post Hull pics

LOL! Better lay off the coffee.

Hoo Koo indeed.

i’m so glad you liked my writing

soy chai bub, coffee makes you smell really really bad


“You’re off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters.” Captain Barbosa

it’s fun to see different folks tinker with their designs/interpretaions of the hull concept-refreshing for’s another when blatant copies take place…

“Devils! Dost thou then so much as dare to critically think of me? - On deck!”

“Nay, Sir, not yet; I do entreat. And I do dare, Sir - to be forbearing! Shall we not understand each other better than hitherto, Captain Ahab?”

Ahab seized a loaded musket from the rack (forming part of most South-Sea-men’s cabin furniture), and pointing it towards Starbuck, exclaimed: “There is one God that is Lord over the earth, and one Captain that is lord over the Pequod. - On deck!”

For an instant in the flashing eyes of the mate, and his fiery cheeks, you would have almost thought that he had really received the blaze of the levelled tube. But, mastering his emotion, he half calmly rose, and as he quitted the cabin, paused for an instant and said: “Thou hast outraged, not insulted me, Sir; but for that I ask thee not to beware of Starbuck; thou wouldst but laugh; but let Ahab beware of Ahab; beware of thyself, old man.”

“He waxes brave, but nevertheless obeys; most careful bravery that!” murmured Ahab, as Starbuck disappeared. “What’s that he said - Ahab beware of Ahab - there’s something there!”

"The Drama’s Done[/i]. Why then here does any one step forth? – Because one did survive the wreck. "

human 1: now that i see the surfers journal says hulls are cool i see they are awesome!

human 2: now that i see hulls are popular in a strange sub-culture of hipsters they are awesome!

human 3: now that hulls are popular I don’t like them anymore I’m too cool to be a part of the herd!

human 4: I am cooler I liked hulls before they were published in the surfers journal

human 5: I am cooler I liked hulls before swaylocks old timers posted about them on the internet!

human 6: I am cooler I was surfing before the shortboard revolution!

human 7: I am cooler I was surfing before Gidget!

human 8: I am cooler I was a beach boy!

human 9: What’s a surfboard? I lived in the 1800’s and was one of milliions who worked 12 hrs a day 6 days a week doing manual labor from age 6 and died penniless and unknown at age 34!

I am more holy I shape surfboards by hand even though I took my ideas from others and follow whats ‘in’

I am more holy I shape surfboards that are semi original but I use chemicals developed from war

I am more holy I only experiment in surf design but my wife does real estate

I am more holy I am a bum but I live off of petty crime and get loaded

I am more holy I am an ascetic monk but I still jack off

I am more holy I am dead


Are we still on Human #9, did you just forget to number em?

The ascetic monk one was great!!!


in between the two posts i grew tired of trying to separate and classify humans through numbering, plus i was trying to be ‘cool’ and mysterious. like greenough was so underground and cool but he allowed pictures to be taken and articles about him to be published in advertisement funded magazines, or malloy and cool artists are so humble but you won’t see them hanging with anyone who might tarnish their “image”…point is, well there is no point no wait a minute YOU ARE THE CONDUIT TO HIGHER UNDERSTANDING not these heroes however inspirational

vomiting truth is fun

well back to the main topic, i think hulls are enjoyable and interesting

I’ve been thinking about Herman Melville a lot today- Goodbye the Rights of Man! God Bless Captain Vere!

The 3 boards are right to left

7’0" Liddle (I think #1549). Found in a Westside backyard.

7’8" Central Coast Stringerless (nice glue lines).

8’4" Liddle Smoothy- I got the best wave I’ve got all winter on this one, the board is not very forgiving and not a good paddler- 2 5/8 thick.

All very fun.


I’m whi’cha. good post… ascetic monk… gonna have to use it down here and claim it as mine. :smiley:



Ascetic monk? Hey shut the damn door I’m busy…

we are holy and are children of god. now let’s see some more hull pics!

Agreed, this is such a great thread, let’s not doom it to end abruptly…

Post more pics…

where did you find that? (or did you do it?)

when you’re stuck in front of a computer all day trying to get Kelsey Grammer’s face drawn right so someone in Ireland can animate it you have to distract yourself somehow, especially when it looks like it’s going to be a shit weekend for surf and you have urethritis. no matter how the waves are this weekend i am staying out of the water thanks to the rains and this itchy infection. thank you baby jesus for antibiotics!

"especially when it looks like it’s going to be a shit weekend for surf and you have urethritis. no matter how the waves are this weekend i am staying out of the water thanks to the rains and this itchy infection. thank you baby jesus for antibiotics! "

wow…TMI broseph.