Underground revival Update

MB Blank sounds interesting.

Liking the look of that board mattwho! deck pad on and ready to go?

The disappearing rocker that we are getting concerns me, I can take a little comfort that it seems to be 'normal’and not something that I am doing that is encouraging it to happen.

To be honest in the past I have measured rocker after glassing and found it to be a bit less than I was aiming for but I thought that it must have been an error in measuring or something.

This difference is definitely worth noting during shaping a blank, If I know I have to overshoot by 1/8 of an inch to get the required rocker I don’t have a problem with that. I guess a lot depends on how thin the blank is shaped down/stringer width etc for how much the rocker is pulled out during lamination.

At least now we know it is an issue and we can anticipate and pre-correct taking into account that its likely to flatten out slightly while glassing. Just like accounting for the extra thickness a few layers of fibreglass and a hotcoat adds to a shaped blank.


Hey all!

Finally got the poop on the new 6-4 MB blank.

Very nice! rocker is so close I am not changing nothing.

Also gonna order a 6-8 AX with basically the 6-7 P rocker (the “Gun” for my Son)…


Old Guys Rule…

Just trolling for BT.

HA,  big ole piece a bait.



The “Newest”

1st ride report via “Boy”

Zuma 4-5 snappin’’

I do believe this is the first ride report I have gotten from my Son

That didn’t include a great Popz, BUT….

Good float

Entry nice

No boggs

Lively under rear foot.

Very nice feed back…

Waves are “on” here…

And Boy is on a mission

He just needs a replacement for “Big Sis”

Got my rocker figured out for a 6-4 Gun

Out of the 6-8 AX.

And ordered it w/ 5mm Applecore stringer.

Shit now all I can think of is the shape…

What fun, eh?

Still pondering the mystery of the disappearing rocker.

Here’s some stuff from some other guys.

I am on a mission with this….

  • **dancuff**Matt, do you notice a difference in twist, rocker deviation if there's more time or temperature fluctuations before laminating? Do you think exposing that virgin foam to the elements for longer gives it time to get weird before laminating, and can they keep twisting right until hot coat/sanding?
  • **kazumasurfboards**Hi @dancuff those are great questions that most have never even put thought to. First off I am lucky that my blanks are shipped here in containers that get very hot and take a long time to arrive. This eliminates the fresh blank Factor. Letting my shaped blanks sit around don't cause any trouble and seem to not be affected by weather or temperature. (Hawaiian weather is pretty stable) . The biggest trouble comes from shaping thin boards out of thick blanks, the blank skin has lots of tension and over shaping one side and not the other causes huge changes in rocker the to the uneven tension of the sides. Stringers will not hold the rocker in this case. Next could be weather (humidity) or kicking the deck lam off too hot, shrinking multi layer deck lams will bend tons more rocker into the blank. Twist is almost always introduced when letting your bottom lam kick off on uneven racks. Or less likely a bad mix of resin, or even less likely bad cloth. I spend so much time getting the shape to perfection that I am really careful not to do things in the processes after that will change things.

Gonna bump this up…

With a photo that trills my soul…

The good old days in Huntington Beach

"Just park in the oil fields, dash across PCH, over the pipes

and AH!"


Love the looks of that one. Your carbon rails are peachy.

Wow full circle here! 

At the begining of this tread Was the begining of “Big Sis”

Learned a lot with the first series and have worked to update “Boys” quiver.

So far "Boy has Maxed out the “step up” My newest, till now (photo 1)

Maxed out Lit’l Sis #2

Old Sis#1 (photo 2)

The Next "Big Sis

next to Lit’l Sis 2

Ah, (photo 3)…


Brother LTM where art thou…

Still Here!

Sounds like El Nino making for a great testing ground. Good feedback is confirming that you are on the right path!

Big Sis, is that going to be a ‘big boy’ shortboard or something for maxed out conditions?

No shaping at all here for over a week, Finally did some surf travelling and scored some decent waves, got back a few days ago, but I was so surfed out it has taken me a couple of days to recover- So tired my brain and body felt like a zombie.

Anyway, the test board 4, went good, but I still think I can go more rocker-    I feel confident on the board, paddles like a dream, paddles in on steeper waves easier than the flatter test board 3, steep drops- no problem, grabbing rail - no problem. 

It could be a little looser for the smaller days, so perhaps a change of the rear fin to something slightly smaller… Or dare I say it … addition of a slight vee in off the rear fin. From experience addition of vee in the tail can make a board much more manoeverable especially in boards with lower rocker. So perhaps the options for test board 5 (not started yet) will be … more rocker, or addition of a bit of vee in the tail? We shall see

I had my little 5’1’’ board out in some good surf, this time with 5 fins. Now its a great little board, absolutely flys, and loved to be surfed and turned right in the pocket. all backhand as well which is often an issue for boards of that style. This board actually has quite a high rocker in relation to its size, although the nose and tail numbers are low, the actual rocker curve is definately quite high- Thats probably why it likes to be in the pocket so much. It also likes steep drops, no pearling, this board doesn’t like catching fat waves- so it makes sure that you are taking off on the steep part of the wave.

Photos #1-3 are of the 5’1’’ in action, Photo #4 is the old test board 3 which I no longer have

Mattwho, anymore news from your side of the world?

Thanks for checkin’ in

Cool photos!

I am going to keep recording my rocker pre and post lam.

Eh, maybe old age or my Meds…

El Noraino here good surf no rain…

In a hurry to update Dustins “Gun” 

6-6 x 191/4 x 2 3/4

ready for lam…

Maintain the STOKE!! 

Between concepts

Yeah lotz of ideas

No capitol…

Mean time….

I drift off


My life is like the Eddie!


Got all my work finished…

The rest is up to swell and conditions…

Having fun watchin’ the lastest Mav’s!

Hey Mattwho,

Hows it going over there?  Any ride reoports of the new step-up? Or the big boy shortboard?

Not much in the way of news here, plenty of surfing, and quite a lot of work.

  Test board 4 going great, I put my foiled down nylon fin in the rear thruster plugs, its thinner so it flexes more, plus very slightly smaller- this just loosens it up while doing powerful turns, but keeps the drive when you need to go down the line fast.   This board really suits me, more volume than usual but doesn’t feel big while riding waves. Really I don’t want to sell this one, but I will sell it anyway as I need to keep developing and testing.

Perhaps next project (when i get time) is to re-make my little 5’ 1’’ into something more user-friendly that I will be able to use in a bigger range of conditions- I’m thinking narrower tail and more concave, and slightly bigger, perhaps 5’4’‘- 5’5’'.   We will have to see.


Also the dissapearing rocker, I have been aware of rocker flattening out during shaping, so have been compensating for that for quite some time, however losing so much rocker while glassing (seems to be worse on thinner boards (makes sense to me) is a double whammy, its a good thing to know so it can be pre-corrected as best as possible.

Keep me updated your side!




Hows it going over there?  Any ride reoports of the new step-up? Or the big boy shortboard?

The new step up has been “Maxed out”!

And the “Hulk” like the Big Sis need swell and conditions.

I’ve been out of the water with skin cancer surgery. All is good, just getting’ cut a little to much.

Really stoked, the new job, the same rocker we are doin’, just the curves, not like I was doing with the bump. More continues curve no straights.

Like you, I am thinking I cut a nerve.

 Test board 4 going great, I put my foiled down nylon fin in the rear thruster plugs, its thinner so it flexes more, plus very slightly smaller- this just loosens it up while doing powerful turns, but keeps the drive when you need to go down the line fast


Fin flex that is.

I am so old I rode the first

Greeno Stage 3 in the LB days.

Also was a TP in the Liddle days.

Nice to have some “zing”.

Flex is a funny thing…

IMHO the larger the energy the stiffer…

Personally I use the nylons in smaller stuff

Then jump to carbon…

That got me thinking.

So I laid up a fin panel. Photo 1

Really stiff!

Gonna make 2 sets of Tri fins for the large wave stuff…

Perhaps next project (when i get time) is to re-make my little 5’ 1’’ into something more user-friendly that I will be able to use in a bigger range of conditions- I’m thinking narrower tail and more concave, and slightly bigger, perhaps 5’4’‘- 5’5’'.   We will have to see.

Same deal only my next board is looking like a combo of these two photos 2 & 3

Also the dissapearing rocker, I have been aware of rocker flattening out during shaping, so have been compensating for that for quite some time, however losing so much rocker while glassing (seems to be worse on thinner boards (makes sense to me) is a double whammy, its a good thing to know so it can be pre-corrected as best as possible.

This is the most interesting of all!

Until you brought this up, few I have mentioned this to were remotely aware.

But a few…

Somethings going on here…

Surgery, sounds nasty, difficult to stop the sun doing damage even with the highest factors sun block these days. Hopefully its nothing too serious!



Making fins!

Some serious patience going on there!    How do you get such a smooth, flat lay-up witht he fibreglass with no undulations? Also how do you get the thickness 100% perfect for the tabs? of do you give it a push against the sander until the thickness is perfect?

I remember 10 or so years ago when carbon fins were the new big thing, all marketed as ‘stiffer is better’   I tried a set and immediately thought that it took all the spring or slingshot out of the board wile turning, now there’s not many people riding full carbon fins, although many are opting for half-carbon which makes much more sense to me as long as you keep some flex at the tip.

Busy with builds this end, not really much time for surfing unfortunately, gotta chase the dollar to pay the bills.





The skin cancer is from my youth, I could live in a cave and still get it.

Important thing to watch out for! It took Terry Martin

Nice to have some “zing”.

Flex is a funny thing…

IMHO the larger the energy the stiffer…

Personally I use the nylons in smaller stuff

Then jump to carbon…

That got me thinking.

Really stiff!

Gonna make 2 sets of Tri fins for the large wave stuff…

In large waves the tips will flex.

Like I said my preference is stiff (glass on style).

It comes down to the control and predictably of flex.

These fins will have tabs.

So this is an experiment.

On the Fin panels.

I lay up on glass with mold release.

The rest is just logic, I work from the center

Sometimes,  it is nice to use white or black color x 5

(centerline for your first foiling go)

And go both ways x 10.

25 layers (for me) is right for FCS

The trick is use a lam roller like this one…


On the board test results…

Big Sis got wet.

Not real big but a nice confidence booster for Dustin.

The Big Sis really has a throttle!

The step up got a great work out and I think the outline change,

Is a big step forward, no hang ups yet?


Just tooooo quiet…

I’m sittin’ fat on great ride reports!

Photo’s comin’…

So in keeping up with things I found this jewel

A start.

The Step up in action…

Kudos!  Sounds like you nailed it, no small accomplishment that.  Very little interest in the type of progressive iteration design tuning you are doing here, pearls before swine amigo, a few of us are following / enjoying the show. The last pic, of the lip launch (great shot! Caption: I believe I can fly) thruster or quad?  Sorry to hear about the skin condition but good you are staying on top of it!

didnt mention earlier but great shots LTM, and great waves!


Pretty much gave up on the quad (for Dustin).

Thruster set up.

Works well 4 me 'cuz it eliminates additional shrapnel in the proverbial hand Grande!

I mean one thing at a time, please.

So, yeah serious tuning gonnin’ on…

Skin woes…

I have lived with it a long time.

My Cowboy days, we just pealed ‘em off with our knives.

Upon the Terry Martin deal, I go in every six months now.

The Doctors suck!

The first time, I took my stitches out myself.

Second time they missed one (stich)

Oh and the third time too!

Kept getting’ a twitch upon extending my arm.

And noticed a scabby bump, yeah suture.

Out to the shop for tweeters, LMAO.

Really been “under the pump” (Rugby saying)!

Work (day job estamating )!!! … Feel like I paddled into a set.

And now I am floating in the channel catching my breath.

Almost got this week handled, I need $$$ for foam…
