…hello Bud,
pinline in the lam? very interesting
very difficult to obtain smoothness
can you explain a bit more?
…hello Bud,
pinline in the lam? very interesting
very difficult to obtain smoothness
can you explain a bit more?
Here is my fifth tinted resin. I did it in 2007 and truly believe it’s my best shot! Something like lucky beginner? Short story: we choose the colours with my mate, powder pigment, and he wanted something with a “white circle and a star around it”… Well, i can try… I guess it was too difficult, the circle was good but the “star” wasn’t. The green and the red mixed amazingly well, but the white “star” was hideous, so after the hot coat i decided to try some Posca art on the “star” and… whaow… That was it! White and black pinline, gloss, polish, and a super happy customer. The pictures don’t reflect it exactly but… your opinion?
wow that looks cool!
Marc, that's a rad paintjob! Congrats!
Bud, real nice work, clean and chrisp!
Also really like that one Marc, especially the posca touch , good thinking.
Heres bottom and top of my latest, just laminated, 6’0 Egg white and green split tint, gonna glass on some wooden fins and do fcs rear quads…
hey reverb I'm sure nothing new but this is how I've been doing pinlines under the deck lam,
first press the cutlap edge carefully into foam with wallpaper seam roller
then with a 1” chip brush, an ounce or two of UV lam resin, neatly baste/fill the slight depression left by rolling the cutlap, keeping it to about a 1” wide path, half on the lap half on the foam, careful not to create a resin ridge on the foam. Clean up & flatten with yellow bondo spreader
flash cure
add a little surfacing agent to the leftover resin, baste a light 2nd coat over the same path
flash cure
finger sand 150, then 220 the path nice smooth and flat
one last time with fresh 220, one finger pressing firm, single pass following over cutlap
blow off, acetone swipe, lay your tape & pin, then do your deck lamination right over it
this prepping for the pin only adds about 15-20 minutes after bottom lam, and pretty much eliminates the chance of sanding the pin off.... and for me saves time = no need for gloss coat or sealing
close up pin under the deck lam
…Bud, yeah
many years without doing that way so, I misunderstood, guessed that you had put the pinline onto the deck lam
Sometimes what I do to not seal, is do the pinlines onto the hot coat then do another coat wider than the pinline/s then sand with 180, etc
seems to me easy and with less possible problems than this way.
Whoa! that is amazing - one of the nicest tints I've ever seen...way beyond good...more fine art! Well done!!!
Hey Guys,
I don’t post often (especially photos of my work), but this thread inspired me to put a couple pics up. It’s a resin patch work done with epoxy over a PU blank.
nice work!
a lot of sweating goes on when doing patchs
kudos to you
6’3" x 20.5" x 2.5", stringerless EPS/epoxy
[img_assist|nid=1051473|title=dark love|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640][img_assist|nid=1051474|title=D Tail|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640][img_assist|nid=1051475|title=Dark love|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640][img_assist|nid=1051476|title=dark love|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]
hey a pic of the lam on my 1st resin tint attempt. will post an other pic will all finished
thanks for all the help answering question on how to do tints advice was real helpful!
cheers antony
Nice Antony
That with epoxy? Which one are you using now?
here is my latest contribution to that thread…
nice one twisted was thinking of using the black - white - greyish thing for my next one as well. Still in the shaping phase though. Don’t have a lot of time / space to shape.
Can I see another shot of this sweet ass board, maybe without the glare
Can I see another shot of this sweet ass board, maybe without the glare
That is absolutetly amazing work going on there! Those boards are going to turn heads at the beach. Well done!