Swaylock's Laminate


44 year old ‘GROMS’…

…fish n’ chips.

Barnicles who write poetry…


barnacles inhale seawater

   exhale poetry

  live on residue


e.e.cummings is dead

b. b. barnacles live on

Hey Lucas, thanks…somebody posted that picture in the “kids” thread, I cropped it and posterized. I liked the original so much I used it to define “stoke” in the glossary:


My apologies to the photographer, I don’t remember who it was sent it in. Somebody from down under I think…

I like the original… its simple… to the point…pretty much perfect… look at it again, I really think it makes the perfect statement in its simplicity.

I’m not sure the planer is necessary, sure it’s a tool, but that’s all it is. So many shapers use that style, just not my thing, my objective opinion.

The one with the multiple board shapes seems much more appropriate.

I haven’t seen a brain with sparks coming out yet!!!

For the classic loggers:…?


…If ya gotta ask you wouldn’t understand…

I think a simple “Swaylock’s” tucked away somewhere on a board would do just fine.

I second that

i dig the classic look, but…

Ha! Now THAT’s funny. I’m leaving work early to go sand/polish the offending ‘pink jimmy’ board. Looks like the rain may stop for a couple of days so I gotta get it ready for it’s debut in the bacteria-laden pacific.

OK, firstly thanks to Aquafiend as I think this was a really innovative idea and his original was pretty close to the mark… neat and simple. My only issue with it was that I only used hand tools (no power plane) so I felt it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to lam a power plane onto my board. As I liked the concept of the original from Aquafiend, I’ve modified is to suit my concept and as I didn’t really want to put an image of a SurForm and sanding block on my board :slight_smile: I’ve given it “the fish experiment” treatment.

This one won’t suit all, but may be suitable for the handtool fish shapers out there.

Also, Kokua suggested a weave background so see how you go with this one. I know Kokua was thinking of some other tools to do with glassing so grab the image and go for your life.

If you want me to post the weave image with the power plane back in there, let me know.


Just so you all know, I don’t use a power planer much myself. It’s just that it is such significant and recognizable image that represents surfboard shaping.

How 'bout this… Swaylock’s.com, Shaping the revolution!


How 'bout this… Swaylock’s.com, Shaping the revolution!

i cant figure out how to quote peole but that quote is good\

viva la revolution

I think Shaping the Revolution was the best saying so far

Anyways, the power plane with the weave for those interested.


Very cool lam, will put it on all my boards.Thanks to all of you out there who have helped me along the way!

shaping the revalation

and appeared to the appostles ,a blue light that spoke only the truth and it said’shape and glass 'and it was good
