the " stubbie " photo thread...

That picture is from MC Surf Designs. I sanded a few boards for Bob Duncan in 1991-1992 when not working as his tender on the fishing boat. Never shaped for Wilderness however.


That picture is from MC Surf Designs. I sanded a few boards for Bob Duncan in 1991-1992 when not working as his tender on the fishing boat. Never shaped for Wilderness however.

thanks for the site address Spence… GREAT !!

He’s had his OWN company for a while , by the sound of it…

38 years shaping experience ?

It’s probably about time the surf mags gave him the recognition he deserves then… [ I reckon , anyway!]


I know this board would not be classed as a stubbie, but I saw Richie Wests name mentioned in a post so I thought I would post some photos. The board is a Richie West Bullet, made by Cooper. Double concave, double flyer twin fin.platty.

Chip - i agree, Cundith is the man who brought the modern foil to shortboards.suffice it to say Mr. Merrick is thankful for that…


I know this board would not be classed as a stubbie, but I saw Richie Wests name mentioned in a post so I thought I would post some photos. The board is a Richie West Bullet, made by Cooper. Double concave, double flyer twin fin.platty.


THANKS for those pics, ‘Platty’ !

My “Richie West Bullett” is a SINGLE fin, also with deep double concaves (1975!)


(round the nose just a little, square off the tail about 2-4" up, and I guess it may not look all that dissimilar to Richie’s “stubbie” in ‘Crystal Voyager’, eh ?! )

Would anyone out there know the dimensions of that by any chance ? [maybe I should try the man himself eh ?

I wonder if he is on email …]

[funnily enough, this photo was taken near the Legend Surf Museum , just north of Coffs Harbour…‘Cooper country’ ! ]


… on this earlier [c 1969] one of Andy’s, the Joe Larkin ‘ski free’ that Michael Peterson shaped, the dimensions are : -

16" x 5’9" x 20 1/4" x 16" x 3" [c 8" pod]

“c 3” nose rocker, tail pretty flat"…is what Andy told me .

ben deck view : - bottom view : -

homemade 6’ x 19 1/2 " x 2 1/2 "…


…Where is Ted Spencer now ?

I’ve heard it said that as he brought in the noses, but still left the tails wide, it was introducing the concept Cheyne and Geoff would take and run with late 70s, into the 80’s, which thrusters progressed from …the narrow nosed, wider tailed models …

here’s a " borderline stubbie" [narrower nosed, and three finned…not what my opening comment guidelines included, but to me anyway, a kinda hybrid take on / ? evolving of ?things , perhaps ] : -

"chip "

deck view : -

…along the same lines still [narrower nose, still wide boards , and still with a wide pod],

here’s one from at least ten years prior to the last shot of the thruster.

A Pat Morgan diamond tail, complete with his [in]famous single keel fin [c.1971-73, at a guess?]

5’ 11 " x 19 x 3" [!] : -

Pat Morgan.JPG"]

deck view : -

next …

take a kneeboard blank. Skin the deck. Run some sandpaper around the rails [shape it a little if you feel like it , too !]

Go indoors for some herbs. Chuck a layer or two of 8oz top and bottom, whack a humungous fin on it [preferably, do all this outdoors!]

Then go get tubed at Angourie, Lennox and / or Kirra on the beast [!!!]

It was the ‘innermost limits of pure fun’ and I’m sure ,for some, it felt like the ‘morning of the earth’, man !!

[I , however, was 8-12 yo while all this was going on, still wearing shorts to school [long pants were for when you “made it” …“high school” !!].

ps - I saw “crystal voyager” in 1981… probably a good 8 years after it was filmed !!

M.P. , with a borderline stub / kneeboard (c 1972 ?)


…same movie, same east coast, different backyard shaper [literally, this time !!].

“M.O.T.E.” shows this guy, one David ‘baddy’ Treloar, shaping in the front room of the house [!!]. Then , dust and s**t flying everywhere… as he sands outdoors , with a MONSTER sander !!

no shoes, no eye protection, no respirator… nothing …

‘country soul, man’ [and a healthy dose of lung wreckage thrown in as a side salad please , waiter!].

He still lives around the Angourie area, apparently…

‘Baddy’, and the mutant " : -

Chris Brock in action …

[the tube shot has been credited as ‘M.P.’ countless times over the years]

…Chris again …

The “Morning Of The Earth” Michael Peterson cutback at Kirra……%27THE%20cutback%27%20%20[M.P.jpg

Okay, this may qualify as an egg ? because of the tail perhaps, but by 1973, Terry Fitzgerald seemed to have finished with the twin fin on each corner of the massive square tail. [guess they didn’t go too well when he took them up the coast to kirra…]

Rabbit’s book ‘busting down the door’ has some interesting observations of this time and the designs tried, as does the M.P. book , describing the ‘bellbird’ house , and the …er…experiments Tom unleashed from there [M.P. also, of course!]

the early bonzer outlines looked fairly ‘stubbie’ , too.

The major departure I guess was the DEEP double concaves, and two extra fins…well, long based ‘runners’ , actually.

Here’s a modern re-creation [nowadays, they seem to mainly be 5 finners] : -


…now, does anybody out there have photos of Wayne Lynch from the 1967- 1973 ish period ?

It seems to me (in ‘evolution’, and ‘sea of joy’) he rode a few stubbie boards… S-decks, too, some of them !!

I haven’t seen too many stills from that period, being that my brother’s mag collection started around 1973, roughly. [oh, to have the earlier ‘surfing world’, ‘tracks’ (in the days when it WAS ‘alternative’, and a newspaper [!] ), and ‘surfer’ and ‘surfing’ mags]

…anybody ??

I’d love to see shots of Wayne Lynch on stubbies…

thanks ! 


[THIS is from 1967, but it’s 6’8 or 7’, from memory…his radical vee bottomed ‘360’ board [!!] for Bells , and Johanna]

‘Wayne Lynch: The Barrel Roll Board’

Wayne Lynch was 14 Years old when he shaped his first surfboard. He was surfing the waves around Lawne and Bells Beach, And wanted aboard to attempt barrel rolls and 360 slides.

It was the summer of 1967.

He wanted to slip vertically up the face, a move that at the time was in the primitive stages of exploration.

His idea was to surf the board without a fin, hence the vee bottom. He thought he’d be able to loop into vertical 360 turns, But he never made one, the extreme vee catching the wave face in his ettemps.

What he was able to do was several barrel rolls in the bells bowl, ‘They were a bloody blast, but pretty heavy on the body…’

Taken from, Australian Longboarding Issue 32.



“M.O.T.E.” shows this guy, one David ‘baddy’ Treloar, shaping in the front room of the house [!!]. Then , dust and s**t flying everywhere… as he sands outdoors , with a MONSTER sander !!

He still lives around the Angourie area, apparently…

Isn’t Baddy the one who smacked Nat one in the face at ‘Angas’?

(BTW, Did you get those photos out of the book inside .‘M.O.T.E’ ‘03’ DVD?)


  1. no, that was a different guy. (Although I’m sure, over the years, LOTS of other people have WANTED to !!)

  2. to quote M.P. himself : -

" I could say , but I won’t say’


ps - I’m glad to see you spend your pocket money on QUALITY publications Josh. Hold onto those mags mate . In 20 years time, they’ll be “classics”. In 50 years, well…

pps - THIS is ‘baddy’ : -, and this was the board he shaped in "M.O.T.E. " [Morning Of The Earth]. Trivia fact no.5763: - He was also from Manly, before 'tune in, drop out, turn on ’ caught up with him , and like Nat and some of the others portrayed in M.O.T.E., he headed north to live…[ Ted Spencer was from Manly, Nat was from Collaroy.]