Share the stoke ! [photos]

love the portrait chippo…might look cool in a high-ish contrast b&w…

Gotta Love that G-Town Brown!

it’s brown because ??

uh, oh …mr. Henky !

I got a bit bored today, I got a neighbor to take pics of me skimboarding in my pool. The board I am using now is drilled for a quad setup, but I only screwed my fins in and didn’t glass them so they snapped off fast. I’ll glass them and put them back on eventually though and use the board as a wakeskate or wakesurfer. And my head fell off in the picture.

and here’s my neighbor

(edit, added second picture)

Very cool release pattern on the water behind the board!!!

Maybe someone could take on an explanation!

yea I was looking at that too, I was thinking why it happened when I didn’t have the fins on the board and didn’t really when I did was because my tail was sliding sideways and those could be slight imperfections on the rail or bottom of the board that changed the water flow.

But if it was that it should happen when there was fins in too right? or maybe less imperfections on the tail edge?

Or maybe the water could have been slightly sticking to the board and it wasn’t quite sliding but kinda skidding, and pushing more water in some areas and less in others.

Even if I don’t know why it does it and even if my guesses are way off, it’s still rad.

Does anyone actually know what IS happening?


oh yea I also glassed my mini quad set, and figured out a much better way to set them, so I’ll post pics of that when they’re finished.


This photo… I like the double wings , and the tail is kinda trippy ! What was the idea with the tail , does it “grip” onto shorebreaks a bit more , combined with the wings ? ben

you will be there later in the year eh , Josh ?

…be sure to look him up and …

…‘’‘‘where’s the photo’’‘’…


I got caught by the surf reporter photographer one morning on a board I made for my girlfriend and

The bastard gave away my secret spot too…Maroubra beach , Sydney

hey chip, the tail design kinda comes from when I was experiementing with different shapes, and was having problems with swallow tails sinking too fast, so started trying to come up with different versions, I have one that almost looks like a streached out swallow tail, to a ‘triple pin’ and most stuff inbetween. It does hold better, you can feel it when you wrap around, and just keeps the tail above water more. The board is also really wide, so the double wings kinda take the tail area down faster, and now the board can ollie really well.

and I thought it looked cool with the double wings :slight_smile:

Here’s a pic of another tail shape like that that’s a little more mellowed out. I never took a pic of the actual board itself though… duno why, but you can see it in this one, and another cool water flow pattern.

and my brothers board with the same type of tail design

sorry the pictures are so big, I tried to make them smaller but it didn’t work… and I found pictures of another cool looking board, also with wings!

I belive MD moved to Noosa a few years back chip.

Snapped by Uge eh Design Dick? cool!


“love the portrait chippo…might look cool in a high-ish contrast b&w…”

thanks for the idea …computers , eh ? [ Sure beats my darkroom for speed / expense / convenience !!]… Never thought I’d think THAT !!

plein air “glow board” oil painting by KevinAShort on Al Merrick fish, going to Surfrider Foundation 2005 auction in New York City. Share the stoke.

here something like what was in my mind :slight_smile:

well done !

…how did you do that ??

three “chippos” eh ? put 'em side by side , you’d have the three stooges , or the marx brothers …