Swayloholics Anonymous 2010 Sept 24,25,26

You might want to consider traveling at night.  I lived in SD a few years and was a single parent with a 5 and a 6 year old.   Whenever I went North I would intentionally wait until later in the evening to travel.  That way I would usually miss the LA traffic.  I would feed the kids a good dinner with a big dessert and then make a bed for them in the back of the old Malibu wagon.  Furniture pad, sleeping bag and pillows.  By the time I got to Oceanside they were asleep.  If you don't get sleepy or can split the driving with your wife, everybody can have a nice breakfast in Morro Bay or Cayucos the next morning. That way you can do the windy part (Hwy One) in the daylight.  Sunflower seeds work good for staying awake.  Lowel

     Howzit lavart, 2 days ago I found a 12 volt blender on ebay that I put the only bid on and it looks like with 1 day left it could end up being mine, plugs into the cig lighter and it usually is very expensive but so far it's only $25 plus shipping. I am also looking into an inverter for charging my laptop, just need to make sure I get a good one with plenty of extra wattage. Aloha,Kokua

Hi Kokua -

Seen one of these?

Wondering if anyone would have a extra parking space at their site for Friday or Saturday night?  I have a lofted bed setup in my camper shell and will sleep in there, so no tent-space needed.  I’ll probably bring a 2’x4’ folding table to cook on, but that’s all the space we’d take up.  It’ll be myself, girlfriend and my 30lb well-mannered dog.  Can bring plenty of beer/wine/tequila, or maybe cook a meal for whoever can offer a space.  Am getting really excited, should be a lot of fun, especially if the waves decide to turn back on and cooperate!

    Howzit John, That is so classic. Actually I bid on a 12 volt great quality blender on ebay and was the ony bidder and got it for $25 plus $15 shipping. It is that same one that the boat stores sell for $100 and it was used just twice and the owner sold his boat and didn't need it any more. Plugs into the cig lighter so I am set now. Since this is my first time I am wondering what to bring besides beer and some food and a cooler of course but for some reason Iknow I amforgetting something and don't want to show up without a much needed supply. I have to go through the family camping gear to see what we have. May buy a power inverter but want to get a good quality one so I can recharge my laptop. Aloha,Kokua

It's a crazy life....

MarkSSD,Stingray ,and Surf4fins.......We've got a spot...we have $$$ to get us there and back....We're Looking forward to meeting everyone!

   Howzit stingray. Blender arrived today so I am 1 step closer to making it to there. Have been using the dremel on my dentures and it is making a difference and have been eating some food with them but they still could be more comforable and still like using the blender. Its the throat that is the real problem and I see a doctor in 10 days and hopefully he can help with that problem.Aloha,Kokua

Kokua  and others,

                                 Can somebody pull there vehicle or extra vehicle  into my camp site  on thursday  after 3 pm check in  .  They   will give away  the site   if you do not check in the day of arrival  , like they did last yaer  .  I will arrive  friday . site   # 043 . reservation # 2-1230689 .

                    thank you james



Has anyone offered to get your parking spot yet James.   I am the unofficial leader of the Santa Cruz/ Orange county chapter.    I can easily put a truck in the spot for you.   As it turns out me and my gang could use as many spots as possible.   See you guys there.   Darren

wait a minute , wait a minute , I thought I was the unofficial leader of the norcal / santa cruz chapter !!!    just kidding  , I am still just a lowly soldier , with no chance of being promoted .

             please do park your truck ,  at check in time on thursday . Kokua might  be sharing the spot  so  be nice .


                 aloha james

We are getting there.

getting close… anyone know if campfires are OK this year?

How about a template swap?  bring a couple of your favorites and a roll of paper? 


from the website today: Camp fires and bbq's ok at Plaskett

http://www.fs.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsinternet/!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gjAwhwtDDw9_AI8zPyhQoY6BdkOyoCAGixyPg!/?ss=110507&navtype=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&cid=stelprdb5193333&navid=091000000000000&pnavid=null&position=Not Yet Determined.Html&ttype=detail&pname=Los Padres National Forest- Home


Developed Recreation Areas and Campfire Use Sites in Los Padres National Forest where campfires and barbecues are currently permitted:

Monterey Ranger District
Arroyo Seco Campground/Group Camp
Arroyo Seco Day Use Area
Bottchers Gap Campground
China Camp Campground
Escondido Campground
Kirk Creek Campground
Nacimiento Campground
Mill Creek Picnic Area
Plaskett Creek Campground/ Group Camp
Ponderosa Campground
Sand Dollar Day Use Area
Santa Lucia Memorial Park Campground
White Oaks Campground

great.  those couple of years with no campfires were a bit of a downer!  gotta bring firewood…

bring yer gitar too.....

that’s like saying “don’t forget your surfboard…”

anybody have an extra parking spot?

    Aloha Keith, I won't be coming and I am not happy about it. The doctor did a blood test on me and I have low red blood cell count and they are doing tests. One good thing is the test for blood in my stoamch and colon came back negative but now they are scheduling more tests and they won't let me work them around the camp out. Actually ifI didn't have to do the tests I would probably go back to Kauai for my ex room mates memorial since it will be the same weekend. PPK just emailed me and he is trying to get me to move back and run the taco truck at Annini bch, told him "if I was 30 years younger maybe" I just hope that I will be able to move back to Kauai after I get things together here since Kauai is where my heart is. I want to wish you alla good time at the get together and I need to get a tee shirt in a large. Aloha,Kokua

Hey Durbs!  Where have you been?

Did you already check with Tyler? He usually has an extra spot or two. Our parking spots are full but you’re welcome to throw a tent down in our camp site.

Gonna bring any new fins?



I just got off the phone with the management outfit.  Here is the latest info...

The water shortage from earlier in the season has been corrected so we won't have to bring our own water.  There have been mixed reports on this and it turns out it was a broken main that has been fixed.

Campfires are OK according to the management outfit.  "The Forest Service hasn't issued a campfire ban...yet" is what the lady told me today.

Swell forecast sounds as if we might get a break from the unruly conditions we've had in the past few years.  Hopefully there will be nice weather and some clean waves.