Random Photos From The Low Tech Lab

The Lab is looking for wood strips to make tail blocks. Redwood and PurpleHeart would be nice....any woodworkers out there got a bin of stuff you hate to throw out or burn???? Want to trade for a shirt or some extra wide 6 ounce cloth?


The Low Tech Family is growing......we traded some old blanks to a guy named WBrame.....he makes Low Tech Fins complete with Halos....and he lives right up the street from the Lab....if you need fins you might want to contact this guy.



Good to see you on here Benny, you have been missed…

Yep, all the good and the bad right on the front page…

We should pull Jeff’s most recent thread back to the top to offset things to the good side.

I have some wood strips (redwood, jatoba, and more).  I’ll bring some up to Plaskett.

Benny:  Welcome back.  You should come down to Plaskett Creek and hang out.

Hey Stingray...  I have to thank you for all of your help and instruction.  I glassed the red ninja board for my son today.  It was the most stress free glassing session that I have had to date.  I owe it all to hanging out with you in the Low Tech Lab.  Your suggestion to add two layers of tape for the cutlap was good.  It made it much easier to see the tape line.
[img_assist|nid=1068825|title=Ninja Board 2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=478]

Mrs. Stingray says if you come to San Diego there's things you have to see...and do....

San Diego Zoo Safari Park...Bird's Surf Shed...Soladad Mountian in La Jolla.....and a hidden gem in North County....Double Peak Park......


Hi Swied...I'm stoked you called me! a little extra pigment goes a long way....the two layers of tape trick is something I learned on Swaylocks...did you go with all RED or did you add some yellow or blue to the pigment?

Share the stoke!

"Benny1"  lives ?!


  whale oil beef hooked


  I thought the aliens had abducted you years ago   [did they show you their secret spots , in between the probings ?]


  good to see you back , fellow Ben ! ...


..... now ...


 .....can you please post some shots of what you mentioned you've been up to ?


  ben [chipfish61]  fins

I’d love to make it to Plaskett, but I’m picking my battles.  Played in a lacrosse tournament last weekend in the Wine Country and sailing to Catalina for a few days with a couple cousins in early October.  Fingers crossed, we find a little swell around the north end and maybe a couple spinys in some nooks & crannies I know about just up from Emerald Bay.  

Chipper, I doubt you want to see photos of more ugly things inside sucking bags or endless fin setup experiements in my test platform.  Suffice to say, I’ve ridden the same board 99% of the time for the last 3 years, in all kinds of conditions, to mainly just figure out fins.  I can generalize a little better than before, but I’m still nowhere near being able to speak conclusively about what they do… and feeling more than ever before that anyone who thinks he can is talking out the wrong hole.  

I really just want to see more of Ray’s photos.  They make me happy.  Did you notice how the Stingray logo looks like a scowling face from a certain angle? This one reminded me of Hogwarts’ Sorting Hat.  


Some dumb jokes...some play on words....take a good look at the Low Tech Lab sign in the photo Benny posted....

I've been called Stingray for years...but it was not the fish ...no.... it was the Bicycle and the Corvette. My real job is High Tech but I'm a low tech blue collar guy...just something I stumbled on one day. The Lab Techs are from all walks of life and there's Low Tech Labs everywhere!

need a hint......(delam)


The Lower Tech Lab is a great place to hang out....bring your gas mask and stuff to trade!!!!


one board finished.....one basket case needs work.......


Stoked out! This guy hangs out at the Lab....We made him a 10'1" tanker !!!!!!!


Sean is the new guy.....Sean forgot to turn on the shop vac....hey....live and learn....dust everywhere......

This board is looking good...........




New sticks for Don and Ray


One on right looks like a kitesurfing race board outline, or even windsurf.

How does one propel it? long paddle?


One on right looks like a kitesurfing race board outline, or even windsurf.

How does one propel it? long paddle?


Don paid a pro to make him a 7' Mini Simmons. He loved it....So he went from there and made his own design...It's a home made, hand made surf board that you can't buy at the local big brand surf store. The fins are wood double foil....placed way out on the rails.....I got a text today!!!! First ride report sounds great.....fun stuff

That’s cool, looks like it could harvest the energy of any ripple.

Not sure i could paddle it though, might need a big wingspan…

Love the stuff you cats are doing out there!  I wish you lived closer to me.  It seems like you guys have aloha to spare and a lot of fun.  Keep up the good work and hope you always get good swell.  You certainly have surf karma.  Stoked to know you if only through sways.