hint of cant. Lotsa drive but quicker off the top.

Still not sure what you all mean by ‘a hull’. . . all surfboards are hulls surely? . . . or does ‘hull’ refer to ‘displacement hull’ ? as distinct from ‘planing hull’ ? If the latter is the case then it is definitely a misnomer because all the so called ‘hulls’ I have seen are obviously planing hulls . . . … .

Is the term ‘hull’ is just another obscure marketing myth ?

I’m admiring those boards though, nice ‘eggs’ aren’t they ?


It is an utter misnomer however, the riders of these boards have shortened the term “transitional displacement hull” to hull. While the boards do plane, the convex bottom and rails also displace water, hence the “transitional”. They differ from an egg as much as your boards differ from a longboard.

Marketing? Nope, no money in these things. The average surfer would try three waves and declare them the worst pieces of crap ever made.

LeeV, I think Dale S made a number of KB like that w/ various combos of mildly rolled rails and concave in the middle and tri-plane or not. All had fish tails. keels were mounted square or sllightly toed but had bases cut away 1/8 inch so only front 3 inches or so were attached to allow for board flex. I was thinking a nice addition would be to make the keels laterally flexy w/ stiff snappy flex.


sweet looking boards. the one you made me is a ripper-thanks!


It is an utter misnomer however, the riders of these boards have shortened the term “transitional displacement hull” to hull. While the boards do plane, the convex bottom and rails also displace water, hence the “transitional”. They differ from an egg as much as your boards differ from a longboard.

Hi Lee,

I went into a mild state of shock after your reply. . . but now I have recovered

Firstly, all planing hulls displace water. . . not just the ‘hull’ style of board.

Secondly, all surfboards can be described as 'transitional planing hulls. . .because they all move from a state where all their lift comes from displacement (at rest) to a state where the lift is produced by a combination of planing lift and displacement based lift.

Thirdly (this is where things get really screwy) you say that those boards are not eggs and that my boards are not longboards. . . . .well sorry but my boards are longboards. … . even by the standard and current definition any board 9 feet or more in length is a longboard . . . .I was very surprised to hear you say that my boards are not longboards. . . it just doesn’t make sense… … . and as for those other boards, well they looked kind of egg like but I’ll take your word for it that they are definitely not eggs.

If the definition of a displacement hull is that it derives proportionally more lift from displacement than is usual, then my 17 footer is in the running as a leading hull. . . . it sometimes rides waves without planing. . and spends a lot of time in the ‘transitional’ zone.

If the definition of a displacement hull is that it has some bottom roll, then it’s a misnomer again, because bottom roll doesn’t by itself imply that the board will act more as a ‘displacement hull’ than other boards.

Sorry to strike a discordant note, but as always I am the enemy of gobbledegook.



LeeV already said it was an ‘utter misnomer’. sometime ago i too had issues with the term ‘displacement’ in a surfboard. My guess is the up rails up forward, rolled bottom, and s-deck kind of give them a ‘boaty’ look. ( yr boards tombloke -roy?- i guess they’re long awright, but they aren’t surfed like a ‘longboard’ are they? fades, and noserides, drop-knee turns – yr boards are all about trimming and get most speed possible - yea/no? pretty cool sh!t whatever - but just different)

OK - i wanna keep this thread from dying - so i’m gonna ask for clips or links to sites with clips of hulls doin there thing. I’ve already seen the article ‘six feet to fit’ which i thought was pretty cool. anyone who hasn’t seen it, just go to and do a search on ‘six feet to fit’. (there’a about 8 clips - looks like early-mid 70s stuff Malibu CA). and lately someone had a clip of Innermost Limits of Pure Fun, which looked to me like hulls. (on this thread somewhere)

anymore clips? matt? Kirk? anyone?

here are sum of matt’s liddles and a velo