Did you chamber the Agave board and what is the final weight ?
Just watched the IKE surfboards doco, reckon the Sways crew will love it.
No chambers. I don’t have a scale, but it is light. Possibly too light and soft in spots, but if glassed heavy hopefully I can surf it at least occasionally. Probably 20% heavier than a PU of the same size. I have now also shaped a GrowBlanks blank and it is substantially denser (Agave sisalana vs. local Agave americana).
I completely dig that video. When did you do it?? Think he would talk to me if I called him?? I’m not too many years behind him. I bring blanks, resin & cloth up from So. Calif. Still shape a bit. Don’t get in the water much up here. Pretty damned cold. But I can only hack California for a few days at a time. It’s quiet up here. Like Calif. was when I was a kid. Good fishing, clamming etc. Surf is outta control all winter long. Mostly mediocre beach breaks. Reminds me of SM Rivermouth, Morro Bay etc. But more outta control. Yeah I enjoyed that 9’6 IKE. I’ve ridden Yaters,(Rennie & Lauren)Haut, Pearson,Ole, Rusty, John Mel, and my own Little Hawaii Surf Designs shapes. I started shaping again in ‘98 in Oceano in a shed in my backyard and then later out in Los Berros at a place called the “Chicken Ranch.
Thanks! Glad you liked it. Finished editing, licensing, etc., in mid 2024. Very cool that you’re still shaping after all this time. … Unfortunately, my uncle made it clear after his last magazine interview that he just wants to enjoy peace and quiet with grandkids and great grandkids; not interested in talking about the old days and surfing anymore.
Very nice video SquidC. Top quality.
I suspect most Sways members would like it.
Watch it…
Finally finished (well almost, waiting for red plug to cure then sand) an epoxy planer knob started in 2013…
I might have finished it faster had I used the right size light bulb as a mold and better thought out the whole bolt thing. First pic is the knob-in-waiting, last three were done in the last day.
That’s a pretty decent work space. The problem with upstairs spaces and basements is that there is usually some narrow stairway with twists and turns and a couple of rail banging door ways. The worst is when the door swings outward and you are at the top of the stairs. With a blank under your arm you have to open the door toward you and back down the stairs at the same time. Then go back up the stairs and through the door. Remember a heat gun or a blow dryer and a wet rag will raise those dents and dimples in Poly blanks.
we can deal with most of the twist and turns, since the blanks go up raw, and go out shaped and laminated.
the highest point of the room is 185 cms.
do you know the worst part? is the stick to walking on the middle of the room, because when you start walking on the sides you are always hiting your head, better wear helmet.
cheers and good waves
The surf has been terrible on my side of the island since October, and I don’t like to drive far to surf. I still have a semi hollow board I haven’t used yet, but I decided to start a new project.
I wasn’t happy with the last all XPS board I made for myself, I think the foam is too dense. I cut rocker slices from some very light and soft EPS that I plan to sandwich between rocker slices of the dense XPS. I am hoping the XPS will have enough stiffness to compensate for the soft EPS and the EPS will give the board a lot more air. Hoping that will make paddling feel better, and make the bioard feel more lively. Probably do flax on the deck but I don’t know about the bottom.
My back went psycho on me again this week after I did too much work in the yard. I’m out of commission until it gets better. I have the XPS ready to be cut, and I plan on making a 6’ x 20.5" x 2.5" fish outline without a buttcrack. This will be for the summer when my side of the island gets better waves.
I am always a little worried to use xps even if it’s an easy material to find for me. Often see delam with it. But for a sup project i use it 6cm wide to expand an eps blank, glueded with pu, it work nice and still no problems. I bet with your experience it will succeed.
i have had my share of delaminations with the high temperatures we have here. Luckily, these are experiments and I don’t worry about them failing. It will be interesting if this works, but I won’t have much of the soft EPS left.
I like the shape of the yellow board.
Look nice!