post Hull pics

yeah i got a dvd of CV from a friend in CA, and it give me some probls with the zone stuff. but there are ways around it. also, i think it’s pretty easy these days to get something in another video format ( .avi for instance) and convert to MP4 for your ipod. Plug that into yr tv via RCA jack — good to go.

I believe the 7’0’’ liddle that steiny has (also the one that I copied for my thick 7’0’') is on liddles website. In the photo index: Page 5 “northern california find”. A friend and I did some ding repair on it and that big ding on the nose of the bottom looks vaguely familiar… plus that it really looks like the board. I will try to get some good pics of it.

that’s the one! come by with your camera- we are having technical difficulties

avi? mp4? ipod? that’s all alien to me…heck i can barely use my computer let alone all that other stuff.(i’m still stuck in the last century i guess!)


Did you make your 7’0" thicker than the original? Or is it pretty much a 1:1 copy?




how big is the board you surf on any given day - say 3-5 foot swell ?

i know i am bound to try a shorter stub but i can’t help looking at that 7’ Nor Cal find and thinking about how it’d scream. i see a lot of pix with guys that have 5 boards with what seems to be 2" variants - now i know why


Hey Koochekoo,

I’m not Jim, but here’s my range of hulls:

6’8", 6’10", 7’0", 7’4" (x 3), 7’5", 7’8" and 7’11".

7’4" is probably my favorite length for most days. I find this is my standard pick for the local point surf. It seems to work pretty well in surf that’s 2’ to a few feet overhead, although it’s really in its element around the chest to head high range. As the surf gets bigger, the longer boards start to feel like they’re getting away from me a bit. So, on the days with a bit more juice lately, I’ve been riding and having fun on the 6’10". It’s got those little side biters which seem to make surviving a hard turn with a lot of speed to burn a bit more likely.

It’s amazing how different two boards with the same or similar dimensions will ride though. Two of those 7’4"s have just about the same dimensions (length, nose, mid, tail, thickness) but are foiled way differently. One of them is my favorite current hull and the other I just picked up from a friend and am trying to get dialed in. Even with riding the same fin in roughly the same location in both boards, the old favorite is comfortable while I keep getting bucked off the newbie (especially on direction changes). Need to break it in a bit more, I guess.

Anyway, it’s eye opening (to say the least) what a different foil, let alone a couple of inches added or taken away can do to a board’s performance.

Sometime over the next week or so, I’ll try to post some decent photos of the different boards with some ride reports; offer up a little compare and contrast…

Damn…i thought i was going to see hulls, but all i found was bold font.

Been gone on road trip to semiiniar in SanDiego. Just got back and catching up on my fav thread. DOn’t know if the board my buddy has is exact era of CV but shaped by Ritchie it is…ZERO rocker behind widepoint I think, single concave thru most of bottom behind wp…rails super thin 50/50 but w/ sort of an edge tucked waaaay underneath. Crazy fast but brutal to do any sort of direction change. So little rocker overall combined w/ very stubby wide nose wide tail template big tendency to catch rails in the hollows. I think Ritchie was riding very similar for awhile and totally ripping on them. Goes ta show ya. I have some specs on computer at home. Will post if anyone cares…

In → videos ----> meet your shaper → Brian Hilbers, does anyone know what kind of board the guys is surfing, and who the surfer is? I’m referring to the color segment after the classic footage of Steve K.


A short (5’10"?) Fineline GeeBee (at a top secret spot :wink:


I’ve only had hulls in the 6’10" to 7’10" range. Right now I only have a 7’6" and a 7’10" but a 7’2" is on the way. The 7’2" will be stringerless so it is reserved for good smaller waves. I’ll use the 7’10" when I need the extra paddle power (either really small or big an mushy and hard to catch). The 7’6" is usually my choice for faster waves though.



Sorry if I already asked you this. I don’t remember. Is your Klaus Jones really flat behind the fin? Or does the hull continue all the way through the tail? I ask this because another guy I know just got a KJ and he says there is hull (convex) all the way to the end of the tail. I thought it should get totally flat in the tail behind the fin box.


if it does maybe he’s trying to copy the “bottom half” made by tim bowler decades ago. round bottom nose to tail and “no” deck…

So here is a little taste into steiny’s quiver:

Sorry for the lack of pictures showing other profiles and stuff… the surf was up and I got to take out the 8’4’’ liddle on the left! SO INSANE! Very fast and really smooth. By far the best hull I have ridden to date. I really don’t have the words to describe the feeling but, I think you know what I am talking about!

I will try and take some pictures of it showing more of the rocker and how bladed out it is. WOW…


I wanted a copy of that liddle but, one inch wider. That board is on the thicker side but I think mine came out even thicker. Otherwise it was basically the same board. Rocker and template were a exact copy (as close as possible at least)…


so i guess you liked it. hee hee hee. drinking the hull kool-aid

i hear a lot of people talk about paddling and getting in being an issue with regard to board length. surfing a 5’10" fish has made that a nonissue for me but i know that in time it’ll be a concern. i’m not impervious to shoulder/back pain at 37. i think a 7’0 - 7’4" would be really good for 3-5’ waves with less push and for average CA surf - i really want to have one custom made by GL eventually and i think that this size is ideal

the 7’2" Klaus Jones hull i rode a few days ago was really bladed out, it didn’t feel like it was over 6’6" but in bigger surf i bet it’s obvious especially when it comes to catching waves. i know that some people have issues with exclusivity and credit for design innovation but i like the surfing i’ve seen done on the very short and stubby hull variations such as have been made by Brian Hilbers and Klaus Jones. maybe these and other new shapers will bring about some more new genius change in surfboards for us all to enjoy. i’m betting that’s their intention.

some innovate and are on their own trip-others copy…then there is the original…


i really respect that notion, there is innovation which in tow makes possible acquisition or appropriation. however i don’t feel anyone should be publicly condemned for being deeply inspired by an Originator. these artists are attempting to liken them-self to the very same ideology that has us all so smitten with the original to this moment. in the 14th century before one could be considered a master draftsman or painter he/she had to be able to replicate an original so exactingly that it might cause a case of mistaken identity with regard to the actual original. it was in fact a great honor to copy such works of art and was widely known and accepted as the only way to learn properly. i’d never knock a purist or by contrast someone who is unorthodox for their opinion, i like to think that we’re all free to choose what’s good or bad for ourselves as dream shapers or surfers without suffering humiliation or defamation. it’s a bummer to see people getting grief for doing what they love, especially when the ones doling out the bad juju so clearly admire the same things these people strive to achieve. it takes a long time to dial in a personal contribution to any cause and the time invested in such a possible contribution belongs to the individuals making the effort to refine their own craft on our conglomerate behalf. shapers do it for us, getting us stoked is their stoke. i don’t see the logic in getting overly emotional about something that someone else is doing no matter how closely it resembles or bytes of something familiar so long as there is mutual respect given to inspiration and innovation’s birth. i’m not saying that you are exhibiting this kind of ugly ass behavior at all Matt, you’ve been a total bro and are as helpful as can be, i really appreciate that. very very very sadly i have observed some pretty tight knit groups of people with some high minded ideas about who they think they are in relation to certain styles of wave riding alive today, a couple of who are on this thread and it’s a big boohoo drag baby, a hillbilly dipshit style bummer. please note: no naming names or fingers pointed. granted, we all have our great big shiny moments, this happens to be mine. why be bummed about the next generation digging and spinning stubs (or anything for that matter) their way? evolution will never be a matter of choice and if it ever was we’d all still be living in mudholes pulling women in close to the fire by their hair which we all know they love more than anything else

i really hope i didn’t offend anyone who is capable of surfing without pissing off another surfer they don’t know who happens to be in the water at “their” break at the same time when the waves are pumping - give me a minute and i’ll get down off of this incredibly large soapbox. i’ve been wrong before and will be again very very soon, i know.
