the " stubbie " photo thread...

dansan can fill in info about these, I'm helping him post pics until his medication wears off...


Greg: not sure on the volume but I tried to keep as much foam as possible troughout the deck

Chip: im sure I can get some photos as soon as a swell comes through.  I cant wait for it to be riden.  wish I could surf it, but think 205lbs may be a bit much.



thank-you so much..i should be able to figure it out(how to post this week)..

the pain, and thus the med haze will be ending..



aqua logo- pearson arrow  shaper dane perlee(see one california day, etc)

moon/spoon fish...6.6 x 25 x 3 1/4

was originally gonna just be a fish/tail...went with moontail, center box..

right now it has tiny sidebites(from glenn rainbow fin co), and a 12" spoon fin (from thalia surf shop)

and it is  great in this setup, but also works great as a bonzer3...

i'm thinking of having glenn make a center fin like the bonzer3 sides so i can try it as

wannabee finless board



red logo- pearson arrow shaper dane perlee

mote stubbie 7.0 x 23 x 3 1/8

originally gonna be a my "thruster" board,

but works awesome as a mini-simmons or a fish with keels,

a quad, a single with a 9.25" true ames skip frye flex fin, mr twin w/ trailer,

even had it as a six shooter ala mr. ace...but it works best as  2+1..8.0 rfc painted glass center and 2 fcs small sides

this(and my 7.6..still back in santa cruz..yes..steiny, can ride it...just see brian nunes..)

is my travel board....all i need is it .. a bag-o-fins ...some tasty waves...and a cool buzz... and i'm fine.

again thank-you mike d.   it took so long to type wifey spell/grammar checked for me.....

said a dog coulda done better..

.oh yeah..well i have an opposable thumb.

.just don't use it...that much..



dansan can fill in info about these, I'm helping him post pics until his medication wears off...




Does anyone have a rider report on the "Morning of the Earth" MP boards? I saw some in Byron over the weekend and they are beautiful (not cheap though!). just wondering how they go and if they are true to the original design.


i know..they're wicked expensive..

i'd rather go to greg(m3p), or bj(mp) for their boards..

or marc a....



Does anyone have a rider report on the "Morning of the Earth" MP boards? I saw some in Byron over the weekend and they are beautiful (not cheap though!). just wondering how they go and if they are true to the original design.




  an acquaintance of mine , frankie , loved his !!


  he was fortunate to pay $aus500 for his years ago before the retro fad pushed prices through the roof


  only problem was .....the stupid fucker's drug problem [siiiiggghhhhh] meant he sold it way too cheap , to support his weakness . pity. if i'd had the money at the time i would have bought it off him , and given the money to his more sensible brother instead . such is life ....

very nice board zac !!!

"pacman" isn't really getting much attention since i got my new JD fish, but i think it might make a good stubbie. The pulled round tail ( 17 1/8" ) might work better with a single, rather than twin fins, which i found fun, but a bit too loose, and not enough drive.



I have an 8'' dolphin i think will work great, and the little sides might give just enough bite to keep it from spinning.

In no rush, but i only really need to route out the hole and install a box.


P.S, its 5'8'' x 17n x 21 just behind halfway x 17 1/8 tail x 3 thick.

good on ya , Mark !


  can you square off the tail , round the corners a bit [so the pod comes down to around 6-7"  ?]


  and install an 8 -10" [no bigger] fin box ?


  I think you will find you could get away with a 7" fin [on a then less than 5'8" board] , too ?  but try the 8" fin by all means , first ...without any side bites , first . With a smaller back fin , you "may" enjoy the smaller side fins too, to stabilise it a bit and possibly give you a bit more 'bite' / thust off the bottom.


I always get STOKED when people give small wide single fins a go , I LOVE stubbies ! [hence , why I started this thread , all that time ago !]


... Beery , please show us / let us know your modifications , and how the board surfs,  then ! Hopefully , it will be an IMPROVEMENT , once you get it sussed , how to surf a short , wide single fin !  [with a 10" finbox , you could always set it up with 'Wildy's  " inline fin" setup , too, remember ...] 

 cheers !


plan B...


  if you don't want to shorten the board any more ,


  perhaps consider a foam insert [?do you still have the missing piece ?]  in the v shaped mini swallow , as that will extend the tail a bit , so you naturally have the narrower SQUARE tailed pod...


...that could work better , be quicker / easier , mate ?


  do you have a router ?


  and a finbox ?


ready ??


could be a really fun board for this time of year , and into summer even , depending on how well you / it will paddle . [ .... 3" thick [?!]  PLENTY of paddling float !!]





here mine been sitting in a wood shed for the last 35 odd years un ridden

hawke bros  surfboards osborne park wa

its 6’3 x 21 x3?

single flexi fin 8’5

pinched rails

displacement hull 

s deck



  are you from / in perth ?


 that board is pretty similar in outline to M.P's  "  morning of the earth board"   which is , of course , now 41 years old ?! And yours is 7" bigger , and a couple wider , with the fin further forward than his. [ It seems hard to believe , eh , that morning of the earth was ALL those years ago now ? THAT original board of M.P.'s  is featured in Andrew Kidman's recent "into the ether" dvd ]


  have you shown it to the Hawke brothers guy ?


  he would have some stories to tell about it , I'm sure ...he has an amazingly good memory !


  recently Ross from longboards scarborough here , took in an old board he is restoring , and Mr. Hawke regailed him with design details and stories. [The board was from 1962 !]


If you ARE here l , would LOVE to meet you and the board , ? maybe? get shots of you surfing it ?




  ben chipper , scarborough west oz 6019

hi Ben yes i live in perth i have actually met you befor eat trigg im the guy with the speed square 4’6 surfboard

i havent really tried the board yet but if you wanna have a go and take some shots i’ll  be down at trigg saturday morning cheers darren 

cool !


the photos from that day are , I think , somewhere on my 'blog' [the link to which is under my 'signature' , here !]


 your board is actually , of course , about 7" LONGER [and about 2" wider !] than M.P.'s  one,  but looks similar in rails , rocker , s-deck , and fin template  ??


  I wonder if Mr. Hawke had seen the board / been at kirra , that fateful week / ? month ??


" i havent really tried the board yet but if you wanna have a go and take some shots i'll  be down at trigg saturday morning "


....awesome !

I'd LOVE to SEE the board [and maybe attempt surfing it??] ... what time do you reckon you'll hit it , Darren ?

 [ give me a ring if ya like ...

  ben chipper [ I am even in the phone book , old school style !  ha ]


cheers !





hi Darren !!


  7.15am saturday NOW ...

 I'm  just about to head to trigg ... 


Please keep an eye out for me ?


 .... I'll be the shivering , skinny guy with the go pro , come over and bail me up , cos I'm pretty 'mr. magoo'ish , without me specs on


maaaaan ,


  that offshore is HOWLING , eh ?


I hope there are still some WAVES around ??


  hey if we don't catch up today


  my brother is in town for a few days ,


  he has a few of these type boards in his collection , and I KNOW he [and Ross at scarborough longboards shop / 'P-Co , here at Sways !] would be KEEN  as to see the board ,


  so , like I say , feel free to give a ring eh ?


   after 6pm I'm always home


  cheers Darren !


  ben chipper , scarbro'  [in the phone book]


This is a Geoff McCoy shaped Keyo. Circa 1969.


6' 1" x 20.5" x 15.5" nose x 14.5" tail, pod 8.75" corner to corner.

For the Oz connection this board is going to auction in the upcoming Mick Mock auction at Mona Vale (Sydney) on Oct 31.




 hiya Darren ,


  see what I was saying , about thinking this was 1969 / 70 era ?


'Platty's is fairly similar to yours too , eh ?





And , today...



 Evidently , the board had been used at some stage in Victoria ...

Do any of you   'Vicco's here know what year they had stickers , like these ?? 

Probably the late 1960s , to very early seventies ? [As the board has been in a shed for 41 years , as I suspected , it turns out ! ]


Thanks HEAPS  for the go on it , Darren ! was FUN  to surf an old s-deck / hull bottom [ that actually seemed to WORK okay !  ... at least , it went 'well' , compared to the 6'9 "Wilderness" that  I tried [for a year] in vain to make work ! ]

ahhh , yes !!

.... 'kenyan karpet' [ / ?kafta?] , eh ? INDEED ! 

I once rode my mate 'Quentin' / Rosco's "Basil Bugtussle"...bring back naming boards , I  say !]



  [ I probably should get a shot of you or me holding the board horizontal too , eh , Darren ? Just to show the foil and rocker and s-deck , to compare to 'Platty's ]

And , I guess it is nearly a "lonboard' , compared to the 4'6" 'speedsquare' that you ride , eh ?!  ha!


 I find it interesting to see how the water is flowing off the "belly" bottom  , as you paddle in this shot , eh ?!....



 And , many thanks for taking some shots , too, Daz !! cheers , mate !

me , showing off my bald spot , and laughing at the dickhead brothers , doing what they do all the time ...[they were both so busy HASSLING each other , that they fell onto each other and blew the wave , bloody wankers ! ha]






Darren , if you have the board at work on monday , we will try to visit you there you work ? 9 to 5 , or thereabouts ? ['p.m.' [private message facility , here]  me your details if you like , so we can ring and check first that you will be there ?]

 cheers !



hi ben glad u had fun ,cant wait to give it a proper go ( thanks to the dickhead who dropped in on me causing me to hit my back on a board and now can hardly move on the first wave of trying out the board!!!) 

ben i will be down the beach (trigg) on wednesday morning , i think it would be better  than coming to my work as i will be busy with customers 

heres a single fin g& s

5’11 x 20 x 2 3/4

slight roll in the front of the board going in to a v in the tail

NO S deck 

diamond tail

7’ fin 

very easy to ride but still with a retro feel!

man , WHERE are you FINDING  these boards ??


  they are in GREAT condition eh ?


is that one STRINGERLESS I wonder ?  maroon PIGMENT , as opposed to a TINT [so , maybe a covered by pigment stringer ?] 


  wednesday would have to be early , as I'd have to be home by 8am , latest [unless youre going through to hawthorn before ? 9.30am , in which case could I bum a lift ? [stay longer taking photos?],




  yes ,  if you COULD  be down there 6am onwards , I would LOVE to see and photograph THAT one being ridden [by you]


  ...same place as the other day ?


  paddle up and say g'day again , in case I can't see you ??


  cheers mate



Hi Ben , not sure If i am going to make it down ,back is still out ,if not I’ll be down there on Sunday cheers darren 

let me know if you are by giving a ring early wednesday eh ?


[6am is not too early to ring I'm up doing stretches by then , at the latest !]


  cheers Darren !

