post Hull pics

yeah i took out of the box - figures if i slowly turned it it might smooth out the thread. but then the plastic knob stripped. no big loss. i usually surf with a leather double slip-knotted necklace that i keep a washer on. when i need to adjust, i pull the necklace so it’s long for me to be able to hang off the tail of my board while i make the adjustment. once adjustment has been made, i pull the necklace tighter.

wonderbolts are a life saver. i’ve met a guy who just jams his fin in because it’s such a tight fit. i wonder if it ever slides out, but i doubt it does, they’re a pretty tight fit. there are a bunch of wonderbolts on ebay right now - just hooked up 2 more for my other singlefins

i got to surf a 7’2" Klaus Jones hull today at malibu, it was so bladed out. really no bones about it all the way around. great paddle and float, no issue getting into 1-2 foot mushy ankle gurglers. i wish the waves were just couple feet bigger, that thing would have flown i’m sure. the surf was small and weak but it was 100X better than rincon was yesterday with all the aggression and gnashing of crooked teeth going on, i’m betting it was much the same today. i’ll take today over yesterday anytime

I rode my 9’6" Lance Carson pintail at Malibu yesterday afternoon. I had a couple nice waist high rides. It felt good. Six other people out and most of them weren’t’ catching any waves. I was glad I didn’t take a Liddle. It was too small.


sounds like you got “super screwed”- if you can get a wonderbolt…been using them since they came out and nary a problem…

weve had some killer waves the last few days up here…today was 2-3 ft overhead and pretty consistant…

on another note, heres a mini disc :slight_smile:


im gonna make one for myself with keels…should be fun!

WHOA! that looks like one fun board there. can you hip us to some dimensions for that flyer? it looks stubbed bigtime. when you see a guy with a hull on the beach from out in the water it’s hard to tell how big or small they really are, they’re illusive

5’10 x just under 22 i think by 2 5/8

super stub!

FYI – people got back to me and are sending a replacement. no hassles.

That is one sweet looking mini, nice work.

Any specs on the rocker?

Hey surferguy80,

I see your back over on this site posting your customers boards and talking about how good the waves are up here. But really, if you want to get in with this crowd, you and hookoo be’d talking more about the dredging sandbar on the inside at Pitas. That will get you far. How about your opinion on imports? Still feel the same? As far as I can see, you’re a newbie in town, undercutting the established builders w/o the legalities of running a straight up business. I’m surprised you haven’t figures it out yet, but hay, you’re young and still on Mommy’s allowance.

Nice boards, kind of…

S-Guy80: So far, every board you’ve posted here looks sweet. Keep posting.




Hey surferguy80,

I see your back over on this site posting your customers boards and talking about how good the waves are up here. But really, if you want to get in with this crowd, you and hookoo be’d talking more about the dredging sandbar on the inside at Pitas. That will get you far. How about your opinion on imports? Still feel the same? As far as I can see, you’re a newbie in town, undercutting the established builders w/o the legalities of running a straight up business. I’m surprised you haven’t figures it out yet, but hay, you’re young and still on Mommy’s allowance.

Nice boards, kind of…

what did I do wrong?

This thread is titled “Post Hull Pics”…thats what I did.

Please do not make the mistake of assuming that I am on “mommy’s allowance”, I am young (21), but I work hard and go to college full time as well, and I support a small family on my own dime.

thats neither here nor there and I dont see why you brought any of this up.

Im sorry if I upset you somehow, have a nice day.

Hey surferguy80,

I see your back over on this site posting your customers boards and talking about how good the waves are up here. But really, if you want to get in with this crowd, you and hookoo be’d talking more about the dredging sandbar on the inside at Pitas. That will get you far. How about your opinion on imports? Still feel the same? As far as I can see, you’re a newbie in town, undercutting the established builders w/o the legalities of running a straight up business. I’m surprised you haven’t figures it out yet, but hay, you’re young and still on Mommy’s allowance.

Nice boards, kind of…

  • LOL! hookoo!


keep doing your thing, your boards look great. take it on the chin, win


Hey surferguy80 – Now you might understand what it’s like to get flamed on line. I would have thought after talking to you that you would have taken the opportunity to help out the guys you flamed, but I guess not. You might be supporting yourself and your family through the slow economic times now by building boards full time, going to school full time, and making a niche for your business on line. What gets me is how you can dismiss what you have said about men who have been in the surfboard building business their whole lives and be so blasé’ about it.

If you saw how many messages are in my mailbox for mentioning Pitas, you might have a notion of what we feel when you mention a 2’ overhead at poles that is , in reality, waist high, just for your own build up to show your boards on the Hull thread. Really, why mention Campus, or Goleta at all? It’s really the only place people can go to avoid the Circus that you all have created at Rincon, even on the small under the radar days. You had a choice and chose the easy way out. I’ll never support your boards, period.

Everyones gotten flamed online, I thought we put all of this behind us and had an agreement, i dont know why you chose to break it this way. If you have unresolved issues with me then just let me know.

I have been apologetic and have learned alot from talking with you and have thanked you for your time, as well as the other parties time in educating me on the issues we had.

I dont want to get into it with you again, or anyone for that matter, all I did was post photos, and i mentioned the waves because other people had mentioned how their sessions were as well.

again, sorry If i upset you by posting photos, i dont know what else I could have done other than what i have already said and done to help the people I had upset. I didnt dismiss anything, ive taken action to correct what happened and thought it was in the past because when we shook hands and took a photo with our arms on eachother’s shoulders smiling I figured it was done with.

I didnt know that the easy way was missing a full 3 hour class in order to talk face to face and try to clear things up.

Im truly sorry that this isnt behind us, I dont know what else i can do for you.

my apologies S., I hope this is the end of it.

well, let’s continue seeing hulls without mention of spots surfed. (all of us) that ought to work…

OK… So… almost two years ago there was mention that there was gonna be a DVD avail of Innermost Limits of Pure Fun avail… que paso?? where we at with that?

I’ll post some more Liddle pics soon. I’ll try to get pics of some of my friend’s boards.


not sure on that, but beware- it might only be playable on your computer if it is in same format as crystal voyager dvd. i have a very old tape of cv, so when i saw the dvd in wetsand i was stoked. however, when i went to pay for it i was told it is not playable in my dvd player-only on computer. i hope both eventually come out in correct format (or whatever it’s called)