Underground revival Update

Eh, Thanks…

Went out and took the numbers off the blank…


@ N 4"   @ 12N 1 1/4" @ 18N 3/4"  @24N 1/4"

@ T 3" @ 12T 1 1/2"  @ 18T 1 1/8"  @24T 9/16" (w/ concave).

We’ll have to see how she goes.

3" of tail rocker, I consider that pretty extreme for a board of that size! Especially as rail rocker is likely to be almost an extra 1/4inch.

Really waiting for the ride report, Rocker seems stretch inspired?

Keep me updated!

My test board 4 is ready. Haven’t had it in the water yet due to taking it back to my sanding room to shave off some extra grams before use.

Full with surf trips and exploration this month so I can put it through its paces.

“3” of tail rocker, I consider that pretty extreme for a board of that size! Especially as rail rocker is likely to be almost an extra 1/4inch."

No disrepect,

A little tail flip and the center (concave) is below rail line.

“Really waiting for the ride report, Rocker seems stretch inspired?”


just changed blank source and I think we lost something with my rocker #'s.

Just shaped what I had, later I put that rocker jig on it, Opps!

And dig this reallyshould have had about +1/4" more both ends…

I’ll recheck the Tail #'s. she’s going to lam anyway…

“Full with surf trips and exploration this month so I can put it through its paces.”

Best of luck and waves!

Here is a promo ditty for my lable…

Quivers "step up/semi gun…

Got a lot of designs going on…

“Old Guys Rule”

Especially when they have a test pilot.



You are getting pretty handy with that shutter!  Nice pics.

I can hear the gears churning in that top pic :-) 

which board is that?

Nice pics, and nice waves, el nino serving up some good stuff.

The board in the photos looks both drivey and rippable- looks great!

Tried to increase my tail rocker slightly for #4, only to have it straighten back out during lamination, this one was shaped with flow and 'fitting in the wave’in mind, so fingers crossed.

Exciting days there and here.

Really concerned about the “disappearing rocker” trick…

And other than watching my shit.

If it keeps up (“disappearing rocker”), maybe…

I never did a “stringer less” board, however I heard guys would add weight at lam to add rocker.

How, I don’t know?

But, food for thought, yeah?

Studied your rocker, like it nice, nice entry with all the rocker.


“Lit’l” Sis is a redo of #1 of last winter and rocker. Photo 1

Re did her with the same blank as the winged step up recently shaped.

Ha it (Lit’l Sis) was so fresh Dustin had no time for a tail pad,

just wax up and go! Photo 2

I’m stoked for the progress in the performance boards.

But really stoked to try out the “Hulk”…

Let’s go surfin’

Great to hear that you are making good progress, gret action shots, great projection out of the bottom turn, Dustin looks confident on that board.


Test Board #4 I wouldn’t really call it staged, but, I put a subtle ‘planing zone’ at the front foot.    

I am convinced that there is a relationship between rocker stick measurements and rocker numbers taken from the board laying flat on the floor- I know weight distribution can play a part in the latter, but I am sure that there is a relationship as regards to the ‘feel’ or performance of a board on how it ‘balances’ on the ground.   This one I have matched the rocker stick numbers with the ‘board on the floor’ rocker numbers.  Really I don’t know what the aim of this is yet.

My gut feeling is that this will produce a smoother, more pridictable feel, and possibly more front foot action, with a bigger sweet spot… still un-ridden (too busy this week getting stuff done before surf safari) so waiting to find out!


Like I siad,

really went over your rocker…

Looks damn fine to me 

"Test Board #4 I wouldn’t really call it staged, but, I put a subtle ‘planing zone’ at the front foot "

Spot on!

Eh, your on to something.

Ride report…

Put the work a side…

Go surf!


got my own stoke going on.

my new “Old Guy” weapon…


“Sometimes a just crack myself up”.


Hey all!

Surf’s up!!!

It’s ‘testin’ time"!

And to fill the gap…

A little KILLER surf music???

Reminds me of Velzy, God bless…



Paddled out this morning into some sizeable (for me) storm surf, pouring rain, kinda bumpy, caught a few early on and came in. Waves were fast and punchy, with some soft sections due to high tide.

Took the banana boat out, I like a familiar board in a swell, that’s been my daily driver lately. First wave late takeoff straight down hit a Hail Mary panic turn and bless that fat tailed quad it shot me right out onto the face, no one more surprised than me lol.

Cuz of the rain runoff probly won’t go back out for a few days. Anyway talked to several people, every single one on a small thin board didn’t have a good session, everyone on a bigger thicker longer board, myself included, said they had a blast. I think getting in early on the bumpy faces was a big factor.

Good on ya!

Dustin hit Zuma yesterday…

Or the otherway 'round.

Good feed back on some heavy stuff.

Lit’ Sis vs. Boys head, you can see his hair!

No worries finished off Zuma redeemed.

Off to County for some Magoo testing.

That’s my Boy…


Zuma has a mean streak


A few spots had surf…

My worry?

my spot…

Wow, Emma!

Eh fellow dwellers…

Making these kinda boards

keeps this Olphart alive!


Sounds like ‘boy’ was lucky that he didn’t come out with a serious injury- it looks like it could have been nasty!

I cut the surf safari short after not really scoring much in the way of good waves, and work starting to pile up back at the workshop.  Thus means I can get some work done and go on another safari in the other direction at the end of next week.

However I did find a perfect right hand peak which just reeled away all day, perfect little waves travelling down a sandbar- and I was the only person surfing it!  test board #4 was feeling pretty good in the waist high reelers, plenty of speed and stability, was turning nice too, although I think it could have been even better if I hadn’t have lost that 1/8’’ tail rocker during lamination.

Also tested it on a headhigh wave breaking onto a very shallow reef (this spot is safer when its a bit bigger with different swell direction)- made every drop and did some nice wraps, feeling very confident on this board- it definately feels more user friendly…

I think this board will be a good friend to me for a while. Still need to test in in some waves with a bit more juice.

photo of the little right hand peak I was surfing.


Mattwho, The Hulk is looking very interesting- it’s not the usual kind of mainstream stuff. high performance in a big package, can’t wait to hear a ride report!

LTM - nice shot, good capture of the peak moment there, looks like you are having fun!  Remind me again, which board is that pictured?

My sentiments exactly on the Hulk, got a ride report from jr., but still waiting for the maestro to weigh in on it’s performance.  Sometimes those “outside the box” shapes take a bit of adjusting and getting to know, although jr. ripped from wave 1, but its not always that way for us over 60 guys, lol.  I didn’t like my Banana Boat and Wing Squad nearly as much at first, as I do now.  And I’m still getting to know them, gotta try some different fins on them too.

Thanks Huck, I keep dropping into your ‘Gordita’ thread to see how things are going, I will be stoked for you to see it finished and in the water.

Everyone there seems to be raving about El Nino and how its given you guys some great swells.   Its great that you sound like you are getting in the water quite a bit and enjoying yourself. I’m guessing crowds decrease slightly during the winter months?

Back to test board #4 (being surfed in the photo in my last post) 6’ 0’’ x 19’’ x 2 7/16   almost continous rocker with a small speed box at the front foot. Really tried to think flow and smoothness this time when shaping the rocker- and I think its really worked.   It actually catches waves easier than the test board #3 with flatter rocker, the theory being that the rocker fits into the wave better. Like a curve planing on curve, the extra benefit was really felt while talking off of the later drops- actually easier to catch the steeper waves on test board #4 than the flatter rocker of test board #3 (test board #3 I considered as only being good at catching fat waves).

Certainly fast enough, if it was flying in waist high waves so for the next test board I think I can safely add that 1/8 of extra rocker without any problems.

 Next time I will try it with my more flexible nylon rear fin, I have found that rather than a smaller rear fin, its better to have a standard size G5 type fin as the rear fin that flexes,   like this you don’t lose straight line speed, but you can gain a tighter turning arc while pushing hard, (I actually foiled down a rear fin with my sander to make it more flexible than usual) great for putting in that extra little tweak at the end of a powerful turn.

Also the very slightly increased volume I really don’t need for beach break conditions, but, I am sure the extra volume will come in handy later for surfing point breaks with heavy rips running down the points.

Keep the ride reports coming, Tuning in regularly for updates as always


Strange disappearing rocker


Hum, my latest……


@ N 4"   @ 12N 1 1/4" @ 18N 3/4” @24N 1/4"

@ T 3" @ 12T 1 1/2” @ 18T 1 1/8” @24T 9/16" (w/ concave).


@ N 4"   @ 12N 1 1/8" @ 18N 5/8” @24N 1/8"

@ T 2 3/4” @ 12T 1 3/8” @ 18T 1” @24T 3/8" (w/ concave).

Assuming I did this right?

Gonna be very anal ‘bout this from now on!

Super feedback!

And a very nice snap…

IMHO regarding fins.

The more wave energy the less flex.

However in my day rode some good sized NS Hawaii in 72 with a flex single and had no problems

In fact I survived a few because of the “Zing”

Later the thruster, ah, stiff and glassed in…

Nice to be busy, yeah?

Surf report on the Hulk?

@ 8-0 paddles like a 9-0

Duck divers? Yeah.

Secession beach break it was whip it and two stoke.

Eh! Old man gets blasted.

Still stoked and ready to give another go.

Really busy just got this one done i.e. rocker #’s above

I love the shape…

@ Huck

OMG the surf is going off down South!!!

“Just a little too much North for us”

Waiting on the water to clean up and get to geriatric size, ah, with tide and warm conditions.

“Hot and glassy”

On a couple of things here.

US Blacks has a new Matt Biolos plug the 6-4 MB

And yeah Dustin is getting older so I have been desperately seeking something with a little more size and volume, just going to be some work to project the rocker.

Got time on that one but right now I’m going for a redo of “Big Sis” (board at start of this tread).

US Blanks 6-8 AX with 6-7P rocker. Thinking more Cali than Hawaii gun rocker…


And yeah, I am in a hurry….

Best all!