Underground revival Update

You have a way with words, lol.  

And you just conceivably might be at odds with them of another agenda, haha, after all, more than one well intended journey in search of innovation has died at the hands of a few insolent and bombastic fools with a coterie of sycophants. And that’s why we come to the underground :smiley:

Cheers Matty, I have some issues to finish up, a bit of sand through on the bottom that needs a patch before maybe another filler coat but it will get there.

And I have some tail to sand back as its just straight up resin dam at the moment, I want to leave some BEEF in it to protect it.

Yes my finishes need work…


Found some nice hollow , extreme (for me) waves- just over headhigh, difficult drops and a fair bit of chop running across the waves.

In these conditions the test board 3 struggled a bit, I usually am pretty good in those kind of conditions (well thats a matter of opinion, but I usually feel confident)

These are waves where early entry won’t always help, as even if you get in early, by the time you are halfway down the face the lip is pitching.   The rocker definately wasn’t fitting in those conditions, Plus the board wasn’t letting me grab the rail like i would usually do in some of the steeper drops.

The board is FAST, really fast, and still controllable, BUT,  with speed comes the realization that with that speed staying in the pocket is very hard, so easy to get fired out on the shoulder and miss doing turns on some good sections. Also correct foot placement is essential, much more difficult to get away with having you feet in the wrong place.

so the summary is FUN, but Difficult in those conditions.    The board felt really good on some of the less extreme waves, great for linking sections, but for an all-round board to also handle more hollow challenging waves it needs more entry rocker 12" down from the nose, and the ‘flat spot’ (although its not flat- just flatter) needs to be reduced in size.   So I feel that I have finally answered my own question of how flat for how far I can take the rocker in the centre part of the board without wasting a blank and materials, as the board still goes good in average conditions.

Skatement… Would really like to hear a ride report from your board… it looks really cool!



im thinking i may need to move my thread back to original place and start a general “adam wants to be in the cool group thread”

then i can talk about ideas and concepts for multiple boards at once, kinda…


I went back thru the thread but could not find pictures to go with the ride report?


Thanks for the update!

“bomber” type pitchy waves don’t happen all the time, yeah?

You said…

"The rocker definately wasn’t fitting in those conditions, Plus the board wasn’t letting me grab the rail like i would usually do in some of the steeper drops.

The board is FAST, really fast, and still controllable, BUT,  with speed comes the realization that with that speed staying in the pocket is very hard"

Not being able to drag an arm could be the issue.

My assumpion, still

“so easy to get fired out on the shoulder”

Doesn’'t bother this Oldman at all!

Keep up the good work…


Here is the “Club” lam…

A cool Huck design…

So i can get that as a file? be keen to get a few made up.

You should be able to right click the image and save it to your computer as a jpeg file.

Duh, I should have known that but thought there might be a fancy way.



What a great day.

Woke up super early and got a small glassy point break all to myself except for one other friendly local.

In those conditions test board 3 going really nicely, waist to chest high and tame conditions.

An hour into the session I changed boards to an experimental board that I made about a year ago, but never used it after the first test, too squirrely! So last month I put a rear fin in it to try it as a thruster, (previously was a quad)

WHAT FUN!! Its a 5’ 1" x 19 x 2 3/8 , rule book was thrown out while making this board, a really thick tail, hard rails, stub like nose, flat to vee.
Had some great waves on it, still a little hard to control but what a fun session, loved being surfed in the pocket-every wave backhand, next time going 5 fins!

Just a fun chilled session… Stoked!


Back to this…


Love your board

makes me wanta surf it…

Here’s what I’ve been up to…

The Magoos are still testing.

And so far it seemms to be more a rail thing that a rocker thing.

Carry on!

If you have time please elaborate, keen to hear the news!

P. S, great colour job on that board!


Yo Buddy…

Still wondering how…

But it is the rail from long ago.

Thinking to prove this out I’ll reproduce “Magoo 1” (low rocker)

with Magoo 2 s’  more extreme rocker.

And do the “Oxymoron” rail!  Last shot

Boy has been so stoked on Magoo 1 (5-10) Oxymoron rails.

#2  is 5-8 different rocker, template and normal semi hard rails.

Told “Boy” he is the only other person (besides me) to ride this rail (and I assume alot and make no claim, but it fucking works).

He is crazy about it and rides it in conditions way beyond what I was thinking (“Dumpster Driver” style).

Saw it for myself.

Damn thing rips and

 “Boys” turns were much free’r and fuild.

I’m thinkin’ in those positions you would normally have to set your edge with some thought.


Thinking how big can this go?

“but then again I know”

I rode my old 81 up to 10+ and did well

Maybe I need more faith in myself

Here’s a shot of new and old.

Oh don’t mind my “beverage”!

Hope all is well with you LTM


Stoked to hear that you are making progress. The magoo sounds like its a great board. Keep me updated.

The rails sound like they take a lot more patience to shape and sand, so obviously you must really think that there is something in it to go through the extra effort, so more information when you can!

More thinking this end (I know- dangerous haha).    the test board 3 with  the more staged rocker only paddles into fat waves well, no noticable advantage on last second decisions to quickly turn and catch a wave last second, catching waves it is like you have to put in some good paddle strokes before the wave gets to you, having said that I did catch a lot of waves that I wouldnt have usually caught on smaller mushier days. For late drops I see no advantage- I expect that is due to the rocker not fitting perfectly in the curl of the wave. A curvy board is planing if it is on a curvy wave that matches its rocker.  In fact my 5’ 1’’ experimental board caught steeper waves just as good’, that has continuous rocker, however catchin fatter waves the test board 3 was a huge advantage for catching waves.

Advantage of test board 3 was felt when travelling laterally along the wave rather than feeling any benefit surfing in the pocket, However the rocker was lower than I had hoped after my rocker stick got rained on and warped the day before shaping that board, which i didn’t realise until after. So perhaps it’s not a completely fair test.

Currently making test board 4, something a little different, a little thicker, going upto 2 7/16  higher rocker- I will take it upto approx 2.4’’ in the tail, this time the flatter part of the board will be smaller, so keeping more curve in more of the board, Still keeping the low rails so the foam will stay ‘hidden’ in the centre of the board.

Thinking about more about flow, something that Mattwho has mentioned to me a few times, and perhaps I should have taken more notice.  I still want that ‘speedbox’  flatter area in my rocker as I think it can really help with down the line speed when needing to get around sections, however, I think that this area only needs to be very small in comparison to my current board (and of course as always blended in)

I might see if I can get hold of some photos later today.


“The rails sound like they take a lot more patience to shape and sand, so obviously you must really think that there is something in it to go through the extra effort, so more information when you can!”

Not only that, but hard to photograph as well.

Magoo 1,  photo in action

“I did catch a lot of waves that I wouldn’t have usually caught on smaller mushier days. For late drops I see no advantage- I expect that is due to the rocker not fitting perfectly in the curl of the wave. A curvy board is planning if it is on a curvy wave that matches its rocker.  In fact my 5’ 1’’ experimental board caught steeper waves just as good’, that has continuous rocker, however catchin fatter waves the test board 3 was a huge advantage for catching waves.”

So are you saying #3 had less rocker and catches waves better?

Because it make sense to me…

Boy is getting’ older and needs a little more float.

“Still keeping the low rails so the foam will stay ‘hidden’ in the centre of the board.”

We agree on “hiding the volume”

The “Fang” is 5-8 x 22.5 x 2.75 and volume and rocker is the game.

So I’m thinking your 2 7/8” # is good.

“Thinking about more about flow, something that Mattwho has mentioned to me a few times, and perhaps I should have taken more notice. “


 BUT it is elementary…


Well #3 had less rocker, especially through the middle section of the board.
Generallywave catching was only improved for fat waves, for steeper take offs I didnt notice any benefit at all for catching waves- if anything a bit more rocker might have helped catching steep waves as the rocker would have fit better? , more rocker would have been useful for the later drops.

Hopefully Im making some sense.

#4 almost finished, 2 7/16 thick, just an extra 1/16 to compensate for a little added rocker, however after measuring the rocker before and after glassing it appears that I have lost almost 1/8inch - I assume that the curing fivreglass has pulled the rocker flatter. Something to keep an eye on for the future. The tail was thinner than usual and pretty flexible, so perhaps that is part of the reason?

Losing rocker with the lam?

Haven’t really been religious about the post glass rocker check.

Bottom first, yeah???

I’ll start checking with the next build (HA).

Last night I snuck out to my shop

5-10 x 20 x 2?/?  C/I #4 knock off 

This one will have a single concave and the oxymoron rail.

Got a plan in my mind, just need the (peaceful) time.

Maybe Christmas Eve, all ready had the crew over for that and Mama will probably “take off” to visit with the close ones.





one day late,

a good thing.

Really wound up trashing the Magoo 2 deal…

Just wanted to do something kinda new…

5-10x 20x 2 1/2 Step up “Monstamash” w/bumps

shaped it tonite (after Christmas bash).

Surfin’ tommorow…


Foiled beautifully mattwho,

Would you mind sharing what kind of rocker numbers you are using?