post Hull pics


i’m wondering about switching up my fin placement for tomorrow’s early session at rincon. i seem to remember reading one of the wizards from this thread mentioning the trailing edge of the fin should be sweet @ 12.5 to 13.5 inches up? i can only seem to get about 12.25 out of it before the peg is maxed out at the top of the box??? any thoughts? i’ll try it there again - see what’s up

thank goodness gracious and all my cookies for the wonderbolt! thanks for the feed again!

buenos noches hombres

scratch all the above - it’s called “SANDPAPER” and i’m fully loaded at just about 13.75 if i want it that way…DAMN! starting it out at 12.5 to see what’s up with that

That’s a big 'ole nose on the 7’1". How wide did you make it up there?

that nose is 18.75, maybe 19-tail is most likely 15.

Well finally got my hands on that little 5’8’’ and have surfed it 3 times over the last two days. Super crowded with all the nice weather and waves but who cares when you get a new sled to run around on. Man oh man! She can really fly! Not completely dialed in and not sure if the tail template is the best; as cutbacks seem off… time will tell. The trim on this board is so fun, kind of heavy and pretty thin; she sits so low in the water… cuts it like a knife! Also what was stated earlier in this thread about having to work the smaller boards more is so true. The length of turn is a lot shorter, working it way more. In that is also the ability turn react faster to situations and create more speed in a shorter amount of time.

Down side: The paddle is MURDER. I do miss those bottom turns that come around sections and projection down the line…

Anyway got to go try again… it’s an addiction…

KP, Matt, LeeV, thanks for the input! 12.5" offered everything i needed today and i definitely found another gear - who knows which one that is but i’m guessing 4th? maybe i suck, maybe it was second - ha! what a total blast these shapes are, they look odd and slow and thumby but once you get to know what they’re built for they are ADDICTIVE!

i was watching crystal voyager this afternoon, and really loved seeing richie west’s rides – how’s that board different from todays refined hulls? it was pretty short looking though, but he could still project those turns. i thought richie’s rides were the best in the flick.

I have not seen CV but, I was watching Sea of Joy last night and was really enjoying Ted Spencer on his tiny little stub… I wonder if it is the same one he was rinding in The Innermost Limits… which is one of my favorite parts of that film.

Also took the 5’8’’ out again. Not to the point, just a little A frame reef in town and man it was a blast. No one out, shoulder high, inside sand bar was perfect… Man that board holds the pocket so good. Not a ton of projection out of turns but she will really move when asked to. Good stuff, I think we are going to try and make a more refined version soon… learning, adapting, feeling, learning more, loving, caressing, fondling, dreaming, kooking out…

Richie shaped those himself, the rockers flatter in the tail and those had a little V behind the box. The Liddles that I get that are 6’4 to 6’8’’ are very close to those boards but with better rocker, we call it the Richie template. Also Wilderness, Bob Duncan still shapes a few like that with a 2+ 1 setup and a TriPlane bottom.Richie West still shapes in Aus. Teds riding the same board in both movies and yes really short ones dont glide very easy but if your on a GREAT wave they stay right in the pocket.

Top pic guy on left is my buddy Tim with his flexspoon he had shaped and glassed by Robert at Robert’s surfboards. We’ve been riding spoons together since 1971.

Not your traditional hull or spoon. Very flat, little rocker or belly, thin rails. More like a platter. works good.

Hey Steiny,

I heard you have an old Liddle. Any chance you can post pics? Maybe even rocker pics?



jim- we have a couple older liddles a 7’0" and a 7’6". the 7’6’’ is loaned out right now but i will try to get some photos up by the weekend. have fun! steiny

Thanks Steiny!

I’d love to see the 7’0". Especially the rocker.


the crowd today was a joke at Rincon. every kid who ever ate Smuckers jam and wanted to surf professionally showed up just DYING to show the world how they can squirrel away waves and tear anything that has a face. not a single wave unridden (not a bad thing) by at least 5-10 guys (THIS is a bad thing) and not a single smile to be shared. game faces and whiney baby attitudes all around only without contest jerseys. sigh - ALL of CA was there

i had 2 sessions. first i took out my 6’2 Fineline GB and then i rode a 6’0 quad for the second. the one wave i got in the hour or so that was my second round was my wave in, i won’t snake anyone just so i don’t have to hear a single breath of BS from anyone. the fish was SOOO floaty, slow, and unresponsive compared to my Liddle and my Fineline MP… like surfing on a mattress or something, it just wouldn’t come down the face at all no matter how much i tried to work it. i think i’ll sell it? or give it to a friend?

the 'con was looking pretty sweet for sure-and packed-pros and all the rest. a friend pretty much said the same thing-cut-throat, no respect,etc…too bad because it doesn’t have to be that way…during the “crunch time” we rode our horses along the beach and saw some pretty neat spots with few or no people. came back and got a few before sundown(minus the circus crowd).


that would have been nice to see and to have surfed with you. i admit, much as i hate the whole scene for it’s chaotic unpredictable flow it’s really special to see all the pros right there in front of you ripping, only they never fall and in doing so never offer a wave - alas. i would have stayed to surf late into the evening but i got into the water really early - surfed from 8-2PM. the time she does fly!

i surfed friday with a couple of other guys on Liddles and had a total blast by contrast. Dave (i think) from San Clemente who surfs Churches and was loving Rincon. he’s had his 6’6" which he got from KP and has had about 6 months. we talked about the addictive quality of hulls. then Kyle who was really tall was on a 6’10" and i noticed that from behind there was literally a spring of water shooting up over the top of the wave in his wake, just like a jet ski. he’s also had his hull for 6 months and it was so fun to watch them both surf, totally stylish. Kyle and i are both are into this one blog that you may or may not know about, it’s got a lot of beautiful pix and many on hulls. check it out - it’s worth it!

it’s official, i’m old! i turned 37 on V day and now i can never ride a board with boxy rails again. it just feels weird to go back and i don’t want to have to make the adjustment back and forth - something about being flush with the water surface really makes a board go much much faster, and that’s for me.

good morning sunday surfers - i’m headed back to mother ocean this afternoon only this time here in LA some place



it’s really special to see all the pros right there in front of you ripping you off



K-Koo – i’m with you on that thought. a few months before i got my Liddle i was headlong into my new TK fish. but then I rode my Liddle for nearly a year before i rode anything else standup again. so i took my fish out a few months back on my fave local point, abd i didn’t get the feeling i crave – where you sink yr rail, follow the natural arc, and slingshot up into the pocket. the smooth roll rail to rail. jeez i watch these kids surf the same wave, and its just the same move over and over on their 6’2" paper thin thrusters – snap, back into the soup. (all pivots off the tail, whip it here, whip it there) it’s like that style doesn’t use inertia and projection…

I bought the super surf screw, and was going to put it in today. the threads were not smooth, and it was very hard to turn. i checked to make sure it was in right too. stripped the plastic knob which fits into the hexhead. so i wrote the telling them the probl - did demand anything from them – lets see how they respond. but for the time being, i’d say dont’ rush to purchase one.

So the plastic came off? I worked in a darkroom that had some enlargers that had some screws just like those that also came off. Those screws are probably Ford engineered overstock. Were you able to remove it?

The “wonderbolts” are what I use, they are solid metal. Try to find one on eBay.