Share the stoke ! [photos]


Damn, just saw the word [photos] now I’ll have to get one to post.


re : photos of your skateboarding handstand : -

… STILL waiting for proof , Grant…

I just hope you weren’t doing the cheesy seppo thing , and talking it up !

come on , mate… ‘wow us’ with a shot or two !

I’LL take some shots of you , if you want… ben chipper, scarbs… check your phone book, and give a ring if you’re up for a skate photo session [it’s going to be onshore for a while anyway, by the looks of it!!]

...okay, catchya Hicksy ! 


black and white , is still alright ! …

the stick for ALL conditions !!



Well, what a fun thread. We are so lucky to have surfing and our friends and family.

Here are some related shot. My son’s friend called and said there were a bunch of old boards in his aunt’s backyard and if they cleared the weeds they could have 'em. Lets see if I am smart enought to upload the photos

maybe not smart enough, lets try again

and a few more. The best of ‘em (to my taste) is a 6’8’’ Skip Frye winged swallow tail- I’ve been riding it- it’s like a longboard in disguise!

Hey Steiny call Alex and load those babys in the Econoline. I love the stains, start patchin and ride those things, too cool !!

Wow! Steiny, share the whole story! I count 18 boards in the last photo, is that right? Covering, it looks like, about 71-79? What-all did ya find?

Kirk- funny you should mention Alex- he ended up with an Aipa stinger and a Classy, no name Hawaiian Gun out of the mess. That pile was just his cuppa tea. Al’s van is like a museum of absurd wavecraft. i was going to bring some of 'em to Swayaholics for the raffle but had no more room in the van.When Alex comes to visit next we’ll take him to fingerbowl for some traying and cheap beer.

Benny- Well like I said, Paul’s friend called and told us if we clear some brush we can have the boards. She had just bought a house in the Live Oak section(midtown) of Santa Cruz. The house had belonged to Jim Phillips- the artist and graphic designer(do a google search). He didn’t want these boards. The boards ranged from a Hansen 50/50(cut down) to some early trifins. Most were beyond repair but it was still so fun to pull 'em out and oo and ah. Let’s see- lots of Hawaii style miniguns- we gave Michel Junod one he had shaped 30 years ago. a couple Joey Thomas boards, several no names, several unfamiliar names, the Aipa, the Skip, three Brewer popouts(hollow!), a no name hollow Lis style knee board(full of dirt and mouse nests)and a bunch I can’t remember- all told maybe 25 boards. The best of them were given away, squirled away or sold at my son’s friend’s yard sale. A few are still kicking around- we love to find and distribute surf junk- cheap fun and recycling too! Here’s some more shots.

one more shot from that day

A restorer’s dream…

" Platty, paging Platty "…

man, I bet the kids have never weeded so fast and thoroughly in their lives !

Is that the SAME Jim Phillips whose skateboard art features in the ‘let’s see some artwork’ thread ?? …I think it IS !!

Wow, what a score !!

… the Brewer hollows would be unreal RESTORED !! [Platty, what are you doing over the next few months ?]


Wow - you guys scored!! I guess like they say - One man’s junk is another man’s treasure… So is Jim Phillips still living in the area or did he move elsewhere and that’s why he sold the house?? I remember the skateboard artwork he did from back in the day…

a black and white…

I wasn’t going to post a photo here but the title is share the stoke so…

Super stoked this day back in January, The wave would close out then turn to white water but then reform,

a really fast longish shorie. epic. somewhere in indo

PS… My dad couldn’t manage to get my head.
