Tribute to Waves.....

Just picked up my new camera today… looking forward to using it to get some good “in the water” shots…

its a Sea Life SL511 ReefMaster 35mm. going to try to get some gulf shots (havnt seen many lately)… when the water warms up…

…The Blue Indian Ocean

Seminyak Beach Bali January 2004.

a VERY fun place. espicelly Seminyaks empty and quality tubes.

the blue pacific ocean

photographer unknown …used without permission …

Is that Cronulla?

shark island yes indeed …

thank you , fcs [google ad] on this site !


There’s a great story somewhere of Jock surfing the Bay in the dark, on a 7’11". When the sun went down, everyone else paddled in on their 9’s and he could finally get some waves. I’ll try & find the reference.

i read that article in tracks years ago

did he dip his finger in a bottle of liquid lsd or something that night

I remember reading that too.

True? who cares.

Just more myths and mayhem from a mag that doesn’t exist in the way it did before and influenced thousands of us.

If my cousin still has his Tracks collection it’s probably worth a bit to nostalgic collectors.

So far this is my favorite. What a gaping barrel!!! Looks like the roof is still throwing upwards…

speaking of barrels and roofs …

here’s a different kind of tube , but it’s like surfing , just the same …


Thanks, that was good.

woo! Santa Cruze looks to have some fun lineups!



and there certainly are fun waves around the reefs near shark island.

Nice! My nipples were getting hard looking at those waves. Must be the cold…

LOVELY shots SCOR !!! Thanks for sharing those , mate ! [ please …keep 'em coming , eh ?]

heads up ! … there are always waves , SOMEWHERE …

This morning was really fun and empty at Holton’s… Lani’s had a bunch of people and so did Jocko’s but Holton’s was firing rights and just a couple of us. Double overhead hollow sets just really fun!! Long rides from way back towards Jockos on some…

My friend waiting for a set as I paddled back out…

It was even funner than it looks… Waves had some power to it…

This section was soooo fun!!! Got my clock cleaned on one though… Hehe!

This is from Friday… It was soooo nice!!! We got so many great rides on this morning!

Photo taken from

Howzit Carve Big difference from yesterday, I watched a few of the Pipe heats and the waves were junk.Aloha,Kokua