Underground revival Update

Just a couple of links to keep things moving.

http://www.swaylocks.com/groups/modern-rocker-webbers-taj-model?page=2          (note rocker numbers are stringer- not rail rocker so real numbers would be slightly higher)


Good stuff…

Bert Burger, yeah???


Gonna have to digest that tread.

Nice info!

And you can see the general forum can be a snake pit.

A little busy now

seams to be picking up!

Business and swells!

All this info will pay off.

Mahalo Nui for all your input.

BTW an old goofy footed buddy

once ventured your way…

Reports were good of course…

Oh yeah


Just a quick update.

Making progress…

A bit limited with blank types (still trying to get my hands of some millennium at a decent price) so good rocker numbers for me are very important as I cant rely on the blanks to do the job for me.- Its the soul of the surfboard, and everything else, although important, is built around the the rocker.  The standard AKU rockers seem pretty good for me (when i say good, i mean it fits in with the research)

  Minor rocker tweaking needed for different models,  and  rocker templates for all of the boards from now.  So hopefully on track.

Also thinner tails to help flex ( I always get worried if my leash plugs are going to fit so i may have to look for thinner plugs)

Sharper rails at the tail area with less tuck at the tail for more release and less stickness to help get airborne (My air attempts suck big time! But if I feel that I can get airborne more often and with just an element of control, i know that the more skilled pilots wont have any problems)

A question, Generally speaking, the deepest part of a concave moved up slightly (just a few inches) would be more suitable to front foot surfers?

Any news your end?

Glad things are picking up on your side.  Sounds like you are pretty busy at the moment.    

Huck, If your still tuning in, I hope you are making some good progress on your recovery.


Hey Mattwho,


Fill us in with an update, I have a feeling that you have been keeping busy.

Next test board is underway here, same as the old one, but different rocker and slightly different concave. Also some very mild hips added at the front fins.


Hey LTM,



I won’t go on too long

With the “what sells” deal.

But I have been going with these as they stand out in the racks.

Just not so fun!

“Next test board is underway here, same as the old one, but different rocker and slightly different concave. Also some very mild hips added at the front fins.”

Interested in more detail on the concave, as I’m thinking of trying a longer concave only not deep.

Also “Hips”? Or bumps…

Funny I found a 6-0 blank with some volume after researching the new rocker

Just ordered one, going to pick it up tomorrow.

And ya know I got a mild stoke going with the next test board.

Also time for a personal longboard upgrade and that stoke is like a good ground swell.

“Slow to build- Slow to fade”.

Nice looking boards!    I can imagine those not staying in the racks for long.   Welsh Flag? I’m assuming you have family connections there. Also red pigment instead of white used on the leash plug install? Nice finishing touch.

Exciting times as always, Something told me that you would have some interesting stuff going on.  

As with the concave  'longer concave only not deep’  that is exactly what I am going for this time around! I have never gone super deep on my boards, so keeping it moderate on this as well.

I’m quite back footed, BUT I like to push hard with my front foot during cutbacks, so I am moving the deepest part of the concave up a few inches and having it more even, although I am sticking to the ‘inset double concave’ through the final 1/3 of the board, plus keeping a very very slight double off the tail. I figure the bumps, double concave and extra tail flip won’t make it sticky coming off the top- so for this reason i can keep a very slight double off the back. We shall see.

Rocker, subtly staged, going flatter through the middle (just back from middle is the flattest part) and a bit more flick in the tail, working with detailed rocker numbers for this board,  end numbers are Nose 4.75     Tail 2.28.

The question that I am asking myself at the moment is ‘how flat can I go through the centre section at the stringerline rocker’  (while shaping the concave in)  before its ‘too flat’  

Also “Hips”? Or bumps…         Yes, bumps, nothing remotely extreme.

Keep us filled in with the stoke, I find your posts super  inspiring.


Picked up new blank and just way to excited to get to it.

What absolute fun!

Drat! my calculations where off on the rocker

close enought but I’ve noted adjustments.

Here is the kicker!

Ran the concave out to 10" behind entry rocker apex

as I’m shaping it I got my rope in a knot!

Trying to blend a single that long, no way!

Stood back and took a break.

Snuck back and grabed a block with 40 grit.


Double to single…

Well blow me down!!!



Even with all the stuff going on I made some time!

For fun!

On to lam!

Dig those rails.


Shaped by Greg Liddle about 72

Rode GL boards in big waves, Hawaii and Cal.

Last rides “Storming Norman”

A very long time ago.

Side note

Back in the day I would have Greg route the fin box in my boards.

 W.A.V.E set fin boxes that is!

It was him who began calling me “the razorblade kid”

As my rails were equal @ ½” all way round.

He complemented me with the rails on this one.

One more thing that tail gash?


He never saw me,

Almost got outta the way!


Hey Mattwho,

I’m still checking in here, just havnt had time to sit down and post.

Your new project is looking nice, looks like some pretty hard rails that you have going on there, interested to hear a ride report as always!

And double concave too-I didn’t expect that, so can’t wait for the ride report! I’m assuming that its the same board that you posted in your buckle buddies thread in the general discussion forum, so must be finished and ready for testing?

Some stuff going on this end, and making real progress, New test board completed, and tested.

The result… Positive! Exactly as I had hoped, bigger sweet spot from the concave moved up slightly, and getting those last second maneuvers in on closeout sections etc, which means an extra maneuver per wave. Also the board feels more lively whilst still being fast and drivey.

So success, but more testing required to see if I can find any flaws.

Things to do differently next time are to thin the tail down a touch more, and am extra pass with the sander to shave off some more grams.

If you are interested to see what rocker numbers I used let me know, and I will pm you them.

In other news I made rail templates, so working with those for better replication of rails.


Hey LTM,

Stoked to hear your report!!!

Yeah PM those rocker #'s.

Ordered 2 new blanks today.

1st one just like the one for the Arrimid job.

2nd really bending it to what I’m looking for…

And more than likely your #'s…

On the rails on the new board.

Really tired of doing other shapers rails.

MY way 2 bands and roll the deck.

Tuck the edge from nose to the shaka zone.

I have a form in my bay with all rails profiled at center.

Sorry can’t find the electronic sheet.

But here is some help, Huck posted this a while back.

A jewel and I tuck them away!

Helps to visualize how your bands work out.



PM those rocker numbers.

Found the cheat sheet!


Kinda done with the step up for now.

Waves just starting to get consistant here.

We have had enough waves the make progress.

That “step up” will a lot more testing.


there is a gap in the Boys quiver and I feel he needs a

Groveller or Stubby

Really getting my head around this concept.

And maybe I should check my blood pressure

What Fun!


A couple of things…

If you have been following

From 3 striger gun to this…

A “Stubbie”???

Or a Groveller?

A board to fill the gap between Mini Sim and groveller.

Got some ideas and going to work.


DIg the last photo!

Sin Bin rocks!

Double post

Keep it coming Mattwho!

What Concaves have you got planned for this one?

Hey LTM,


got both blanks shaped.

The first a mellow rocker’d

soft rail Stubbie.

Flat to single concave.

Ha!  I fibbed when I took the order.

Had to get my shit togerther and make a new template.

had some real fun, I mean damn fun!!!

That was last night.

Just dusted off and Holy Moly I am stoked!

Finished off Boys new Ah, Stubbie

That is the one with the double wings.

Unlike the last step up with 2 band hard rails.

Eh, kinda practiced on the 1st board.

Nice volume rails with as much edge as I could get

Ah, within the norm of “begger boards” or grovellers.

Boys board was a challenge

and another new template.

single concave

double concave


I added a flat flip at the every end.

So stoked.

Photo’s comin’






Boy got some @ Secos this morning.

Backhand for Boy, good test conditions.

Well shaped wave at the start then the racetrack

as fast as you can go!

Good float

very nice paddle

entry piece of cake

lively and FN fast!

Rails work unreal

not one bobble…

Hope to have some Go Pro video soon.

I like this thread…