Underground revival Update


Rocker for smaller flat faced crap.

Ah, seems to be going more step up.

Just the outline I just cut out.

The skinney follows…,


Basically 5-10 +

20 1/4" rest in classified.

Haw, I can’t remeber right now!

No worries I’ll have to check to be sure.

sk8 Asym’s just blow me away.


Digging it!


Tell me more, this board is US Blanks Orange Poly.

On the lam side I know more on what I believe is a decent life span.

Video link of skinning…



You say kind of a step up outline? Nothing wrong wih that, can still be tuned to turn in the pocket. In fact that is what im aiming for with mine as well- something that can still handle good waves, although we will have to see, at the moment no time to finish it.
Never managed to get my hands on any us blanks orange. Personally I find the blue kind of soft and heavy, people rave about US Blanks so horses for courses I suppose. Managed to get my hands on a Surfblanks Pink- light and not very easy to compress with the fingers as you might expect. Still this will get slightly bigger laps than usual to try and some add extra strength while still making a decent weight saving. been a while since I surfed a board with vee in the tail, although in this case its a concave vee to try to maintain speed while still getting sone benefit of the extra rail to rail performance. Hoping it will paddle well, I dont have patience these days that dont paddle well.

keep me updated from your end.

skatement, that nose doesnt look too bad, pretty sure it can be fixed without affecting the shape too much… could have been worse!

Yeah boys, the nose is a board thats just for me anyway so i will most likely just snap it off and shape it till it looks ok, super sharp noses are over rated.

so close to taking my eye out once. hahha.

I need time to sand, and now in my spare lesson at work im off to inject resin into the school compsand and vac bag it…

A lot of lookers and numerous respected shapers commenting on the fresh approach.

And Skatement, welcome, ah to the dark side!

So far LTM and I have collaborated dealing with rocker.

I am in debt as results are quite satisfactorily.

Both LTM and my testing those #’s

Together, seeking a “general” rocker that will work in a wide range of conditions.

For me. I have gained massive awareness of flow, function and what sells.

Shame on me

Yeah, I gave in.

Rather than go broke making boards, ah that worked very well, (low rocked as you can see @ the start of this tread).

It WOULD NOT be so if not for one freely exchanging valuable information.

It became a challenge for me, NO better an obsession.

After updating shapes, not all with rocker, mind you.

But the step up, semi gun and gun got the rocker job, about this time last year…

Of Couse the “gun” hasn’t got enough time.

Reports are few, but promising.

The semi and step up?

The rocker is working very well.

Along with some tweaks in outline

These 3 please me no end…

And gives me spirit to keep searching, dealing and wondering was I wrong?

Ah, the “Devil in the details”.

Glad to hear be hearing that you are moving forward with confidence, and good news to hear about the step-up working well.  A step up is my next project. 6’ 4’’

  My little 5 9 low rocker stubby is finished, I just need some time and the right conditions to get it in the water, I always like to test my new boards at first light, on my own if possible-  no distractions and I can concentrate on what I am feeling through the board.   I really don’t know what to expect with this one- it has tweaked rocker and the board is nothing like what I usually ride…

Any updates from there?

Revised Magoo
Ready for lam.

What happened to “Embed” ???

the wicked glitch of the west took it!

For what it is worth…

I am slow I know

I call it quality control to justify it…
“Sometimes I crack myself up” (Topgun)…

Kinda dead down here…
Yeah, I am slow, just wanta put a little more in to my boards these days.
Note the Wookie is holding #1!
The revised Magoo is ready to test.
BTW slowing it down reaped big results in quality.
This puppy is light for a Poly board.
About the best glass job I have ever done.

The new Magoo gotta go today…
Report from Boy…
Very good!!!
just his first go, I think he should have been riding the step up.
But, Dustin must enjoy living on the edge.

The truth is really, working on this wacky rail design.
Just trying to get it right consistantly, I got it down.
And this board is the test…
O.K. frontside, backside no hangs, no slide.
Guess I’m just a foam junky…
Not quite time to sell the proto type.
But I needs the money, got some stuff up.
Longboards sell,
it’s just these guys out here are in to longer boards.
Thinking I’ll do the same thing only 6-2 or so.
Rock on my brothers…

Still waiting to hear the theory behind those rails of yours

“Still waiting to hear the theory behind those rails of yours”

“those rails of yours”
Don’t really know if I should claim.
“the theory behind”
Do I have a theory ?
I close as I can say
My thought is a rail shape that is “soft” or will release
There is a point where the rail does become hard.
So far where is middle of front fins.
Back in 1981 the fred tool was absent, Ijust beveled as for tucked edge and beveled the side.
So, what I doing now is use Fred both ways and adjust from center to nose and same towards the tail.
I was really thinking a grovler rail, however this design has shown good edge control in maxed out limits.
Like I mentioned, I have just been trying to be consistant. I didnot use #1 to go by, just went at #2 fresh and trying to perfect my technic.
So far so good, justthings are too slow for me.
What’s rockin’ for you?

Interesting stuff, I have just been dabbling with thinner and fuller rails, and as mentioned on another thread the thin rails don’t seem to suit a rail grabber like myself- the thinner the rail the more I can feel the resistance when I pop up while having my hands grabbing the rails- that is the limit to my rail experiments lately. A while back I tried putting the hard edge further up… the extra speed and grip great but there becomes a point where the rail can let go during powerful wraps… so i scaled that back to something more normal and forgiving.

You could say now that I am full circle, as I find myself returning back to doing what I was doing for all rounder shortboards before all the rocker experiments… But doing it much better with more understanding of everything. The truth is that almost everything can work if done correctly. The biggest failure I would say was a stretch inspired almost circular rocker board that I made, just too front footed for me and top turn snaps were not happening for me. I don’t know what stretch is doing but he must be doing something that works, although I am unlikely to ever go sown that track again myself. I saw on his website that many of his boards have a combination of rockers… so that would mean that most they are not strictly circular anyway.

The 5 9 stubby that I made was great, lightest board I have ever made and on a good down the line wave it was as good as anything I have ever ridden- now sold to a happy buyer. - I am confident that I can replicate the performance no problem in another board of similar dimensions, for now back on a new regular shortboard that is also going great, so at last i am finding good consistency.

Next project when I get time will be a super groveller, super short and wide. I want it to work as a thruster as I am anti-quad meaning that I have never ridden a quad that I have liked more than a comparable thruster. The super groveller will have quad option because I want to learn more or perhaps even use it as a 5 fin if it needs the hold.


Sorry, I’m just gonna dissect this’
“Interesting stuff, I have just been dabbling with thinner and fuller rails, and as mentioned on another thread the thin rails don’t seem to suit a rail grabber like myself- the thinner the rail the more I can feel the resistance when I pop up while having my hands grabbing the rails- that is the limit to my rail experiments lately.”
I can agree…
Was never “into thin noses”
Forgetting the big wave stuff,
Boards ridden in the stuff of which, the grabbin’, draggin’ an arm or, pressing on the deck stuff, were shorter and thicker.
Never really felt any rebound
IF I made it!
However I think I know what you mean.
Something else…
I’ll add that using US Blanks Orange
Thin, No Good!
The Good
They will give…
The Ugly
When they snap back…
So my SB noses are a little fuller for now.

“A while back I tried putting the hard edge further up… the extra speed and grip great but there becomes a point where the rail can let go during powerful wraps… so i scaled that back to something more normal and forgiving.”
My point.
With the Groveler…
Edge goes hard @ front fin or as I have found center of same.
“You could say now that I am full circle, as I find myself returning back to doing what I was doing for all rounder shortboards before all the rocker experiments… But doing it much better with more understanding of everything. The truth is that almost everything can work if done correctly.”
I can say this…
The “before all the rocker experiments” of which I am truly grateful for the exchange we had…
And like you…
“The truth is that almost everything can work if done correctly.”
“The biggest failure I would say was a stretch inspired almost circular rocker board that I made, just too front footed for me.”
I’ll add this…
Front footed…
Funny 2 me,
Never gave that much thought…
Made a few single concaves back in the Maurice Cole tow board days…
They didn’t work so well (my excuse “island rockered- machine tolerance blanks”)
Good BUT thin!
I gave up,
The local surf shop had a wakeboard boat and a group
I let them have one,
Ha, the “front footed” guys loved it as
IMHO they pushed forward
and allowed the concave to feed…
Food in my concave search…
“Next project when I get time will be a super groveller, super short and wide. I want it to work as a thruster as I am anti-quad meaning that I have never ridden a quad that I have liked more than a comparable thruster. The super groveller will have quad option because I want to learn more or perhaps even use it as a 5 fin if it needs the hold”
I have done a lot of work on quads.
Shit that works, that is…
I have found that with my rider(s) the is preference is thruster.
BTW, much to my disgust.
Let me know if you want help on quad layout.
(Beyond McGee & Hanalei).
Thanks for your input
Check out for a thrill….

Bit quiet in here, innit?

My sci-fi rip off made and tested, what fun, fast stable and turns great, still trying to find flaws- more testing required to see where its limitations are, feels like it could handle some size, being 2 1/2 thick it is not lacking in volume for me so it paddles into OH waves quite easily. Just stuck a standard thruster set-up on it, seems to work ok, vee off the tail ‘spine’ - might try it with a smaller rear fin next time to see how reactive i can make the board without losing control. Step-up still not tested- should have tested it the other day in OH waves but was having too much fun on the rip-off to do a board swap.

Anything happening here… or am I just a tumbleweed passing through?


Not much going on on Sway’s, damn bored.

Tell me about your “sci-fi rip” Sounds logical 2 me…
I mean volume and function.
I agree on the truster set up !
Crazy to me, yeah, as I was shaping at the peak of twins.
And just had trouble accepting it at first.
I really tryed in work out something with quads, Ha, never give up!
Test (short) boards get the truster too!
Yeah I know! Going in “for the step-up” is what I hear alot…
The “Magoo” a grovelller, gets a work out.
I am quite set back in “Boy” surfing it in bigger and more potent waves.
Damn thing works great!

Great to hear from you, is the rest of the surf bound lost?

Anything happening here… or am I just a tumbleweed passing through?


Well, the sci-fi rip off just has what I think to be pretty much the same outline as the real thing, perhaps the double bat tail is slightly less extreme than the real thing, has a 16 inch wide tail, so its extremely different to what I usually ride. Feels very different, hard to put into words what it actually feels like to surf it.
Backside comes off the bottom pretty well and snaps off the top well. Frontside only tested it in some weak nice peelers about shoulder high, glides nice and roundhouse cutbacks great, controlled tail slides are not a problem either. I need to get it out in some better right handers to see how well it bottom turns forehand as I didn’t get a chance to try any big bottom turns in those conditions.
The rocker is just working beautiful, nothing I would change about the rocker at all even in retrospect.
I would have liked to have put in a quad option but was short on time, as it works well as a thruster I doubt I would have bothered trying it as a quad anyway. i would send you some pics but I don’t think I can by PM?

Magoo. I am not surprised to hear that the magoo is being put through its paces in bigger waves, from what I have read from you that board for him is a stand out and a favorite. I have found that all of my favorite boards over the years have also been the most versatile, meaning that the board just works, and just has the right combination of responsivness and control to push it beyond what would normally be thought of its limit for the conditions that it was designed for. I can see it has hidden volume in it, which I believe is the way forward.

New projects your end? I’m sure you are holding out on me!


would send you some pics but I don’t think I can by PM?
Have not figured that one out!
BTW, I recall your description of sci fi in PM.
Funny thing, in the Magoo feedback the frontside, was still out and the backside was killer!

Not holding out?
Here is the straight skinny…

The Magoo is a hit, the rails and rocker are the key.
Just having trouble with the PU orange fucking up in the quest for lighter boards.
Gonna jump on the EPS deal.

I have already shaped and glassed the boards for this “Summer”
As well have begun fishing…

I think I have time to slip in a project.
The reality is
I would absolutly love it…

Something like a greybread turning the page…

Just about to run into July…
Board sales O.K. just playing my cards.
Here is the best of the crop…
Hey, next time I try this Little Man On Wheels tribute,
no foam tint stuff.
The outline is dead on performer, with flat bottom tucked edge.
Good fun making it, in the winter.
Fishing is on fire, no worries I get enought time on land…