Share the stoke ! [photos]

Hey Deathtoad, the bottom of the board didn’t quite turn out as i was anticipating but i like it nonetheless. I was expected to see more clear areas as i put equal amounts of blue, yellow and clear in. But that’s the funny thing with resin pigments they never seem to quite turn out how you’d expect unless your name happens to Austin. Does anyone else find that when you add the pigment in the resin seems to become runnier?

Here’s the finished board DFrog.

Got to ride my new board on saturday. 2ft with strong cross on wind so quite messy but the wind kept dropping off giving us (me and swifty, bit of an impromptue swaylock get together for a bit of a surf) the occasional clean wave. The board went well and i rode in as single fin and with the thrusters on. It was much better in these conditions with the single fin, really fast and really loose once it picked up the wave. This is the first short board i’ve ever ridden so more time is needed before i will really know how the board performs but riding her certainly put a smile on my face, really happy even in 2ft of slop with the very occasional 4 footer appearing.

So many thanks to chipfish for badgering me into fitting a single fin set-up.

Cheers KS.

" riding her certainly put a smile on my face " …

that’s TREMENDOUS, mate … [ so , did Rach enjoy it, too ?? I hope so !!]

So glad you got to ride your board , as well … as a single fin ‘fish’ …hooray !!!

and you got to meet Swifty ?

…sounds like a GREAT day to me , Kitey-boy !!


Kite, from the bottom photo of your board, it seems like the side fins are VERY MUCH toed in…

Maybe that’s why it works better as a single?

Ummmmmm… think of the possibilities. :wink:

check out that resin swirl…

I like the link DF.

Balsa, your right they do look very toed in on that picture. The thrusters actually point to 1 1/2" in front of the nose of the board. From what i’ve read on here there seems to be differing views on toein and fin angles. The board fin set-up is a bit of a comprimise to allow my to try the different set-ups.The position of the centre fin is slightly further back than it would have been if i’d soley intended to be a single fin. etc, etc. However i appreciate any thoughts anyone has on the fin set-up on this board. Also i’ve only ridden her twice (waiting for another school boy fnarf, fnarf comment from chipfish!) and i’m hoping in bigger surf the thruster set-up will be better. We’ll see.



Also i’ve only ridden her twice (waiting for another school boy fnarf, fnarf fcomment from chipfish!)

" 'ere…"waz it loik , then ? "…monty%2Bpython%2B%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D

…goodnight !!

Good morning!

Fish boards?

Oh… fish board. 1973 Abreojos.

Groan, stuck in the office again, doomed to look at webcam photos of the current surf in Devon. Damn those pesky webcams on beachs i can only get to at the weekend.

Printed with no permission whatsoever.

They’d better be surf this weekend or i’ll be going stir crazy.

Cheers KS

Since there was no surf at the weekend i had to go kitesurfing instead. Here’s a photo of me kitesurfing at my local spot caught on spy satalite imagery.

You can just see me centre left!!!

Oh and it looks like someone is tow surfing out back at sunset as well.

Cheers KS

so tell me about / photos of …you surfing your new single fin fish , please Chris ??

cheers mate !


Darn puppet boarding string monkeys… ;-)… always a great option.

The Red Bull Circus is in town.

the boy

Whose boy? Yours ray?

Cheers KS

Very happy, going to Devon this weekend and the pressure charts look like this!

Should get to give my new single fin fish a really good go.

Cheers KS

Not sure how to actually post the photos so they arent attachments, but here are a few from this past summer,

Aaron Cormican boosting in the final at the Rusty Belmar Pro

Jon Jon Florence in, believe it or not, New Jersey, showing his NJ roots

My friend John Glenn making the most of a small day

Many more to post later… hope you enjoy them