the " stubbie " photo thread...

Andy the stubmeister…

…‘Gil’ , is the Sam Egan on [our] left one of your old boards ?


more 70 71, Riddle: Name the Lat/Lon

Here’s mine.

Kenndy 5’8 16x21x18 twin fin.

Really fun to ride on little days.


Does this qualify as a stubbie?

5’4" x 22"



Here’s mine.

Kenndy 5’8 16x21x18 twin fin.

Really fun to ride on little days.


wow Steve , that is unreal !

Is that an original c 1971-3 ? ( it looks in GREAT condition !)

It would go good as a kneeboard too I bet !

That’s a LOT like the McCoys that Terry Fitzgerald and Mark Warren rode around that time.

thanks for posting that… who was / is ‘kennedy’…is he /are they still around I wonder ? american company ?

       cheers ! 



Does this qualify as a stubbie?

5’4" x 22"


hickster, is that [tick two boxes only] : -

1 wood inlay

2 hollow wood

3 VERY clever wood grain effect tinting

4 a mal for your grommets

5 a mutant kneeboard

6 a stub for you ?

if it’s yours, any chance you can bring it saturday ? I’d love to check it out. Even , possibly surf it at right on . Does it float okay ??

     cheers mate ! 


Hi Ben- I can reply on your Kennedy Inquirey- The “Surfboards by Kennedy” Twin Fin was shaped By Glen Kennedy- He’s out of Woodland Hills California, In the San Fernando Valley, Just North of Los Angeles. Glen is a super Nice Guy one of the real classic Statesman from the Malibu scene (He wrote a great article for Surfer Magazine in the early 70s titled “A New Malibu” that captured what was going on at the Bu’ at the time really well- Kennedy is pretty unique in that he’s one of the few guys I know in the Surf Industry that is really well liked up and down the Ca. Coast- He’s a good shaper, still at it, with a loyal customer base. Kennedy was very good to me for all of my younger Years, taking me from mid way through the Singlefin era and into the Thruster era- (with everything in between)- He shaped Boards for Rolf Aurness, and Willy Morris in the early 80s. My understanding of Surfboard design, and the whole shaping process in general came from Kennedy, as every new board was always shaped in person- Cant say enough good stuff about Kennedy, he’s a true classic!

  Hey Steve- Check your Personal Mail for a note on the Kennedy Twin!

It has the number 230 on it and it is from the 70’s. I took it to the Kennedy surf shop near Woodland Hills Calif. and had all the dings fixed. It looks better in the photograph then up close. But still, it is very fun to ride and catches waves like a mother. I weigh over 200 and it still floats great. Only thing is that it tracks. But if speed is what your after, or you are at Malibu, it is really fun.


thanks a lot for that info , Steve !

… is Glenn also a really good surfer, because I think I’ve seen shots of a namesake with a big peace sign sprayed on his board in a tube somewhere around the 80s / early nineties maybe… would that be the same guy ??

And, what do you know about that twinnie, please Steve…I’d love to hear…would it have been an original early 70’s ? [did you have one , too ?]

thanks for's great the knowledge base on this site !! 


Ben- Yeah- Kennedy Is a really good Surfer-He was a huge influence on my Brother and I, in terms of surfing with some power instead of all of the "flicky slidey cr*p that was going on at Malibu in the early 80s. There was a lot of good early experimentatioin with Tri Hull concaves as well- This sort of preceded what Al Merric did, to the Best of my Recollection- Glenn did some really Tripy Boards for Rolf Aurness too- Wish I had some shots of those! I will have to dig through my pics and see if I have any stuff of all the cool stuff he built for me back then- The Classic Shots of him in the Early 70’s Mags were a trippy coloration pic (Lots of Purple and orange and yellow in it) Titled something like- “Basking in the Magic Lantern at Pupukea Sandbar” or something like that- Also had some pics with a big American Flag on the Deck of his Board- In the 80’s there were a couple of nice shots from Oxnard. Glenn was really close to Photog. Bob Barbour, which led to some nice Mag. shots (and some classic Stories- But that would take me all day!)- Kennedy now spends his time mostly surfing the Hollister Ranch (Where he’s owned property since the late 70’s), or out in Western OZ. He has a nice house at Margrett River. The Vintage on the Board in the Pic is definitely between 1970’ and 72’- I had one that looked really close in shape, but it was Opaque Dark Blue on the Deck with a Clear Bottom. Fond Memories for sure!

I wonder if he’d mind me getting in touch with him ?

Margaret river is three hours south of here…I’d love to see his boards, meet him, maybe get some shots of him surfing ?

Anyways Steve, if you knew his contact, pm me if you like… I’d be stoked to talk to him, if he wouldn’t mind…

cheers mate ! 


I know it has been here and over at -ER before, but here is my smallest, and favorite-est board. Not quite a “shortboard” and not quite a “fish”, it is something in-between and is pretty stubby (5’8" x 19" x 2.25" for a 6’0", 180 lb fellow):

It seems to work too (dupe of the orange board pictured above):

Hey Steve how is your Liddle doin ? I just got 4 new ones if any bodys lookin for REAL stubbies, there 4 sale a 6’10’ roundtail , 7’2’’ round square a 7’6’’ smoothie sq tail and a bitchen 7’7’'round tail ,all clear volan, hand made ,shaped, glassed and foiled fins by Greg Liddle. Sorry for the shameless plug.PM me if your into it.

“Ayeeee”- Kirk, The Liddle 7’1’ has become my mainstay!- Winter is here early, and the points are filling with sand! Check your Personal mail!

Hey Chip

1 wood inlay

2 hollow wood

3 VERY clever wood grain effect tinting

4 a mal for my 3 grommets

5 a mutant kneeboard

6 a stub for me?

I only finished shaping the cork rails last night so it won’t be ready for Saturday. It’s 2 3/8" thick so I recon it’ll float OK.

Probably ready in 2 weeks.



Hey Steve how is your Liddle doin ? I just got 4 new ones if any bodys lookin for REAL stubbies, there 4 sale a 6’10’ roundtail , 7’2’’ round square a 7’6’’ smoothie sq tail and a bitchen 7’7’'round tail ,all clear volan, hand made ,shaped, glassed and foiled fins by Greg Liddle. Sorry for the shameless plug.PM me if your into it.

a 7’ 6 “stubbie” ??

[ kinda like a 10 ’ “fish” ]

…" oxymoron " , I think the word is- that’s used to describe two opposite or contradicting words put together [like : - “intelligent president”, or “good boogieboarding”, for example]

… 6’ and under “stubbie” chip

Chip your kinda barkin up the wrong tree here,Dont try to pigin hole a board just one size or design.

hi Kirk !

perhaps it’s just semantics, or different cultures, but…

george and ted would tell you…in Australia, where it originated, ‘stubbie’ means ‘short’. [a bit of aussie culture ]…to distinguish it from the longboards/ longer boards of the time, that’s all.

cheers !


short and round…compared to the current trend of the masses riding 10’ plus longboards, a 7’7" is much shorter in comparison-a mere stub of 10’ plus…


a 7’ 6 “stubbie” ??

[ kinda like a 10 ’ “fish” ]

…" oxymoron " , I think the word is- that’s used to describe two opposite or contradicting words put together [like : - “intelligent president”, or “good boogieboarding”, for example]

… 6’ and under “stubbie” chip

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