Hi Dean, Your post is alot different than our phone conversations, NO worries. To make this thread come to a conclusion and not waste the forum’s time which I agree with Huie, I expressed if you are not happy than no need to use the boxes which is why I didn’t take your partial payment. If you would like new boxes please feel free to go to our website and order new ones, would be happy to help you. Robin can get small orders out for overseas faster than me because of custom paper work, which I explained to you also. Dean I would prefer you not use any boxes not to your liking to elimiate any further problems. Sorry for mishap, Dean. Hope this resolves your concerns.
To my Swaylock Brothers;
Thank you guys for your tech support, I am HUMBLED by your posts. You guys are GREAT!
Hi Kokua, The side of these boxes looked like a Oreo Cookie, I keep the worst of the second run for the installs I do, which are for some of the best. Beauty is in the eye of the installer.
Howzit Larry,If those are the really bad boxes then obviously they come out looking just great. The finished product is what counts in the end and if a little toasting makes for a better install then toast away.Aloha Kokua
Dean you should have seen some of the problems with the original first run of plugs, the tabs would snap off if you looked at them wrong and there were bugs to be worked out but it’s turned into a great system and don’t sweat the small stuff,Aloha Kokua
…thanks to the Sway’s crew for turning this into a positive thing…I’ve done business with quite a few Swaylock’s members in the last four years…just networking…helping people out…people helping me out…Last night Resinhead came to my house. His new bamboo skinned surfboard is amazing and it has ProBox fins…Glad the ProBox crew is so mellow…
Except for you Ray…You’re just WAY too AGRO…we have all decided to pool our resouces and get you some “Anger Management” counceling. Your first appointment is next Tuesday.
HEY! Wait a minute! I thought Resinhead lived in the Arctic Circle! Didn’t he move there a couple of years back with the “Seal Slayer 2000”?