Underground revival Update

I like this thread…

Tread has gone dead.

One of the best rockin’ sessions ever!

Still HERE, Still STOKED!

Although not much action going on here due to the car breaking down and being stuck at the mechanics, plenty of work at the moment, but unfortunately not much testing. I want to take the test board 2 out in some good conditions, surf trip planned next week but conditions not looking very favorable, hopefully conditions will change by then. And October some exciting surf exploration planned!

How are things going there? Hurricane swells?  Please tell!



Sorry for mechanical failure!’

Safari, yeah!

Hoping you get in something good!

Report in as soon as you can

And hope you score!


Don’t know if you are familiar

With Ventura…

I hate crowds, of which we have ample.

I am an old timer and know where to be at what tide and swell.

Wind? Crap shoot.

Got a session with “Boy” a day before everyone thought” Linda” would hit.

Strong but poor shape.

Two sessions “trunks and a 1mm top!

Water is so warm!

Took a few beat downs.

Fun to be with my boy…

Here is the only shot #1,

Boy had a great session as described in prior post

And his was still stoked on the “step up”

Note the water coming off the concave.

Waves did pick up for session 2


Selling enough boards to keep alive.

Really wanted to make a big wave board for Boy

PM’d Bill T for info and got him fired up!

Boy, if willing will just have to ride my old quiver!


Moving on with some stubbies…

Got two going on.

Just finished lam jobs.

#1 a custom order “my take on C/I Dumpster Diver”

Squash tail board.

#2 Boy say, eh Popz #4!,


C/I #4.

O.K. Just MY take…

Both taught me a lot!

#1 piece of cake other than a new template

Used same blank and rocker as Boys new step up.

Single concave, no sweat.

#2 same blank ONLY new rocker.

And eh, thanks again those rocker averages are right on!

Once I received my new blank and got it skinned and roughed

I laid, ah a proprietary rocker jig I have been chasing,.

Shazaam! Fit like a glove!


#2 is the board with the wings another new templte…

If you dug the rail deal

Being I had to do a customer board

II did  a  standard rail “J” California Medium, ah, 2 different ways

#1 forgiving.

#2 or Boys, nasty as I could get.

Still both within “groveler” conditions.


Really liked working on Boys #4 knock off!

Single. Double, vee with a flat flip!

Compared with all the other boards in the racks

So much more nose and tail rocker…

Very, very stoked!

IMHO this is exactly where I want to be!


On a mission to get #2 wet!


Good hunting….

Good Going!

Looks like you are keeping nice and busy.

Ventura crowds, I imagine it gets pretty busy… BUT … If you are local and you work flexi-time, I guess you can still score and avoid most of the crowds.  Sounds like thats how you do it.

  Where I come from I used to go out on the big onshore days, when it just looked a mess in most peoples eyes, and I would usually find some clean faces, and have some great waves.   99% of sessions in those conditions were well worth going in.

The board being surfed in the photo is the step-up from previous posts? I remember that being given the thumbs up from your test pilot.  So the next test will be the stubbie. Waiting for that!

Double wing- Nice!   I have seen guys ripping and going nuts on double wingers!  Always wanted to try one! Looking at the placement, one wing at the side fins, the other at the middle of the centre fin??

Do you glass the deck sides first?

As mentioned before, more testing needed here, but I am thinking that I am pretty happy with the new rocker from tail to the middle of the board  ( can tweak it slightly to suit different riders),   the next test might be to stage the nose rocker a little more with the same rocker at the nose but slightly more flip.Perhaps I could shorten my standard shortboard by an inch by doing that.

 Hopefully in 2016 I will get my boards into the hands of some highly skilled test pilots for some highly valued feedback. we will have to see how things go.

More theory from me…  (yes, again) haha


Check out the link, Perhaps I already posted it a while back,   What stands out is 2inches tail rocker- at first I though that it might be an error or throwing a googly, but thinking about it now it CAN make sense.

If the vee is shaped in afterwards at the tail this could increase the rail rocker a bit, also if the board has very little concave I would think that the rocker must be super flat through the centre of the board, this would mean more tail flip thus giving him his acute angle of attack.    Just another one of my theories!

Only Medina surfs like Medina, so be sticking to my moderate concaves haha





The last in the JOB series!




A little update

got the next "stubbies lam’d

Here’s a shot

Grandkids on quality patrol.


Good lookin boards, and good lookin kids! Can’t beat that.


Teaching Deegan

he loves the name “shop Gremmie”

Great listen’r…

Stubbies looking good, Nice clean shapes.

Grandkids looking stoked to be in the workshop with you!

Been doing some more testing here, got some good sessions in…  very small waves and having to hit it early before the wind kicks in and kills it.    Still very positive, I found a right hand peak, and have had it all to myself. Forehand is also very positive, felt silky smooth on some roundhouse cutbacks and snaps. not enough power in the waves to do any full bottom turns, but I can’t see them being a problem when the conditions improve, I cant wait to get this board out in some bigger juice- Its designed to be my all-rounder so it needs to work in everything, so far I have no reason to believe that it won’t. Hopefully will get it out further down the coast in the next day or two in some bigger waves (I’m expecting it to be a little over head high)

Some custom orders coming in these days, taking my time and making sure I get them right, 

One is a Retro Fish 6’ 2’‘, customer wants thruster option, so can’t take the butt crack too far up, heavy chap (95kilos), and  intermediate surfer- going high volume on this one (almost 3’') with full rails so he can get the most out of the board. Very slightly higher rocker than standard Retro Fish rocker due to a lot of the conditions around here so being so traditionally ‘‘fish friendly’’.

Any more testing your end?    New projects?

  Do Tell

Thanks of the GKids!

Love them dearly!

You just need to get into some good surf!

Hoping and praying you get hooked up and get some testing in.

So far you’re all around sounds promising.

As in “silky smooth on some roundhouse cutbacks and snaps”

Glad to hear it, really!

Just seeing too many (not mine) boards bogging on hard transitions.

Good surfers can make it work and the public eats it up!


Retro for sure….

I have a balsa/Flite El Salvador SL Fish,  just way too cool.

Oh, classic wood twin fins…

If you are interested got a design.

That is bad ass in small flat faced crap.

Got a good ride report today…

All excellent, except retro landings.

Thinkin’ I going to lose the GG based “Felix” tail and go big round pin with a flip starting @6”.

BTW, basically what’s Going on

Is use a “fish Blank” and reduce nose rocker.

“Flat is fast”.


The Stubbies have been both fun and time consuming.

Think I got my filler coat a little fat and filled up my concaves

Not real bad, I think you know, its close, as soon as you pull out the excess, it’ll go off.

And somehow it’ll still run in…

Hope to get these wet!

Here’s what’s going on with these guys…

Using (on Boys) the same rocker as the average we have.

Both the Stubbie and the step up were close in rocker.

Probably already said I had a head start snooping C/I’s #4

Actually put my wonder rocker jig on the unshaped blank

No dice! But very close.

Noted needed adjustments.

Ha! After shaping, put the jig back on…

Well now!

Fit like a glove.


I can get both groveler and step up outta the same blank…

Can’t say I am not excited, developing the “Stubbie” or what I call ‘em, Grorvellers.

Here’s some hot off the presses stuff!


Got the first “Magoo”

done and ready for testing…

Boy just took off with it.

Got a little surf

so tommorow I’m hoping to get a ride report.

LTM your probably on “safari” best of luck.

Just wish I could still surf “them there little boards”

5-8  single, double and vee 

with oxymoron rails.

That is,

soft but agressive


We will just have to see…



Ya know something?

Down here in Sway’'s underbelly

cute word for underground.

We all know Mattwho can blow some smoke

Forgive me! Just an old, ugly and grumpy.

And within this sanctum

I wish to confess my sins.

Being an underground’r

I never gave a shit about the finish.

Just knock the edges off and go.

Now in my last go at this.

I hate my glasser and he hates me.

Yeah, I hate myself right now.

Will this pass Lord?

Meanwhile how about some entertainment?

Eh, thanks for lookin’ in….



Anyone out there?

Sorry no mean offend with my tippyze sense of humor.

LTM if you are still out there…


Just finished Magoo #1

Really made it for a local surfer

No bucks!

Really nice stick…

My wife saw my pain…

Later she busted in to my shop

And sez, how much?

Gave her the Bro deal

Forgot “Boy’s B-Day the 15Th.

God moves in mysterious ways, eh?

Bottom-line got some bucks and I get feedback….


Really need to ask what are you riding???

I suspect we may have a little more common ground.

The break down

2 grovelers

#1 basic

#2 performance

Both with my take on rails.

Of which I would  call

Oxymoron rails


I’ll explain

Soft with some bite!


Ride report on #2

Being the more advanced of the two.

First the rails

Sorry no photos but

Mostly like early Lopez tucked edge.

And just adjusting the bite

Wish I could get some more detailed photos on #2

Or at least #1

#2 's rails works quite well!

#2 goes hard @ the front of fin

#1 goes hard @ mid fin.

Also #2 had the wing @ “just about” the exit off the inside edge of the forward fin.

Boy loved that!

EZ too bust the fins loose.

Ah, in junky surf

Also #2 has more rocker than #1

And #2 has logged so serious wave time.

“Boy” loves it a little too much.

(Already coming back in for repairs)

So after Boys B-Day

I’ll give up a ride report on #1.

He just loves new toys…



Yew love your work, gets me stoked.

Guess with board is mine…

Haha awesome shot - a little judicious cropping would yield a cover shot! Matty’s boards go deep!

Hey Mattwho,

 I’m still checking in!    Glad to see your stubbies being given the thumbs-up but the test rider(s)  They are looking good.

Plenty of work at the moment, getting some good feedback!  just as I think that I have a bit of breathing space - in come some boards for repair,  when someone turns up with their board expecting me to repair it, I just can’t say no.

nice to be busy, and enjoyable with the radio pumping out.

As far as R & D, not much going on, but mind is still stoked and on overdrive.

One order is for a friend that will be visiting next month-  He surfs similar boards that I surf.

 I know that I will be able to borrow the board for a few waves so this can be ‘test board 3’ I reduced the entry rocker slightly, by approx 0.2’’ (12" down from nose) tail rocker is at 2.30 (rail rocker),.

Nose rocker also reduced at 4.5’’   hopefully enough tail rocker to stop from pearling the nose on steeper drops, to be honest I wish that i had given it an extra 0.25’’ or so of nose flip.   Single to inset double with the double going all the way through the tail, the last inch or so has just a fraction of a mm so almost flat off the back of the tail block.   After I try this I should have a good idea how flat I can take the entry rocker (12" from nose). 

Surf safari cancelled, conditions too poor for the crossing. but hopefully i can find some half decent waves locally…

Any new projects in the pipeline Mattwho?


Entertainment… Check it out, in the hands of that test pilot this board looks sick!




Sorry no safari.

Eh, maybe a cool saying for the wife!

All the same a wound to my heart as well.

Been trying to bone up a little on your general conditions.

And you mention boat ride…

Please be careful.

Yup, Channel Islands.

You always have an eye out for changing conditions.

Here the “Channel” should not be challeged.

I fear worse for you, watch your ass…

Glad to hear your busy…

And I really like your perspective regarding tail rocker.

Anyway, here I’m trying to sell what is “been sittin’”.

The new stuff sells as well as do the good test boards

Eh, as long as I can pay the bills!

Shit I’ll have another beer!

Eh, I am lucky

Somewhat retired and on the break even and have fun side of things.

AND by God 

bust down some doors.

Eh, advanced surfboards

that is!

Should I lay it down?


Let’s just say that

in my day things changed almost daily.

And nothing was out of bounds.

Sorry, old man driftin’.

Surf has been good!

Solid feed back on the Magoo#2

Boy pushed it to the limits.

Yesterday and today more juice.

Ha! Boy semi buckled the nose on Magoo 2 Sunday.

And HAD to ride the new step up,

the new one with the rocker.

Paddles great

Entry, nice

Stable and fast in the barrel.


And I truly hate this shit!

I have been getting to the point of razor sharpe rail at the the tail

because that is what sells. 

Sorry I did it to Boy,

He said, hey “Popz” ,

long story short, hard ass rails don’t work in higher energy surf.

Basically to much bite.

Love it!