the " stubbie " photo thread...

mr. chipfish,

i’ve only stood up surfed once in the early 70’s and decided the theatrical “stage” of the surfboard was not for me… to elevate your self and ego from the earth and sea that way seemed unnatural. your “put downs” on my prone brethren, the boogieboarder was not only immoral but unlikely since we are all conceived as embyonic bodysurfers of some sort. i think you need to look deep into your inner vibe package and loosen your metaphorical fin screw cause the future is here, rite at your feet…

prone to the bone…



you out there to surf or paddle, my god…

what would george say.


…" oxymoron " , I think the word is- that’s used to describe two opposite or contradicting words put together [like : - “intelligent president”, or “good boogieboarding”, for example]



I can’t believe in this day and age people are still trying to knock bodyboarding. Especially since it’s pretty much been determined that boogieboards (or whatever you want to call them) are not a threat to our line ups. More dangerous threats to the line up today include clueless new stand up surfers who don’t know the rules and old grumpy cave man surfers who need to retire. Are you a better surfer than Mike Stewart? Are you smarter Bill Clinton, who was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford? I hate to even address this type of stuff on a shaper’s forum but this hate needs to be checked. This isn’t a forum to knock bodyboarding. Go to the North Shore during the winter if you want to do that, but I should warn you it will be a little different than doing it from behind your computer.


prone to the bone…

Another classic…

BIg bay Al , I knew I shouldt have told that story.Lets keep this thred on track and not piss and mone on who size is what , stubbies , potato chips, toungdepressors, hulls ,roundboards, pigs, its all good. Al I just had a can of GOTHIC DOLPHIN for lunch YUM YUM!!

Jeez- don’t you guys have a metaphysical fin screw to foil or something? BGA- Paul says “stop stealing my lines”. Its pretty dang flat and the bacteria count is off the scale- maybe I’ll just clean the GOTHIC DOLPHIN poop out of my pool. Rock on my brothers.

after reviewing this thread, the only tue stub is the six-oh PG.then agian, for more check

Hey Matt, what have we been riding for the last 35yrs ??? I guess someone will think of some fandageled bout chipofunellubbys?


Can people please post photos of "stubbies " ?

[rough guidelines …

under about 6 ’

wide [19 - 20+"]

wide nose

wide tail

often a squared tail pod

single finned, originally ]

…THANKS, people !


Just to get the ball rolling, here’s a Michael Peterson Morning Of The Earth ‘kirra special’ replica…

bottom view : -

Frank, shaping a 5’11" x 20 1/2 " x 3 " on my balcony…jan 2003

How did you manage to get a camera in your shaping bay? Your balcony is only 8’ long and 3’ wide! Show these people pics of your shaping bay setup, eg screens etc.

Next time you make a new board come over to my place. I’ve got a nice big shed to play in.




How did you manage to get a camera in your shaping bay? For the first time in years, I cleaned the sliding door in between the lounge and ‘the cave’, and shot through that. [if you look closely, you can see a tape recorder reflected in one shot] Your balcony is only 8’ long and 3’ wide! close…it’s… 9’ x 4 1/2’ ( I think 9’- 9’6 x 23-24" will be about the biggest mal I’ll be able to fit / make in there.) Show these people pics of your shaping bay setup, eg screens etc. O-K-A-Y, then …" all because you asked for it ! " This is the only shot I got from outside the batcave… (5 partitions, made by a mate out of wood and gauze , with carpet ‘blind’ rolldown arrangement to keep out some dust and noise…) : -

Next time you make a new board come over to my place. I’ve got a nice big shed to play in.

" COOOLLL !" … THANKS, “Hicksy” ! …halfpipes, skatedecks, wood fins, 10’ mals…if only you lived here in scabs…then I could REALLY make a nuisance of myself ! [so, aren’t you glad you live just south of Darwin ?!]



Manuel, I hope you don’t mind me posting your shots…

I really like the look of this one of yours…

have you ridden it ?

resin tint ?

other fins used yet ?

Nice work…

And, I like THIS one, too : -


what are the dimensions of these, please ?

...cheers ! 


chip- the kirra replica is bitchin’! did Mp shape it?

She’s all done, lucky number seven, the bonzer stubbie.

6’ 18-22.5-17.5-2.75


Nice looking stick…really nice.


that’s GREAT Shwuz…how does it ride ?

plain white with black fins looks good, too , eh ? where did you end up getting the fins…TFAD ?

cheers mate ! 


Nice job, make that center fin FLEX!


chip- the kirra replica is bitchin’! did Mp shape it?

unfortunately not…

I think maybe just his signature.

His brother Tom, or maybe another person is what I’ve heard, regarding who shapes them now. Only hearsay, though.
