Share the stoke ! [photos]

we get sun i was lifegaurd this past summer and i got soooooo burned at the begining, but no that was one cloudy day in the morning, actually before the sun was fully up

here is a sunny day

just found this photo of my shaper friend Scott Miller (back) and myself (front riding backwards) while cleaning up my photo files…

we were on a month long surftrip from SF to the Straights of Juan De Fuca in Washington, in October. this shot was in Humboldt. i slept in a tent 28 straight cold nights, we never bought a case of beer that cost more then $4.99 and drank pretty much every night, spent $120 on beer… i was a mess by the end, didn’t shave once and had a black eye for weeks from a windsurf board… dam fun surf trip and we never really even scored until the last day… we were in Humbolt and it was huge and windy… we had a hunch that it was big enought to make a Marin secect spot work so we drove the 5+ hrs down and scored, one of the most magical days of surfing i can remember, the day/trip even ended with a sunset that was from another world…

Just come back from 6 days in cornwall after getting 6 days of good surf. 30 hrs of surfing and i think my arms are about to fall off. Got to ride a good selection of boards to so i’m just about ready to make a start on my next board a 6foot fish.

Secretish cornish reef.

Me and my board tester/rider Rachael.

Few more to follow.

Cheers KS

Here’s a few more.

Nice and early dawn patrol before the masses got down the beach. 2-3ft.

Later on that same day we were getting 4-6ft.

Decided that it was time to go in search of some different waves and found this one by looking over a cliff top!

Cheers KS

so , did you and rachael get to know each other a bit better in the van …wink wink nudge nudge eh eh eh ? …say no mo-orrr !!

by the way , is that you in the red wetsuit , or did roy join you ?


Roy? Who’s Roy and no i don’t own a red wetsuit.


More waves this time empty.


…or did roy join you ?


Nice work Chippy!!! I’m still laughing!!

Nice waves Kitesurfer, what’s the air and water temperature where you’re surfing and how much of the year can surf?

Cool thread, keep the stoke alive!!


That day the air was a balmy 25 degress celcius and the water is shortie wetsuit temperature.

Oh yeah forgot mention, spent alot of time riding this baby.

Cheers KS

The latest addition to the family.

This ones a total experiment for me. Had a go on my mates fish last weekend and decided i had to have one but fancied a shot at my own fish design. 6’x 21"x 2 3/8". Swallow tail, quite thick chunky rail bands and rails with a single to couble concave through the bottom. It’s going to have a thruster set-up and if i can’t surf you can be sure i’ll be kitesurfing with it. Stated with a 6’x2" fish blank and took alot of rocker out of the bottom, i’ll get round to measuring the rocker later but it’s not much.

Laminating tonight and it’s going to have a blue and maybe yellow resin swirl on it.

Anyone got any thoughts on the design? Will get some shots of the finshed shape later.



hi Chris ! …I sent you a pm …

this is a Dan Merkel shot [used without permission ] of c.1975 ‘Off The Wall’ , I believe …“Buttons” about to hit the water …[?Shaun in the tube , I wonder ?]

…note the crowd factor …


Some lineups at my “local” in Thy Denmark

Water temp. about 5 degrees C. (41 F.)

Air temp about -10 degrees C. (14 F.)


I will be in Weymouth from the Tomorrow 22nd. I am planning a Swaylocks get together at my house we can have a braai(Like a barbey but the SA version and we dont let the weather scare us off) I thought maybe us South coaster and some of the other guys can get together show our boards feed you lots of beer and then you can share the location of that left with us. I will let you guys know when I have some dates for the get together. Till then I will be patroling the south coast for surf. look out for a light blue picasso and blue ocean surfboards inside. Oh amd a bald bloke driving the car. Sorry to hijack the post chip. Great thread though

Keep us posted i’m always up for a bit of food and beer.

Cheers KS

Hey guys sucessfully did my first cutlap last night with no problems, very happy. Here are the results.



Cheers KS.

new board pic test

lets see if we can swing left a bit

kitesurfer, how did the bottom of that board come out?