Swayloholics Anonymous 2010 Sept 24,25,26

I knew it was going to be HOT!

heya, finishing projects to take up for the trip. Hopefully I won't be sanding boards the day I'm supposed to leave as in years past!!!!

    Howzit John, I will be on the mainland when this years is happening. But if all the sites are taken it looks like there is no more room. I have a nice truck with a cmper shell and am wonderig if sleeping in it would be OK. Can't surf yet but it would be nice to meet fellow Sway brothers. That time of year is out of season I would think, do they have a motel at Big Sur, only been through there one in my life and it was a blur. Aloha,Kokua

can you sleep in your car?

from what i remember it looks f'n cold for us thin skinned south shore hawaiians

who knows

maybe two bozos from Ewa Beach might just get lost on a billabong and end up in that no man's land

i'll have to check in with my bro about an excursion east.

wish it was some place warmer

but people make the experience

not the water temperature




     Howzit Bernie, That would just be the best to see both of you there and that would make it even more important for me to show up. I am going to throw a futon in the back of my camper top and sleep in there and got a PM that I will have a parking place. Aloha,Kokua

what do you mean , it is warm in california that time of year . we even have girls running around in bikinis .   ha ha ha .

looking forward to seeing all the new and old faces .                     james

man i wish i could come to one of these…my school starts the 22nd of september so that makes it a little hard for me to show up…

    Howzit jt1,Do they get Santa ana winds that north,if so they can happen at that time of the year and they are warm, since I am in the same boat as oneula as far as being thin blooded from the Islands.Aloha,Kokua

    Howzit Bernie, I will bring extra warm clothes so you and sharkcountry will be warm.My niece is a highupwith Patagonia and I have just the right clothes for the weather.Aloha,Kokua   P.S.sharkcountry PMed me about possibly not being able to  make it so keepme in the loop since this will be part of a most likely month long road trip.Aloha,Kokua

hey all, please don't forget to email me an attachement of your logo.


With most of my fav Swaylockian friends showing up(not to mention Balsa coming) I might have to make the trip up! Even if only for a day!

So…can I park my car at somebodies site?


p.s. Balsa…I live 10 minutes from LAX. I would be honored to come pick you up if you are in need.


Actually…any of you guys coming in to LAX may feel free to hit me up!

Kokua  , if your  curious about it being warm , it can be very nice with a little indian summer .     Be prepared   for Cold weather  though , you may end up using that patgonia stuff . what direction are you coming from  L.A.  from the south or are you coming from up north , san francisco  area ?


    Howzit jt1, Not realsure just yet. Want to do a road trip and if that happens will most likely be traveing south but it could be the opposite or might not make it at all. I still have some problems whe it comes to eating that need to be addressed soon unless I can get an inverter to run a blender since my throat is still feeling trauma from Radiation and have trouble eating with dentures and swallowing rome the radiation. Eat a lot of yogurt and there are liquid foods also but the thought of eating fish tacos or any thing else is what I dream about a lot. I did eat a hambuger and a taco a ouple of weeks back but had to wash down every bite due to a constrcted throat. Quality of life changed since cancer ops and Rad treatments but still alive and kicking as well as possible. Aloha,Kokua

Keeping with Ray’s enthusiasm and propensity for trading; I will bring two boards that will need new homes.

The first is Ray’s Biofoam, resin tinted, 6’3" egg that was passed on to me last year. I’ve had a good time riding this past year in all types of waves and have even loaned it out to a couple of friends that enjoyed it. The board is still in great condition, and ding free at this point. I’ll include the fin setup shown in the pic.

Next is my 6’ Big Boy quad. It’s a slightly undershaped, oversized beach break charger for the larger surfer. If you’re in the 200 lbs plus range you’ll love this. I’m 185 and have had one helluva good time on it but then again I’m not shy about board thickness. (Must be my longboarding background.) Also included are the Speed Dialer fins that Rooster passed on to me. They are a much better match than the LB1/LB4’s in the pic. It’s hard to believe that a shaping mistake could turn into a real gem to ride.

Will also bring my hardwood, hotwire bow. I’m done with cutting my own eps blanks but I’m sure someone here can use it. I’ll post pics of it later. And of course I will have another box of fins to rummage through. So come on folks, let’s make some trades!!!


So is this get together for swaylock VETERANS, or can a newbie come hang out? Will a 3/2 with booties be warm enuff? 

It’s strictly veterans. And we don’t like newbies.

Kidding. Of course, everybody is welcome. You’ll just have to check with someone who already has a reservation though, as I think it’s all booked up.

Todd, just saw your message, sorry to reply so late: thank you so much for the offer but Afoaf insisted a long time ago to help me out when we land in LAX. I hope to see you up there, though!

So next question then anyone have some room for some kooks from Arizona lol. I got my own boards and wetsuit. It will be the wife, kids and myself. My wife is REAL easy on the eyes if that helps. lol

post pics?

you ass…hahahahaha…!

note, I have begun accumulating firewood…keep those wood scraps.

I should be able to loot the stash at the cabin since most of it is getting on in age and won’t be burned for years anywho.

that oughta cover us for a couple nights at the group fire.


Just to appease the peanut gallery, Hahaha.