Weapons of Mass Velocity (WMv's). . . .

Equipment aside, if you guys really want to go balls to wall in maxed-out Lani’s, I think it really boils down to surfing ability, not technical aspects of surfboards.

A good Indian can shoot any arrow.

But lets all be civilized about this. I don’t really want to see any carnage.

Bill… . …

How about Makaha and Malaaea ? Isn’t Malaaea supposed to be the fastest wave in the world? I have always wanted to have a go at it.


PS Your plan could backfire. . . . we could all have a great deal of fun and end being friends. . . just pointing out the risk involved.

Go easy on Roy… Frankly I’m a bit unimpressed with what I ‘ve seen of both these guys. Everytime that I’ve seen CarveNalu photos I don’t see anything other than a guy on an oversized log using a different method of getting into a wave. At least Roy is a freak. My money is on him. But I think it would have to take place in a nuetral location -not Carvenalu’'s home breaks.

And CarveNalu, what you said about fast boards being an obvious benefit at places like pipe isn’t really true. I mean name one aspect of the narrow, rockered out, thin boards currently being used there that make them fast.


Hi Roy -

Better not let Chipfish see that “multi-winged” skin in the background in shot #2… he’ll be drooling all over the place.

No …not drooling , shaking with fear / "flashbacks " , actually .

Roy ,

please please please …

make sure you are wearing a helmet , if / when you ride that multi multi multi winger thing …

ONE wing on hicksy’s moonrocket put a DEEP hole in my head ,

so, I would HATE to think what all THOSE ones would do !!

[your head could get a job as a water jet fountain , a pepper shaker , or a colander , once THOSE wings have done their damage !]

Also , please try not to surf it around OTHERS either , if you can help it .

I certainly don’t want to sound like a ‘killjoy’ here …I just am concerned for tender skulls meeting sharp pointy objects , is all …


I cut all the wings off Chipster, they are just the offcuts from the blank. . . thought you might want them !

Now where did that thing come from? . . . I’m sure I don’t know.


3) Assuming that CarveNalu and I went out for a surf, and we both made some waves, how are you going to decide who went fastest? if you try to do it by eyeballing it we are right back where we started ! We need GPS.

  1. CarveNalu has to step right up and accept my GPS offer. . . . if your waves are so fast then he will be posting faster times than me, which would shut me up, at my own financial expense, so why ‘wuss’ out of it ? For the game to make sense, CarveNalu must accept the GPS challenge, this applies here or in Hawaii, so lets start that part of it (the GPS measurements) up right now, and if the Hawaii thing happens then well and good.

This is bothering you that I don’t take you up on your GPS offer isn’t it? Hehe!


  1. You make my point. Truth is, in the final analysis, you always surf alone. Always. It’s you and the wave.

  2. For big speed you need bigger, if not big waves.

  3. You won’t make the waves at Laniakea. So your lack of speed will be an objective observation.

  4. The answer to this point is show up, or shut up.

  5. The ‘meds’ comment was in jest (per Keith Melville). It’s only ‘talking big’ if you can’t back it up. As you

so honestly point out, you are talking big. You really shouldn’t do that. There are people that participate in this

forum that know the difference.

So maybe I pay for my own family to go, would that bother you ?

Or is that cheating ?

I want to surf Malaaea

Isn’t it reputed to be the fastest wave in the world ?

Laniakea looks a bit slow



I’ll throw in a 100 bucks. Not 200 though. I don’t care about the speed challenge. I want to see those boards in real Hawaiian surf. I’m skeptical they will work. (The ones I have seen). They seem to work fine in the surf Roy rides and they way he prefers to ride them. Bring plenty of sun screen. Mike

Thanks everyone, I am off for a wee glass of red,

I wonder how fast surfers go at Laniakea?

We could soon know, just swallow the GPS pill. . . . . .

That’s what modern technology is so good for. . . . cutting the BS


Go easy on Roy… Frankly I’m a bit unimpressed with what I ‘ve seen of both these guys. Everytime that I’ve seen CarveNalu photos I don’t see anything other than a guy on an oversized log using a different method of getting into a wave. At least Roy is a freak. My money is on him. But I think it would have to take place in a nuetral location -not Carvenalu’'s home breaks.

And CarveNalu, what you said about fast boards being an obvious benefit at places like pipe isn’t really true. I mean name one aspect of the narrow, rockered out, thin boards currently being used there that make them fast.

Haha! This is getting good! I’m not trying to impress anyone with photo’s I post… If I wanted to showcase my surfing ability I’d surf shortboards and put up pics of big snaps or something… I ride oversized logs because its fun and to be honest, they ain’t that fast! In fact, they are slow compared to my regular boards… ALL I SAID TO ROY WAS HIS BOARDS LOOK SLOW TO ME… He’s the one wanting to challenge me to some speed surf off… It’ll never happen cause this is all internet BS anyway… As far as pipe guns, your saying an OLO board will go faster than a modern day pipe gun at pipe? OK… That’s your opinion so great! Its OK to think that! I won’t hold it against you! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!


I wonder how fast surfers go at Laniakea?

We could soon know, just swallow the GPS pill. . . . . .

That’s what modern technology is so good for. . . . cutting the BS

Well, hmmmmmm unless you get over here with that GPS of yours, we may never know! BTW, I went back and watched your videos… You still look like you’re going slow compared to what others could do on those waves. I’m sorry! It’s just my OPINION!!! Hahahahaha!!! But I gotta admit… I do dig your craftmanship!

Be careful Roy,

The other edge of that GPS sword you so freely wave about, is that it will also record how SLOW you are going. Are you sure that WMv doesn’t mean “Weapons of Micro Velocity” ?

Lively discussion but slowly spiralling somewhere we don’t want to go to again…PM each other if you want to pursue it…

Roy what’s the approx weight of this board when finished…how thick is it going to be…is that an optical illusion or are there gaps in your weave, looks like some sections are not there or raised…

Roy’s does his own thing, that you have to respect, because its his individual take on surfing, his own expression. Same with Carve Nalu’s approach.

I say let’s do both. Both sides have to compromise . . . Roy takes some boards up to Hawaii and Carve Nalu does the GPS test. But both sides agree on everything first.

I’ll pitch in $50 by 5/22/06, or $100 (maybe more) in august into the RHTF (Roy Hawaiian Test Flight).

I think Roy’s boards would rock the house (meaning do pretty well, I don’t about the speed thing, since I haven’t seen Roy ride in person), since they are as long as Olo’s and he can do what Duke and the ancient Hawaiians used to do: Ride a swell before it broke.

Maybe lay down a few rules. Such as Roy decides what conditions he can take and both go out, maybe have Roy come in week early to get used to Hawaiian waves, etc.

That said,

Surfermag did a speed test of boards . . .

Sponge, longboard, shortboard. Everyone wore GPS . . . Shortboard was fastest, sponge second, longboard last. But they should have included kneeboards, and mats. That would have added some dimensions . . .

Look you guys don’t know who you’re up against here. Roy is the unltimate power speed surfer. If he runs into you you’re basically dead.

I reckon he’d be all over some of those outer reefs you guys have there. Who needs a Jet Ski whan you’ve got a 10 foot long solid Kauri heatseeking missile?

Anyway as for proving grounds I’d like to see some of you poofs rock up at some rocky beast of a wave, surrounded by fur seals, sea lions, penguins, sharks, four days walk from anywhere, middle of winter, No babes on the beach, No photographers, No magazine writers, No big he-men stroking your egos, no one else for god knows how far, no rescue helecopter, no jet skis, water temp freezing, you’re by yourself, it’s god knows how big. You don’t know if the wave you are watching is even surfable. When you paddle out in that you are a hell man in my book. Now I reckon a crazy old dude like Roy would paddle out… no hesitation.

I’ll donate my couch or some floor space for a few days if Roy comes to Hawaii.

KiwiSpud, aka "Poof ",

You reckon wrong. Roy won’t show, and Roy won’t go. And don’t go down that lone surfer, no photographers path. Roy is not able to surf without the family in attendance, and manages to post photos ad nauseum. You have a basic ignorance about surfing, and waves, or you would know better than to make the above statements. Your scope is limited.

(Roy by any other name, is still Roy.) Nice try.

i think you guys are pricks and let roy have his fun

just cuz i can surf doesnt mean i wanna prove my big nuts

by paddling out in 15 ft waves

you guys grew up with that

i grew up surfing 2 foot shoreys and its where im at

all power to the big wave legends


give roy a hard time

your claiming king of cool with BS

all roy is saying his boards are fast

and posting pics of it

and the criticism he gets his hardly constructive

that fight was deffinately picked not by roy

take what you want thats good for you and leave the rest

roys woodworking skills are cool. learn from that

iff you dont like his designs who cares

personally if you dont like roy, dont bother reading his posts

go and hijack someone elses thread with your negativity.

i personally think that anything over 6 2 is a log

but you dont see me dissing longboarders

or longboard builders

even though they are drag in any lineup

ive seen video of roy gliding through sections that most shortboards cant even get planning on

and you cant deny it

hell i ride a 6 2

but whateva floats your boat right.

Well said, Silly.