Show us your resin tints and patterns!

but its a nice mud!

Lookin good brasco

dont stop

thanks for the encouragement ken. and no worries, i wont be giving this up anytime soon. i got the disease…


This topic inspired me to go with a resin tint on my new board.

Not talented enough to make it myself, but I’m pleased with it. Thanks for the inspiration.


posted this in another thread as well… board goes insane, surfed it pumping overhead offshore waves

fast and drivy

thanks to LARRY PROBOX for the fins

they are the belik quads and i think this is the best quad setup ive ever surfed

the board is alot faster then a thruster in full waves

its a 5 8 or somethin

and heres a new toy my boss gave me as a christmas bonus

my local

other local

that looks like such a sick little left

love the tripple stringer setup 2

left is sick holds tripple overhead. ive surfed it DOH and it was pretty heavy stormy midwinters day

breaks through a rock garden and the rocks pop out as the lip comes down on ya…

kinda fat on some swells but the odd barrel section on good direction

always empty

here’s one im working on with a resin pattern inspired by this thread!


crazy man, cant wait for the ride report on that one

cheers Paul ill let you know soon as he gets it wet! its meant as a large belly board but i cant wait to try standing on it!


here;s a few done a little while ago:

9’6" winger/riddler with resin polka dots in the lam, and dark pink bottom :

and a gunny/fish just layed up:

nice bro

make mine look pretty lame

alll right now!!!

nice stuff fella’s

if I get the order next on the block is an 11 ft’r LB with green tint bottom with clear deck

early next year I will make myself a gentlemans gun 10.6 with veneer deck and Ice blue bottom

Hey Balsa!

whats the latest on the Pretty Blue board?

Question for the experts.

I just did a test today on some foam and glass. I mixed orange, and blue resin ( seperate containers ), then a third container with very lightly tinted orange ( almost yellow ) as the flooding resin. I ran the resin on in a thin stream, but i didn;t mix the orange with the blue, i kept them seperate. When i used the flooding resin, it worked ok, but some of the gaps between the coloured bits ended kind of green, like it had mixed. I dont mind it, but how can i reduce this, ie, have blue, and orange swirls, with the untouched foam ending up plain orange ( the colour of the flood resin ) ???

I dont mind if i cant, it still looks cool, but i’d like it to be sharper.


your flood resin will need to cover all unsaturaterd area’s

its when you squeegee the colors blend, what hits the cloth first is what sticks

try again and do a full flood

yes is waste’s a lot of resin

cheers kensurf for the best thread ever

i did a dark green bottom with bright orange deck that looks oka but run out of resin till monday

hey beefan it was explained to me like this

you basically use shitloads of resin

anywere you want the colour you pour the resin colour you want

you see, if you drag a base coulor through a dark colour it will mix as its pulled across the board

but if the coulor is already there then the mixed colour wont effect it much

so heaps and heaps of resin, a lot ends on the floor we are talkinf 700 to 1400 grams depending on the pattern

also there is cobalt, which i am using but still havent got quite right percentages

it scares the hell out of me

So, basically use enough flooding resin to not NEED to pull the resin off, just let it drain off the board??

OR, put up with some mixing of the colours??

I agree paul this thread is sick!!!

Hey paul, i have two cousins that have kiwi boyfriends. Top blokes. One of them, not a small bloke, was at my cousins weddin last weekend, for a big guy, he shreds on the dancefloor, mean as bro!!

you have to pull or squeegee the excess of the board

its the colors that hit the cloth first is whats left on the board after the pull off


mix colors

pour, drizzle, squirt or somehow put the various colored resin on the board

if there are any unresined area’s as you pull the resin the colors will blend and become

whatever the colors blend into and impregnate the unresined cloth giving you another color

if there are more that two colors blending then you will get “mudd” color

when you flood just cover the blank area’s as to save resin

"Hey Balsa!

whats the latest on the Pretty Blue board?"

Ken, which one? About 98.5% of my boards are blue…

Not so many are pretty, I’m afraid… Also, “prettyness” is not the same for everyone… Lol.

Oh! funny guy eah!

the one with the figure 8 stringer and the resin and gem end blocks

you silly guy,LOL!