the " stubbie " photo thread...

Did I miss read a post or did U chipfish shape the MP stubbie?? really good job!


no , sorry … you definately misread that , Josh !

I’d LIKE to be able to shape that well but …well, truth is , I don’t .


Ben, i always loved this ad., the board looks so fun.

Here is mine, just glassed, i hope it will be on the water this weekend.

I’ll let you know how it rides.

that’s a BEAUTY Coque !!

I hope it rides as smooth as it looks …good job mate !

[ by the way…is that your Bonzer ? 3 or 5 fins ?]



apex rocker… now THAT’S what’s missing… you’ve read the M.P. book too, I take it, Josh !

That was his whole “I could say, but I won’t say” little secret right there, WASN’T it !

No, because I stripped it from an existing 6’ 9 " board, the rocker was pretty flat, Josh.

But you’re right! If I make another, I’ll try and sort the blank for it , so it’s front foot accelerator and back foot brake material!


ps - the board length measurement I go by is the bottom , by the way, which with rocker normally gives an inch or two extra compared to the 'straight line ’ [tip of nose to tail pod measurement]

Hey Josh,

Chip knows more than me, but I’m pretty sure the ‘I could say, but I won’t’ quote from MP was not refering to board design.

Something to do with performance enhancing substances!!!??? Maybe it was the board he rode!!!??? He (was) ripped???!!!

Meanwhile, here’s a G and S one…

G and S? gordon and smith? Is that your board?

hi Yerba ,

yes, Gordon and Smith .

no , it was on e-bay …



4’7 sam egan shaped by neal purchase.

5’7 mccoy

both s-decks.


Hi Lucas! Did you get anyswell yesterday arvo? some good waves in Sydney.

Can you actually stand and ride the 4ft7?

The McCoy looks late 60s?

Catchya later!


hey Josh,

i was busy yesterday and was hoping to get some waves this week before uni but the southerly winds are supposed to be pretty intense the next few days.

i’ve ridden the 4’7 before but it’s a little difficult for me cause i’m between 6’1 and 6’2 and weigh 78kgs. a friend of mine from Florida was going off on the thing though in about 1-2ft waves, he’s got some boards on here (search Richard Prause, he makes grasshopper surfboards).

the 5’7 is an amazing board though and i used to ride it all the time. it’s from 1970. i want to use that template to make another board.

glad you got some waves, were you riding the 80’s thruster?




4’7 sam egan shaped by neal purchase.

5’7 mccoy

both s-decks.


know what my brother says ?

"ben , you need to get some good boards…stop riding these relics …

Hey Ben, Simons right.

But Im sure he realises that you also need to know where you’ve been, before you can make up your mind where you’re going.

Learning from everything.

Catch a wave for me.


were you riding the 80’s thruster?


Yeah, t’was good!

There predicting 8-10 for tommorow though… Don’t know 'bout that though.


So now we’ve seen some stubbies lets hear what fin(s) your riding with them.

I’m into the little single fin on mine its only abit bigger than a thruster fin but some how holds up(?) Its really flexy too.

So Big, Small, Flexy, Stiff? whatever


hi Josh !

…anything from a 4" base , 6 3/4" deep to a 6" base , 9 1/2" deep one I’m going to make [see “Moonrocket launched” [?] thread …I’ll make another one of those …deep , raky , flexi ! ]


  1. Wood core .

  2. Solid fibreglass

  3. and, I’ll also give a foam core one [or two] a go …possibly use epoxy to lam it / them…

If you want any more info Josh , feel free mate …perhaps I could pm you some photos ?

cheers !


[ by the way…I just came back from two days at Grant’s garage ["hicksy’s] , tooling / fooling around with fins !]

…Hi Chip!

Thanks for that Chip. My stubbie has got a silly fin system though so it doesn’t fit most fins.

I’m starting to get the hang of making half-decent fins now and I’ve just got to mold some bases now.

When i take photos I will post a shot of my 'Dorophy fin" for the singly.

Yesterday I took the stubbie for a ride in 3ft slamming closeout shore breaks and got hammered trying to duckdive a 4"+ board. it got some good waves though and paddles increadably well.



[ by the way…I just came back from two days at Grant’s garage ["hicksy’s] , tooling / fooling around with fins !]

Awesome! Did you get any surfs in? what boards?



holy dooley…an s-deck !!

THANKS for that, Spencer. Are you and he in cahoots [partnership], then ?

Are you in contact with George, too ?

I always thought a stubbed version of my 6’9 wilderness would look good ! [now I know !!]

… excellent !

Please, have you got any more ? I know a few people who will be VERY interested to see these shots !

keep 'em coming !


Meanwhile, here’s a G and S one…

Do you have the dimensions on this one? Looks sweet, how does it ride?