Weapons of Mass Velocity (WMv's). . . .

I see what you mean Hicksy it looks like some of the cross members are lowered or not there, it’s just the shadow from some blocking on the upper fore and aft layer.

Weight wise the board will be about 48 pounds, no special attention being paid to making it light, just slapping it together.


Aloha Boys

I have missed this thread and just checked in on it now.

I have tears in my eyes and a pain in my chest from laughing so hard.

Roy, thank you for being so unique! You are an asset to Swaylock’s regardless of how fast your boards go or you think they go, or any of us may think they don’t go. Your passion, be it twisted or not, lightens my day.

Carvenalu… Your Bananas put me in tears! And I have a GPS you can borrow but you will have to do something better to protect it than wrap it up in Bananas! Ha!

And Thraikill… your “get Roy to Hawaii fund” is even better than the GPS Bananas! I would be willing to donate if need be. Mainly just so I can meet Roy in person! And your needing some meds to calm down comment brought forth images of your lovely and patient, surfers wife, trying to calm you down and ease you away from the keyboard before you blew a gasket.

There were too many other great quips and comments to mention, that were all hilarious! You provocateurs know who you are… Roy, you handled it all much better than the old Roy did.

At the great risk of offending anyone here or sounding like I am taking sides… About 10-15 years ago, there was a local boy here named Lucious. Any of you guys remember him?

Roy, this guy was your soul mate!

He made these huge RED pintail surfboards with gigantic black single fins that looked like they came right off of a killer whale! We glassed many of his boards here at ProGlass. I think the biggest one was 16’. Some of you Oahu boys may remember him driving around in his small white compact car with these huge red guns strapped to the roof with so much rocker that they looked like they would block his view out the windshield!

Very unique guy, very unique boards… that sadly didn’t work at all. But he was having all the fun he needed and was doing something that made sense to him even though it flew in the face of all convention.

Roy, I have a suggested test to establish some sense of “speed” in your surfing of your boards. I noticed in your videos that you rarely cut back. I presume this is because that even with your blazing fast boards, you never get ahead of the wave enough to do a cut back because you are riding such lined up and extremely fast waves.

Yet… the actual waves themselves look kind of mushy and slow and appear to have plenty of places where, with the right board for those waves, more speed could have been generated, well beyond wave speed, such that cut backs would be necessary to get back to the power source.

I would love to see video of you on your boards someplace were there was a well formed and lined up point or reef break. Especially with rides by other surfers on their equipment for comparison. Maybe that is what others were thinking by suggesting Laniakea. Save us the Hawaiian plane fare and travel with your family to some of those great NZ point breaks we hear about and show us the SPEED!!

Thanks again for the chuckles everyone!

Why do you say that I have a basic ignorance of surfing? You have no idea who I am, where I’ve been, what I’ve done and how long I’ve been doing it for. Now in Tasmania they have a wave called Shipsterns. Unfortunately those dudes sold out and had to tell everyone about it. I want you to go and get your Atlas and look at the Southern ocean. Then check out Buoyweather in July and start thinking bout how limited your scope is, stuck on a god forsaken nine mile strip of over hyped, over crowded coastline. . The North shore would have been a great place in 1950. Sounds like hell on earth to me now.

About 10-15 years ago, there was a local boy here named Lucious. Any of you guys remember him?”


“rubberlove” wants to know him , if he is , in fact , really “luscious” …

was it THIS guy , Bill ???


yeah pussies

i dare you to fly over here and sample some of this big wave madness

i know you guys have big balls

but when you have a surf in 10 degreeC water

even you will have trouble finding them


thanks for the powlonia Roy

that was a great deal

O-K-A-Y D-O-K-A-Y T-H-E-N , Paul …

“luscious” , and “rubberlove” will visit you soon …

you have been warned …

just make sure that the Rubberguy doesn’t try to surf your backdoor eh mate ?



why dont we all fly ova to the north shore

is it an open invitation

(theres not enough tourists there?)

i cant gaurantee ill paddle out when its big

but i can gaurantee to drink all your beer

eat all your food

that chip will shag all your hot single chicks

and steal all your fins

while taking photos

roy will take someones eye out driving into a carpark

Good on you Roy, I respect the not wanting to fly, I wish I had the morals to not fly anywhere, the environmental impact of lowcost airlines sucks. and also good on you for trying to remain gentlemanly in all this Roy bashing.

It is true that traditionally fast waves are the testing grounds for fast boards, and non of the waves you’ve shown us are exactly Hell Barrels, maybe some footage on some savage waves, I’ve heard tales of beasts in the south island.

Why not take up Roy’s GPS offer CarveNalu, I don’t see what you’ve got to lose, maybe send it round, make it into a swaylocks round the world GPS speed challange?

Any figures from the GPS yet Roy?

No Ben,

I think that is KwiStud, or KiwiPud, or KiwiDud(e), something like that. I won’t embarress you by asking why you’ve held onto his picture. Was that all you held on to??? Isn’t the real topic here " was it fast"? Was it? Keep the humor coming. (no pun intended) Now you’ve got me doing it!

The testing grounds for speed:

  1. Pray for a BIG south swell!

  2. Get this “Speed-demon” to Hawaii

  3. Slap him with the GPS

  4. Maalaea!

  5. Dial 911

Goodmorning! Ahhhh 5:00am and the waves are cracking… North Shore is overhead right now and conditions are pretty good…

Hicksy’s right… This thing has spiraled out of control! You know Roy, you and I think this is pretty funny but some people here are getting mad? All from a basic observation on a few videos… Joel wrote nothing special about what I do and I don’t impress him but you know what? That’s totally OK because I’m not trying to impress you guys! I’m no pro! Pictures don’t lie! I’m just a regular guy that surfs but lately I been using a canoe paddle… Now if I were Andy Irons and he said nothing special then I would question it because that would be a mistake on REALITY.

As far as the GPS challenge thing goes, once and for all this is the ONLY WAY I’ll spend anytime doing this thing… Roy comes to me face to face, shakes my hand and we surf together. I’ll do it small waves, big waves, slow waves, fast waves… I don’t care. When we’re done we can go have a beer and we can talk story and I’ll even buy him dinner… I have nothing against Roy and like I said before, I love his craftsmanship and I commend him for sticking to a path less travelled.

I will now go surfing and be back way later and peek in here again. I shudder to think what will be going on by then! Hahaha! For those of you that are actually getting upset by this thread, just relax, take a few deep breaths, say OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM… OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM… Then grab your board and go get some waves! Try not to bust any vessels guys! Hehe!

Fellas, there’s an easier way.

Roy surfed ‘normal’ boards for 20 years before embarking on his current path. I’m sure he could scare up something from someone on the beach…shoot vid of the same wave, same day, of Roy riding one of his Olos and riding something of someone else’s. We’d see if there were spots for cutbacks, or if it really is a balls-to-the-wall speed line.

Similarly, while the collection probably won’t be enough to send 12 Scots Kiwis to Hawaii, it probably would be enough to rustle up some pine & varnish…isn’t there a single Swaylocker in Hawaii willing to build a 16’er to Roy’s plans and give an independent review? We know the plans are buildable - Rhino’s 6’ egg is gorgeous.

Bill T, I don’t really get why you take this so personally. Its a pretty funny thing, really.

Silly, I’ll give you a solid run for the money in the small wave/drink all the beer arena. :slight_smile:

Here’s a way easier and less contentious way to settle it. Use the fund to fly me to Hawaii (I have a much smaller family, friends to stay with and I’ll gladly leave the dog at home) as I’d be stoked to surf with Thrailkill & Carve Nalu, both of whom will undoubtedly go faster than me. Then send me back home to NZ so I can have a go on one of Roy’s boards (he’ll also undoubtedly go faster too) and everyone will be a winner and there’s no chance of Chip & Silly drinking Oahu dry and causing any number of international incidents. No? Worth a shot though.

Bill B.- I’m really tired after a nice solid day on the widowmaker (I went faster than all of you) and not enough sleep yesterday but there was also the 16 foot or thereabouts ‘Aaawoooo’ board that wsa being ridden a while back on the North Shore. You people are all nuts.


Was that Lucious Lee? I remember him from college and his big old gun board. He was friends with James Jones. He was also attacked by a great white in Makaha in the 60’s.

I am not sure about all this speed thing. I just want a board that will catch easy, drive me through the sections, turn when I need to turn and keep me in the juicy part of the wave.

Hey, I am a simple guy!



So maybe I pay for my own family to go, would that bother you ?

Or is that cheating ?

I want to surf Malaaea

Isn’t it reputed to be the fastest wave in the world ?

Laniakea looks a bit slow







Funny how nearly everyone seems to be confusing speed with big wave riding and tube riding. . . .

And also it is strange how discussing speed brings up so much emotion, like it’s a taboo subject or something.

From my point of view, it’s a fairly intellectual pursuit, I don’t really equate trying to go fast with having to take off on massive waves or proving myself as a big wave hell man, and it surprises me that people seem to assume that I am pumping myself up as a great surfer sinmply because I have built some fast boards.

The point is that going faster on any kind of wave is what I am talking about. . . if that’s big waves then it’s all good, small waves, also good.

I am interested in discussions about speed, and measuring speed as a design tool, not all this emotional irrational stuff.

In my opinion the speed discussion here reveals an immaturity . . . it’s as if we don’thave the language or the presenceof mind to talk about it without it becoming a macho standoff, that’s a pity really, because it hinders the exchange of information which we could be having.

It’s been fun though, and thanks for all the input, and the invitations/challenges, it shows that there is at least some interest in the subject of pure speed.

See you soon.


PS Sometimes the fastest speed on any given day will be only a few knots. . . . like on a day of small unbroken swell. … . . . I am interestedin that side of things too, not just the very obvious big wave tube stuff. . . . surfing fast can be a very gentle pursuit, just like gliding or sailing can be .



I want to surf Malaaea

Isn’t it reputed to be the fastest wave in the world ?

Laniakea looks a bit slow



Roy, look, you put out this stuff on velocity and coupled it w/ the video(s) and all I said was that I don’t understand where your rational comes from. A few other people seem to have similar understandings of your points. Each time you added a little bit of antagonism to the posts. Most people have a pretty good feeling for speed, because we’ve all gone fast. I’ve watch countless hours of video and don’t think I’m too far off the mark in understanding that fast is a relative term; inertia might be more of what gives you the thrill.

You didn’t want Lani’s but wanted Maalaea, so there is some video for you to attach to your GPS fixation. If you could get that 17’er in there I’ll make the trophy.

Regardless of that discussion, I think most all of the posts held your wood building on its own high shelf. So, if you want to, keep the velocity theory coming, we’re all ears.

Please note that big wave surfers have the fastest speeds of all surfing. They can use hydrofoil boards, and paddling speeds won’t cause those to work. Why do you think on the bigger waves they have to tow in? Their board designs must be done so they are stable at higher speeds, even adding weight to their boards.

I read about a story about a big wave surfer, who after riding the wave, decided to ride up the face and kick out. He flew up off the face, and launched 30 feet up in the air. When he came down, he broke his leg while landing on the water.

Yeah, I think its safe to say big wave surfers have speed.

Maybe the speed shouldn’t be the fastest board . . . it should be classified as the fastest Y type board for X and X conditions.

Also speed is subjective depending on who you ask . . . . some people think a loose board is a faster board, but it is not faster in terms covering distance, it is faster in the fact there are more things going on with that board, and more responses you can get out of it.

Yes, a faster speed is possible on a bigger wave (all else being equal)

Regarding hydrofoils, I use them too, except that I use them to reduce the load on the bottom of the board to reduce friction without hoisting the board completely out of the water.

The idea that speed is subjective is, strictly speaking, untrue, which is why I am suggesting measuring speed.


Regardless of that discussion, I think most all of the posts held your wood building on its own high shelf. So, if you want to, keep the velocity theory coming, we’re all ears.

Not really, I am just a backyarder,for the record, my opinion is that my craftsmanship is in the strictly functional category, I use rough sawn timber and have glue joints which would probably make Jim Phillips cringe. . . I save my fine finishing for the surfaces which contact the water, apart from that if it’s strong then I’m happy. . . I brush resin on my decks and that’s it, no sanding, pretty feral really. I do, however, hold my designs on a ‘high shelf’ .