the " stubbie " photo thread...

Found these two in the shed this morning,

you’d better come up and sand 'em off tomorrow Ben.

The girls have their eye on them…


hey, thanks HEAPS for that pic , Grant…I’d almost forgotten what they looked like already !

[they look like they’ve faded a bit ? or was it just the light yesterday / exposure choice …]

That orange , I recall, is nearly blinding in real life , eh ?

I hope to ride the orange stubbie VERY SOON !! [I’d like to be able to sand BOTH of them tomorrow [friday in westoz]…


So, seeing the “stubbies” people have in their quivers, I’m keen to hear how they ride / what your findings/ thoughts on yours are …

thanks !


Ben, I like the look of the stubbie. How does it ride ?

Hi Dorian !

re : the 5’7 " “Stubbie” : -

so far, I’ve only ridden it in under head high waves.

I’ve found , for me anyway, it

rides [hangs in ] best when I adopt a fairly opened stance and stand further forward. Towards the middle.

is loose and pivoty off the top forehand and backhand,

paddles really well [for a 5’ 7],

is pretty buoyant [blocky rails and tail],

and can be easily nose ridden [think ‘cheater fives’]

…I like it , basically !

It just feels different paddling something that short, but that depends on what other boards I have been riding before jumping on it. [Lately, for example, I’ve been riding the 6’4 Bob Cooper single fin…the bonzer’s template]

…One thing I DO need to do is try a different fin or two in the stubbie too.

I still haven’t tried the ‘winged keel’ in it, for instance. Or my raky 8 1/2 " wood and glass one. Or a big fibreglass one.

okay, I hope this helps mate !


you know the strangest thing Chip? i am australian too and you’re the only person i’ve heard call these boards stubbies.

when i get the chance to take some pictures i’ll put them on. i have a couple that fit the description, a few s-decks and other things.

later, luke


so far, I’ve only ridden it in under head high waves.

I’ve found , for me anyway, it

rides [hangs in ] best when I adopt a fairly opened stance and stand further forward. Towards the middle.

is loose and pivoty off the top forehand and backhand,

paddles really well [for a 5’ 7],

is pretty buoyant [blocky rails and tail],

and can be easily nose ridden [think ‘cheater fives’]


Hey Chip, Everything you said is how I feel about my Single fin, Loose, Ridden better towards the front, paddles well etc.

But Arent you like 5ft10 or something? I’m nearly 5ft9 and it kills me riding my sisses 5ft7 foamie, I cant even catch a wave on the thing? its so small!




hi Josh !

floatation is the key for me. The thing is a ‘chunky’ [surfboard design term] 2 1/2 " thick, almost to the rail. Flat decked, blocky rails, wide tail , wide nose. It all adds up to a board that floats and paddles well for me anyway. How much do you weigh Josh ?

The ‘stubbie’s’ test will come when my mate Daz rides it. Also 5’10, he weighs about 45 lbs [3 and a bit stone] more than me, at 190lbs.

He is a very strong paddler, I’ve got footage of him riding a 5’8 x 18 3/4 x 2 3/8 thruster I made a few years ago. So, it will be interesting come Autumn [only officially a couple of weeks away now !] to see how he and it goes in hopefully some bigger, better shaped waves. We will see …


p.s. - Lucas, that’s what we as kids called these boards back in the 70s here [because ‘the mags’ did…some things never change !!] I don’t know what kids today would call them…probably ‘pigs’ ?? [or ‘kneeboards’??]

Hey Chip,

I way around 60 to 70kilos (depending on what scales)I think around 65…

The foamie is built like a table and is 4.5’ thick…

I think its just the board.


PS… My dads called Daz…good luck getting him on 5ft7


I don’t know what kids today would call them…probably ‘pigs’ ?? [or ‘kneeboards’??]

They woudn’t know what to call em… but around here I think the would call any board wider than 19 a ‘FISH’!

hey, i’m just under 6’2 and weigh about 78kgs and for about 2 years rode nothing but a 5’7 McCoy s-deck unless the swell was too big. lately i’ve been riding a 5’9 and a 6’0 for the same conditions.

hi Luke !

… do you have any photos of those boards, please ?

Did the McCoy have a glassed on fin , or a box ? …like to see any shots you’ve got there of stubsters !

cheers mate !


Hey Luke, what about “the Destiny”, however thr “Pipeline Bistro” is in another league all together ;-). The story of the bistro would make a good one for here.

hey Craig,

yeah, the “destiny mind machine” is a great board and what i’ve been riding most lately. 6ft x 19.5" single fin. template taken from 2 old s-decks (nose from a Midget Farrelly of Andrew’s and tail from a Shane).

the bistro (beast-ro) would fit if the description said

" old boards over 9ft that weigh ridiculous amounts, have damage, have a fin that hums incredibly loudly during even the slightest turn, have been painted all over bottom in blue paint then spray painted over with black spraypaint “PIPELINE BISTRO” and used as a sign, were found under truck loading dock and attained for free."

you seem to have as much a fascination for that board as i do Craig. as hideous as it seems, i love the thing.

…Sounds to me like the ‘bistro’ and Andy’s red ‘blob’ board should get together and have some offspring…the ‘blobstro’, or the ‘pipelob’, perhaps ? [stubbified versions of their parental units ! ]

"conehead chip"

as bad as the bistro sounds, my opinion is that it is still far ahead of the red blob. i really don’t know what to say concerning the red blob, i honestly can’t believe that Andrew was trying to get me to ride it.

…dare we dig up a photo of it…???

THAT might make me feel a LITTLE better about [the bottom of] my “pineapple” 's appearance !!


i know i don’t have a picture of it, it would probably crack the lens of the camera.

that is one hideous board. make sure you warn me if you post a picture of it, i’d hate to stumble across it unprepared.

" warning… warning… DANGER, Will Robinson " [ ie: Lucas] …

… BEHIND Andy lurks… [twilight zone music now]

…" the assymetrical red blob " …

[I dare not show the WHOLE blob, lest we lose a valuable novocastrian !!]

Now, in return for that …er…‘favour’ , how about some shots of your ''Stubbies" , please, Luke ?? … just to get the thread back on track …

   mate ! 



Hi StubLovers!

Finally got some waves on the Foamie/Stubbie today, I was actually really impressed and I’m going stubby crazy!

I think it was just crap waves that kept me from getting the hang of it before…

My Stubbie is a Foamie (with fabric/tarp cover) and has a plane shape like the MP stubbie only mine is 4’ thick (Impossible!! to duckdive!!!) Its super bouyent and paddles almost too well… Unfortunatly being a foamie it has pretty crap rails… (uncomfy to sit on)

I was actaully surprised at how well the smallish fin held up…

anyway, I felt like mp riding that thing in nice little rights, it deffinatly felt like it would preffer a point break as it doesnt like the duckdiving/whitewater bits on beach breaks…

To quote myself------- “it’s so small” haha know i feel like 5ft10 isnt a stubbie!

anyway I’m definatly stoked on the stubbie craze!


PS… It felt cool riding a board that sat so high on the wave (4’)

PPS… Attached is a photo of the stubbie/foamie.

PPPS… chip, now i know what ive been missing out on…