post Hull pics

Just got back from surfing a primo rivermouth sandbar left — overhead tapering down — nice long rides which you could almost step off onto the beach. it was offshore and just perfect perfect shape. screaming fast.

lefts are backside for me… and this is the second time i’ve had a backside sesh on my PBer. Man i felt so in control and i would just fly through from start to finish… just an insanity today. hey get this too - some argentinian guy drops in on me, but i felt i could make it out to the face and just went for it. this was was trying to stay high, and was pumping his board ( thruster). Meanwhile my hull was craving to go where it wants to go. i just did a couple small rail to rail turns just below and behind the guy, and the put her on a rail and held her… and then she just shot out, around, infront, and above the guy… and the PBer took off… made the section and all the way in. Farg! I never went by anyone so fast before. another thing pretty sweet was i could take off deeper than anyone, the PBer just would want to race up in to the pocket. I let a friend of mine who was riding his LB try her out … i think i’ve got a hull partner… he was really impressed by the ride…saying sumpin to the effect “man she don’t ride how you would think at first glance”.

I… HAD … A… GREAT … SESSION… god bless GL, and all those who inspired me to get on to one of these animals! I’m gunna crush some red tonight. good weekend all. i’m out.

here is a gull running away from me as i walk up the beach after a ride on a fineline 6-0 gb last fall

here is me paddling a mat into a wave on a stormy day at the tip of a point, i recall getting barrelled good then pinned to the bottom on it, the waves werent that good but it was fun because there weren’t many humans out mucking it up. it was shot by my friend who just got done surfin a homemade wood 7-0 twin keel with a rolled bottom

that’s it!! man doesn’t that feel good??? it’s so addicting…

I really like your description of the rivermouth sandbar. Sounds insane!

Here are some interesting new 6’3" Liddles that Kirk has. He asked me to post these. Please field your questions to him. I really don’t know anything about them.


Another posting from Kirk.

Here is a custom 7’1" Extreme Liddle that KP got for a fellow Swaylockian and hullaphile. I understand the hull is deeper and the rails are more bladed than the typical off the rack stock Liddle. Functional works of art.


question 1 - are they sold?

question 2 - do you have a shot of the dimensions? just curious

question 3 - anyone going to the Stoner show at Mollusk tomorrow night?

question 4 - what’s the bow and arrow for?

i don’t know if i’m seeing what you’re seeing J Shank - the first pic is vert for me???

damn this wacky rain!

A question: Are we talking a copy as in good shaper who can replicate a board really well, or are we talking about blatant scanned and computer shaped copies? Is someone out there creating bad karma for the rest? Are we gonna see hulls in Costco?

Not to rehash, but is this what this exchange was about?

the bow and arrow is for hunting and target practice…those boards are i think 5’10 maybe a bit more.(maybe 6’3"- i forget exactly). no. no boards at costco…(best to let it rest at this point).

You gotta shoot questions about the boards to KP.

The bow is obviously for shoulder hoppers. Bottom turn, notch arrow, draw the bow, trim and wait for the shoulder hoppers…

I’m glad the pics are right side up for you. The first ones are still lying on their side for me. Makes me mad too.


that’s what i meant by “target” practice…

man - that is so cool! serious life adventure shit there.

5’10"? COOOL!

no boards in costco - just a rant about cloning, i don’t think it’s possible in reality. skip frye makes fish, so does pavel…live or memorex?

Jim that bladed out 7’1" looks killer, thanks so much for sharing these pics! they’re beautiful

can you get a side-on pic of that extreme liddle? to appreciate the bottom ( and foil)… man that’s just beautiful… those yellow liddles look great too, with the wide tails like that.

Not sold yet , there 6’3’’ nose 18.5’‘, 22’’ wide and the tail is 16 .5 Thanks to Jim for posting those.


If you can send a couple side shots of the rockers (or lack of rocker). I’ll post those too. I’m interested to see those myself -especially of the 7’1".


mijknahs and putnam - thanks for posting and sharing the dimensions

dude those are some kind of wonderful to wake up to this morning. just peeping out the dims on those relative to my Hilbers 6’2 MP and those are near 2 inches wider at nose, wide point, and tail - GOD they look good especially on this calm morning after all of that rain and wind - i bet those boards (all 3 of them) fly - chips anyone? i’d love to grease one up with my finger prints, turn it over and wink at it’s lines, but if i did that then i’d have to wax it and ride it too. thanks again for sharing those killer (and colorful) boards - awesome. if not for my MP and the 5’10" i’m waiting on i’d have cash in hand presently - perfectly killer boards! i may well regret not jumping presently at this chance to pick one up - ARGH! ok gotta stop looking at them and throw my 6’8 in the truck after i get some eggs/bacon/pancakes in my belly

that bow and arrow shoulder hopper comment had me really cornfused for a bit, i guess that’s proof i don’t know much about snakes…other than i hate them. there is always a weird moment when you lose a wave to a snake and you decide it’s open season on that individual and happen to take the next wave they’re on behind you. it’s the only time i’ll bone someone out of wave completing karma’s full circle of life (this no snaking rule is barring full blown kookdom, if a person isn’t capable of standing or enjoying the open face i’ll ride up front and hope there is no bow and arrow in tow)

may see y’all at the Stoner show tonight - this evening my date will be my beautiful 5 year old daughter if i make it - we bought a flexi at mollusk, now she’s addicted to glide!

Thanks for the rocker pic Kirk. Do you have one for the 7’1" too?

What made Greg do these boards with yellow tint? They look good. But I though Liddles come in any color as long as it’s clear/white?

6’3" Liddle rocker:


That one just left , I will take the other one to Mollusk if its here by tonite.


My first hull just arrived this week. This is a 7’11" Inbetweener and GL built this up in only two weeks!

I want to try if this shap really works on beach breaks.

7’11" 17 5/8 x 22 1/2 x 15 and 3 3/8

hey that looks like my Liddle.

this pic should be rated NC-17