nice 3 tone tint on a log i just finished
Sweet Paul! That tails, well pretty much the whole thing is exactly what i was trying for on my board, why couldnt you have had it done a few months ago?!
Just needs a big glass on fin, leash loop, deck swirl and no pin lines to hide behind to really make it interesting ;)
Here are the first two boards I shaped. I cant take the credit in the tint jobs though....
Black/red: 6' quad fin made from a 6'8" fish blank.
Red/yellow: 5"8" 5 fin box fish for my kids
The board looks nice. Do you have any more photos? How did you get those red spots near the tail blotchy and granular (I don't think that is the proper term but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about)?
I think that's the surfboard wax on the deck you're seeing.
Hi SickBird
Yeah as huckleberry said its prob wax, but i’ve got some more shots on my blog if your interested. links below.
Here are two single fins i did . (6’9"x14 1/2"/19 1/4"/13 1/4"x2 5/8") Red trans (with happy customer) and abstract, both 7.5 oz volan bottom and 7.5 + 4 oz deck, both gloss and polish. Red one is recent the other is quite a bit older
Nice Ken!
Just lammed the bottom of my new performance fish, mixed green and white tint to get the pastel green look, was aiming to get it more opaque but looks ok!
hey surferguy i really like that tint .
heres my latest on the go
Sweet board Paul. You're getting the poly really wired.
hey karl thanks, when i cut a new rocker table i can think of endless possibilities for good looking compsand using polyester and tints.
here’s a 5’9 i just finished for one of my groms!
reeeeally happy with this one; sorry for the crap phone pics!!!
That looks really good surferguy. Good Job!
ken you do such great cutlaps. i am taking notes!
Loads of superb designs, color combo’s overhere. Amazing and a joy to watch. Right now I’m working on a hollow balsa board, and I’m thinking of to give the bottom a clear red resin tint (epoxy), with small swirls of black and white. Offcourse the color will never stand out/come out that clear, due to the fact that there is not a bright white foam underneath it.(but hey, on the otherside… you can still see that nice wood patern. I also think that the wood absorbs the swirls more difficult than foam… so more risks on mudding.
Anyone overhere done/seen it? Searched the web for pics/samples/stories… but didn’t found that much. Ofcourse I wil make a small test piece first, but all tips/ideas are welcome.
keep on tinting!
the cloth will still hold the color
try looking the old what are you working on thread it may have a pic or two
I would stick with a single tint
the grain will give you the swirl
choose wisely my friend
Ken, Thanx for your answer. True the grain got some nice original swirls (and al the lines of the different wood segments), that deserves not to be hidden. Thats why I want to go for the clear color. But on the other hand some small mysterious white black (smokey) swirls could give just that extra. Here a picture of a hollow normal clear one thats allready done. (but another clear one gets me boring ;-)
I will search through the old/what you working on.